# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011 Kouhei Sutou # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA require 'stringio' module Groonga # データベースの内容をgrn式形式の文字列として出力するクラス。 class DatabaseDumper def initialize(options={}) @options = options end def dump options = @options.dup have_output = !@options[:output].nil? options[:output] ||= StringIO.new if options[:database].nil? options[:context] ||= Groonga::Context.default options[:database] = options[:context].database end options[:dump_plugins] = true if options[:dump_plugins].nil? options[:dump_schema] = true if options[:dump_schema].nil? options[:dump_tables] = true if options[:dump_tables].nil? dump_plugins(options) if options[:dump_plugins] dump_schema(options) if options[:dump_schema] dump_tables(options) if options[:dump_tables] if have_output nil else options[:output].string end end private def dump_plugins(options) first_table = true plugin_paths = {} options[:database].each(:order_by => :id) do |object| next unless object.is_a?(Groonga::Procedure) next if object.builtin? path = object.path next if path.nil? next if plugin_paths.has_key?(path) plugin_paths[path] = true dump_plugin(object, options) end options[:output].write("\n") unless plugin_paths.empty? end def dump_schema(options) SchemaDumper.new(options.merge(:syntax => :command)).dump end def dump_tables(options) first_table = true options[:database].each(:order_by => :key) do |object| next unless object.is_a?(Groonga::Table) next if object.size.zero? next unless target_table?(options[:tables], object) options[:output].write("\n") if !first_table or options[:dump_schema] first_table = false dump_records(object, options) end end def dump_records(table, options) TableDumper.new(table, options).dump end def dump_plugin(plugin, options) output = options[:output] plugins_dir_re = Regexp.escape(Groonga::Plugin.system_plugins_dir) suffix_re = Regexp.escape(Groonga::Plugin.suffix) plugin_name = plugin.path.gsub!(/(?:\A#{plugins_dir_re}\/| #{suffix_re}\z)/x, '') output.write("register #{plugin_name}\n") end def target_table?(target_tables, table) return true if target_tables.nil? or target_tables.empty? target_tables.any? do |name| name === table.name end end end # スキーマの内容をRubyスクリプトまたはgrn式形式の文字列と # して出力するクラス。 class SchemaDumper def initialize(options={}) @options = (options || {}).dup end def dump database = @options[:database] if database.nil? context = @options[:context] || Groonga::Context.default database = context.database end return nil if database.nil? output = @options[:output] have_output = !output.nil? output ||= StringIO.new result = syntax(database, output).dump if have_output result else output.string end end private def syntax(database, output) case @options[:syntax] when :command CommandSyntax.new(database, output) else RubySyntax.new(database, output) end end class BaseSyntax # :nodoc: def initialize(database, output) @database = database @output = output @table_defined = false @index_columns = [] @reference_columns = [] end def dump header dump_schema footer end def dump_schema @database.each(:order_by => :key) do |object| create_table(object) if object.is_a?(Groonga::Table) end @reference_columns.group_by do |column| column.table end.each do |table, columns| change_table(table) do columns.each do |column| define_reference_column(table, column) end end end @index_columns.group_by do |column| column.table end.each do |table, columns| change_table(table) do columns.each do |column| define_index_column(table, column) end end end end private def write(content) @output.write(content) end def header write("") end def footer write("") end def table_separator write("\n") end def create_table(table) table_separator if @table_defined create_table_header(table) table.columns.sort_by {|column| column.local_name}.each do |column| if column.is_a?(Groonga::IndexColumn) @index_columns << column else if column.range.is_a?(Groonga::Table) @reference_columns << column else define_column(table, column) end end end create_table_footer(table) @table_defined = true end def change_table(table) table_separator if @table_defined change_table_header(table) yield(table) change_table_footer(table) @table_defined = true end end class RubySyntax < BaseSyntax # :nodoc: private def create_table_header(table) parameters = [] unless table.is_a?(Groonga::Array) case table when Groonga::Hash parameters << ":type => :hash" when Groonga::PatriciaTrie parameters << ":type => :patricia_trie" end if table.domain parameters << ":key_type => #{table.domain.name.dump}" if table.normalize_key? parameters << ":key_normalize => true" end end default_tokenizer = table.default_tokenizer if default_tokenizer parameters << ":default_tokenizer => #{default_tokenizer.name.dump}" end end parameters << ":force => true" parameters.unshift("") parameters = parameters.join(",\n ") write("create_table(#{table.name.dump}#{parameters}) do |table|\n") end def create_table_footer(table) write("end\n") end def change_table_header(table) write("change_table(#{table.name.inspect}) do |table|\n") end def change_table_footer(table) write("end\n") end def define_column(table, column) type = column_method(column) name = column.local_name write(" table.#{type}(#{name.inspect})\n") end def define_reference_column(table, column) name = column.local_name reference = column.range write(" table.reference(#{name.dump}, #{reference.name.dump})\n") end def define_index_column(table, column) target_table_name = column.range.name sources = column.sources source_names = sources.collect do |source| if source.is_a?(table.class) "_key".dump else source.local_name.dump end end.join(", ") arguments = [target_table_name.dump, sources.size == 1 ? source_names : "[#{source_names}]", ":name => #{column.local_name.dump}"] write(" table.index(#{arguments.join(', ')})\n") end def column_method(column) range = column.range case range.name when "Int32" "integer32" when "Int64" "integer64" when "UInt32" "unsigned_integer32" when "UInt64" "unsigned_integer64" when "Float" "float" when "Time" "time" when "ShortText" "short_text" when "Text" "text" when "LongText" "long_text" else raise ArgumentError, "unsupported column: #{column.inspect}" end end end class CommandSyntax < BaseSyntax # :nodoc: private def create_table_header(table) parameters = [] flags = [] case table when Groonga::Array flags << "TABLE_NO_KEY" when Groonga::Hash flags << "TABLE_HASH_KEY" when Groonga::PatriciaTrie flags << "TABLE_PAT_KEY" end if table.domain flags << "KEY_NORMALIZE" if table.normalize_key? if table.is_a?(Groonga::PatriciaTrie) and table.register_key_with_sis? flags << "KEY_WITH_SIS" end end parameters << "#{flags.join('|')}" if table.domain parameters << "--key_type #{table.domain.name}" end if table.range parameters << "--value_type #{table.range.name}" end if table.domain default_tokenizer = table.default_tokenizer if default_tokenizer parameters << "--default_tokenizer #{default_tokenizer.name}" end end write("table_create #{table.name} #{parameters.join(' ')}\n") end def create_table_footer(table) end def change_table_header(table) end def change_table_footer(table) end def define_column(table, column) parameters = [] parameters << table.name parameters << column.local_name flags = [] if column.scalar? flags << "COLUMN_SCALAR" elsif column.vector? flags << "COLUMN_VECTOR" end # TODO: support COMPRESS_ZLIB and COMPRESS_LZO? parameters << "#{flags.join('|')}" parameters << "#{column.range.name}" write("column_create #{parameters.join(' ')}\n") end def define_reference_column(table, column) define_column(table, column) end def define_index_column(table, column) parameters = [] parameters << table.name parameters << column.local_name flags = [] flags << "COLUMN_INDEX" flags << "WITH_SECTION" if column.with_section? flags << "WITH_WEIGHT" if column.with_weight? flags << "WITH_POSITION" if column.with_position? parameters << "#{flags.join('|')}" parameters << "#{column.range.name}" source_names = column.sources.collect do |source| if source.is_a?(table.class) "_key" else source.local_name end end parameters << "#{source_names.join(',')}" unless source_names.empty? write("column_create #{parameters.join(' ')}\n") end end end class TableDumper def initialize(table, options={}) @table = table @options = options @output = @options[:output] @have_output = !@output.nil? @output ||= StringIO.new end def dump dump_load_command if @have_output nil else @output.string end end private def write(content) @output.write(content) end def dump_load_command write("load --table #{@table.name}\n") write("[\n") columns = available_columns dump_columns(columns) dump_records(columns) write("\n]\n") end def dump_columns(columns) column_names = columns.collect do |column| column.local_name end write(column_names.to_json) end def dump_records(columns) @table.each do |record| write(",\n") values = columns.collect do |column| resolve_value(column[record.id]) end write(values.to_json) end end def resolve_value(value) case value when ::Array value.collect do |v| resolve_value(v) end when Groonga::Record if value.support_key? value = value.key else value = value.id end resolve_value(value) when Time # TODO: groonga should support UTC format literal # value.utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N") value.to_f when NilClass # TODO: remove me. nil reference column value # doesn't accept null. "" else value end end def available_columns columns = [] if @table.support_key? columns << @table.column("_key") else columns << @table.column("_id") end columns << @table.column("_value") unless @table.range.nil? data_columns = @table.columns.reject do |column| column.index? end sorted_columns = data_columns.sort_by do |column| column.local_name end columns.concat(sorted_columns) columns end end end