format :html do def invitation? Auth.signed_in? && card.can_approve? end view :new, cache: :never do voo.title = invitation? ? t(:account_invite) : t(:account_sign_up) super() end view :content_formgroups do [account_formgroups, (multi_card_editor? ? multi_card_edit(true) : "")].join end view :new_buttons, cache: :never do button_formgroup do [standard_create_button, invite_button].compact end end def invite_button return unless invitation? button_tag "Send Invitation", situation: "primary" end view :core, template: :haml, cache: :never do @lines = [signup_line] + account_lines @body = process_content _render_raw end # TODO: localize def signup_line ["#{safe_name}", ("was" if invited?), "signed up on #{format_date card.created_at}"].compact.join " " end def invited? !self_signup? end def self_signup? card.creator_id == AnonymousID end def account_lines if card.account? verification_lines else [t(:account_missing_account)] end end def verification_lines [verification_sent_line, verification_link_line].compact end def verification_sent_line account = card.account return unless account.email_card.ok?(:read) "A verification email has been sent to #{}" end def verification_link_line links = verification_links return if links.empty? links.join " " end def verification_links [approve_with_token_link, approve_without_token_link, deny_link].compact end def approve_with_token_link action = card.account.status == "unverified" ? "Resend" : "Send" approval_link "#{action} verification email", :with end def approve_without_token_link approval_link "Approve without verification", :without end def approval_link text, with_or_without return unless card.can_approve? link_to_card card, text, path: { action: :update, card: { trigger: "approve_#{with_or_without}_verification" } } end def deny_link return unless card.ok? :delete link_to_card card, "Deny and delete", path: { action: :delete } end end