module Panda module CMS module ApplicationHelper # # Helper method to render a ViewComponent # @see ViewComponent::Rendering#render # @usage <%= component "example", title: "Hello World!" %> # def component(name, *, **, &) component = name.to_s.camelize.constantize::Component render(*, **), &) end # TODO: Expose this elsewhere later, or you have to include helpers # in the calling application def title_tag if @breadcrumbs.present? "#{@breadcrumbs.last&.name} · #{Panda::CMS.config.title}".html_safe elsif @title.present? "#{@title} · #{Panda::CMS.config.title}".html_safe else Panda::CMS.config.title end end def panda_cms_editor if Current.user&.admin content_tag(:a, "🐼", href: edit_admin_page_url(, class: "text-3xl inline absolute right-2 top-2") end end def active_link?(path, match: :starts_with) if match == :starts_with return request.path.starts_with?(path) elsif match == :exact return (request.path == path) end false end def block_link_to(name = nil, options = nil, html_options = {}, &) html_options[:class] = "block-link" link_to(name, options, html_options, &) end def panda_cms_form_with(**options, &) options[:builder] = Panda::CMS::FormBuilder options[:class] = ["block visible p-6 bg-mid/5 rounded-lg border-mid border", options[:class]].compact.join(" ") form_with(**options, &) end def nav_class(mode) if mode == "mobile" "-mx-3 block rounded-lg px-3 py-2 font-semibold leading-6 text-white hover:text-white hover:underline focus:underline" else "font-semibold leading-6 text-white hover:text-white hover:underline focus:underline" end end def selected_nav_highlight_colour_classes(request) "bg-mid text-white relative flex transition-all py-3 px-2 mb-2 rounded-md group flex gap-x-3 rounded-md text-base leading-6 font-normal " end def nav_highlight_colour_classes(request) "text-white hover:bg-mid/60 transition-all group flex gap-x-3 py-3 px-2 mb-2 rounded-md text-base leading-6 font-normal " end def level_indent(level) case level when 0 "ml-0" when 1 "ml-4" when 2 "ml-8" when 3 "ml-12" when 4 "ml-16" when 5 "ml-20" when 6 "ml-24" when 7 "ml-28" when 8 "ml-32" when 9 "ml-36" when 10 "ml-40" # We can go to 72... else "ml-48" end end def table_indent(item_with_level_attribute) level_indent(item_with_level_attribute.level) end def menu_indent(item_with_level_attribute, indent_with: "pl-") case item_with_level_attribute.level when 0 "#{indent_with}0" when 1 "#{indent_with}4" when 2 "#{indent_with}8" when 3 "#{indent_with}12" when 4 "#{indent_with}16" else "#{indent_with}20" end end end end end