# encoding: utf-8 Thread.abort_on_exception = true Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8 $DEBUGLIST = (ENV["DEBUG"] || "").split(",") require "clamp" require "logstash/namespace" require "rubygems" require "jars/gemspec_artifacts" class LogStash::DependencyReport < Clamp::Command option [ "--csv" ], "OUTPUT_PATH", "The path to write the dependency report in csv format.", :required => true, :attribute_name => :output_path def execute require "csv" CSV.open(output_path, "wb", :headers => [ "name", "version", "url", "license" ], :write_headers => true) do |csv| puts "Finding gem dependencies" gems.each { |d| csv << d } puts "Finding java/jar dependencies" jars.each { |d| csv << d } end # Copy in COPYING.csv which is a best-effort, hand-maintained file of dependency license information. File.open(output_path, "a+") do |file| extra = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "..", "COPYING.csv") file.write(IO.read(extra)) end nil end def gems # @mgreau requested `logstash-*` dependencies be removed from this list: # https://github.com/elastic/logstash/pull/8837#issuecomment-351859433 Gem::Specification.reject { |g| g.name =~ /^logstash-/ }.collect do |gem| licenses = ("UNKNOWN" if gem.licenses.empty?) || (gem.licenses.map { |l| SPDX.map(l) }.join("|") if !gem.licenses.empty?) [gem.name, gem.version.to_s, gem.homepage, licenses] end end def jars jars = [] # For any gems with jar dependencies, # Look at META-INF/MANIFEST.MF for any jars in each gem # Note any important details. Gem::Specification.select { |g| g.requirements && g.requirements.any? { |r| r =~ /^jar / } }.collect do |gem| # Where is the gem installed root = gem.full_gem_path Dir.glob(File.join(root, "**", "*.jar")).collect do |path| jar = java.util.jar.JarFile.new(path) manifest = jar.getManifest pom_entries = jar.entries.select { |t| t.getName.start_with?("META-INF/maven/") && t.getName.end_with?("/pom.properties") } # Some jar files have multiple maven pom.properties files. It is unclear how to know what is correct? # TODO(sissel): Maybe we should use all pom.properties files? None of the pom.properties/pom.xml files have license information, though. # TODO(sissel): In some cases, there are META-INF/COPYING and # META-INF/NOTICE.txt files? Can we use these somehow? There is no # common syntax for parsing these files, though... pom_map = if pom_entries.count == 1 pom_in = jar.getInputStream(pom_entries.first) pom_content = pom_in.available.times.collect { pom_in.read }.pack("C*") # Split non-comment lines by `key=val` into a map { key => val } Hash[pom_content.split(/\r?\n/).grep(/^[^#]/).map { |line| line.split("=", 2) }] else {} end next if manifest.nil? # convert manifest attributes to a map w/ keys .to_s # without this, the attribute keys will be `Object#inspect` values # like # attributes = Hash[manifest.getMainAttributes.map { |k,v| [k.to_s, v] }] begin # Prefer the maven/pom groupId when it is available. artifact = pom_map.fetch("artifactId", attributes.fetch("Implementation-Title")) group = pom_map.fetch("groupId", attributes.fetch("Implementation-Vendor-Id")) jars << [ group + ":" + artifact, attributes.fetch("Bundle-Version"), attributes.fetch("Bundle-DocURL"), SPDX.map(attributes.fetch("Bundle-License")), ] rescue KeyError => e # The jar is missing a required manifest field, it may not have any useful manifest data. # Ignore it and move on. end end end jars.uniq.sort end module SPDX # This is a non-exhaustive, best effort list of licenses as they map to SPDX identifiers. ALIASES = { "Apache-2.0" => [ "Apache 2", "apache-2.0", "Apache 2.0", "Apache License (2.0)", "Apache License 2.0", "https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt", "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt", ], "Artistic-2.0" => [ "Artistic 2.0" ], "BSD-2-Clause" => [ "2-clause BSDL", "2-clause" ], "GPL-2.0" => [ "GPL-2" ] } # Get a map of name => spdx MAP_APACHE2 = Hash[ALIASES.map { |spdx,aliases| aliases.map { |value| [value, spdx] } }[0]] MAP_ARTISTIC2 = Hash[ALIASES.map { |spdx,aliases| aliases.map { |value| [value, spdx] } }[1]] MAP_BSD = Hash[ALIASES.map { |spdx,aliases| aliases.map { |value| [value, spdx] } }[2]] MAP_GPL2 = Hash[ALIASES.map { |spdx,aliases| aliases.map { |value| [value, spdx] } }[3]] module_function def map(value) MAP_APACHE2[value] || MAP_ARTISTIC2[value] || MAP_BSD[value] || MAP_GPL2[value] || value end end end