require 'json' require 'stringio' # Node shim calls this class to process both controllers and jobs class Jets::Processors::MainProcessor attr_reader :event, :context, :handler def initialize(event, context, handler) @event = event @context = context @handler = handler end def run # Use the handler to deduce app code to run. # Example handlers: handlers/controllers/posts.create, handlers/jobs/sleep.perform # # deducer ="handlers/controllers/posts.create") # deducer = begin # Examples: # deducer.code => PostsController.process(event, context, "show") # deducer.path => app/controllers/posts_controller.rb # # deducer.code => HardJob.process(event, context, "dig") # deducer.path => app/jobs/hard_job.rb # # deducer.code => HelloFunction.process(event, context, "world") # deducer.path => app/functions/hello.rb deducer.load_class # result = PostsController.process(event, context, "create") result = instance_eval(deducer.code, deducer.path) result = if result.is_a?(Hash) Jets.increase_call_count if result.is_a?(Hash) && result["headers"] # API Gateway is okay with the header values as Integers but # ELBs are more strict about this and require the header values to be Strings result["headers"]["x-jets-call-count"] = Jets.call_count.to_s result["headers"]["x-jets-prewarm-count"] = Jets.prewarm_count.to_s end result rescue Exception => e unless Jets.env.test? # Customize error message slightly so nodejs shim can process the # returned error message. # The "RubyError: " is a marker that the javascript shim scans for. $stderr.puts("RubyError: #{e.class}: #{e.message}") # js needs this as the first line backtrace = {|l| " #{l}" } $stderr.puts(backtrace) # No need to having error in stderr above anymore because errors are handled in memory # at ruby_server.rb but keeping around for posterity. end Jets.on_exception(e) raise(e) # raise error to ruby_server.rb to rescue and handle end end end