module Elasticity class PigStep include Elasticity::JobFlowStep attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :script attr_accessor :variables attr_accessor :action_on_failure def initialize(script) @name = "Elasticity Pig Step (#{script})" @script = script @variables = {} @action_on_failure = 'TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW' end def to_aws_step(job_flow) args = %w(s3://elasticmapreduce/libs/pig/pig-script --run-pig-script --args) @variables.keys.sort.each do |name| args.concat(['-p', "#{name}=#{@variables[name]}"]) end args.concat(['-p', "E_PARALLELS=#{parallels(job_flow.slave_instance_type, job_flow.instance_count)}"]) args << @script { :action_on_failure => @action_on_failure, :hadoop_jar_step => { :jar => 's3://elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar', :args => args, }, :name => @name } end def self.requires_installation? true end def self.aws_installation_step_name 'Elasticity - Install Pig' end def self.aws_installation_steps [ { :action_on_failure => 'TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW', :hadoop_jar_step => { :jar => 's3://elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar', :args => [ 's3://elasticmapreduce/libs/pig/pig-script', '--base-path', 's3://elasticmapreduce/libs/pig/', '--install-pig' ], }, :name => aws_installation_step_name } ] end private # Calculate a common-sense default value of PARALLELS using the following # formula from the Pig Cookbook: # # * * 0.9 # # With the following reducer configuration (from an AWS forum post): # # m1.small 1 # m1.large 2 # m1.xlarge 4 # c1.medium 2 # c1.xlarge 4 def parallels(slave_instance_type, instance_count) reduce_slots = reduce_slots['m1.small'] = 1 reduce_slots['m1.large'] = 2 reduce_slots['m1.xlarge'] = 4 reduce_slots['c1.medium'] = 2 reduce_slots['c1.xlarge'] = 4 ((instance_count - 1).to_f * reduce_slots[slave_instance_type].to_f * 0.9).ceil end end end