require 'spec_helper' describe "Postmark" do let :tmail_message do do |mail| mail.from = "" = "" mail.subject = "Hello!" mail.body = "Hello Sheldon!" end end let :tmail_html_message do do |mail| mail.from = "" = "" mail.subject = "Hello!" mail.body = "Hello Sheldon!" mail.content_type = "text/html" end end let :mail_message do do from "" to "" subject "Hello!" body "Hello Sheldon!" end end let :mail_html_message do mail = do from "" to "" subject "Hello!" html_part do body "Hello Sheldon!" end end end let :mail_multipart_message do mail = do from "" to "" subject "Hello!" text_part do body "Hello Sheldon!" end html_part do body "Hello Sheldon!" end end end context "service call" do before(:all) do Postmark.sleep_between_retries = 0 end it "should send email successfully" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "", {}) Postmark.send_through_postmark(tmail_message) FakeWeb.should have_requested(:post, "") end it "should warn when header is invalid" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "", {:status => [ "401", "Unauthorized" ], :body => "Missing API token"}) lambda { Postmark.send_through_postmark(tmail_message) }.should raise_error(Postmark::InvalidApiKeyError) end it "should warn when json is not ok" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "", {:status => [ "422", "Invalid" ], :body => "Invalid JSON"}) lambda { Postmark.send_through_postmark(tmail_message) }.should raise_error(Postmark::InvalidMessageError) end it "should warn when server fails" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "", {:status => [ "500", "Internal Server Error" ]}) lambda { Postmark.send_through_postmark(tmail_message) }.should raise_error(Postmark::InternalServerError) end it "should warn when unknown stuff fails" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "", {:status => [ "485", "Custom HTTP response status" ]}) lambda { Postmark.send_through_postmark(tmail_message) }.should raise_error(Postmark::UnknownError) end it "should retry 3 times" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "", [ { :status => [ 500, "Internal Server Error" ] }, { :status => [ 500, "Internal Server Error" ] }, { } ] ) lambda { Postmark.send_through_postmark(tmail_message) }.should_not raise_error end end context "delivery stats" do let(:response_body) { %{{"InactiveMails":1,"Bounces":[{"TypeCode":0,"Name":"All","Count":2},{"Type":"HardBounce","TypeCode":1,"Name":"Hard bounce","Count":1},{"Type":"SoftBounce","TypeCode":4096,"Name":"Soft bounce","Count":1}]}} } it "should query the service for delivery stats" do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "", { :body => response_body }) results = Postmark.delivery_stats results["InactiveMails"].should == 1 results["Bounces"].should be_an(Array) results["Bounces"].should have(3).entries FakeWeb.should have_requested(:get, "") end end context "tmail parse" do def be_serialized_to(json) simple_matcher "be serialized to #{json}" do |message| Postmark.send(:convert_message_to_options_hash, tmail_message).should == JSON.parse(json) end end it "should set text body for plain message" do Postmark.send(:convert_message_to_options_hash, tmail_message)['TextBody'].should_not be_nil end it "should set html body for html message" do Postmark.send(:convert_message_to_options_hash, tmail_html_message)['HtmlBody'].should_not be_nil end it "should encode custom headers headers properly" do tmail_message["CUSTOM-HEADER"] = "header" tmail_message.should be_serialized_to %q[{"Subject":"Hello!", "From":"", "To":"", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!", "Headers":[{"Name":"Custom-Header", "Value":"header"}]}] end it "should encode from properly when name is used" do tmail_message.from = "Sheldon Lee Cooper " tmail_message.should be_serialized_to %q[{"Subject":"Hello!", "From":"Sheldon Lee Cooper ", "To":"", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!"}] end it "should encode reply to" do tmail_message.reply_to = ['', ''] tmail_message.should be_serialized_to %q[{"Subject":"Hello!", "From":"", "ReplyTo":",", "To":"", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!"}] end it "should encode tag" do tmail_message.tag = "invite" tmail_message.should be_serialized_to %q[{"Subject":"Hello!", "From":"", "Tag":"invite", "To":"", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!"}] end it "should encode multiple recepients (TO)" do = ['', ''] tmail_message.should be_serialized_to %q[{"Subject":"Hello!", "From":"", "To":",", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!"}] end it "should encode multiple recepients (CC)" do = ['', ''] tmail_message.should be_serialized_to %q[{"Cc":",", "Subject":"Hello!", "From":"", "To":"", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!"}] end it "should encode multiple recepients (BCC)" do tmail_message.bcc = ['', ''] tmail_message.should be_serialized_to %q[{"Bcc":",", "Subject":"Hello!", "From":"", "To":"", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!"}] end end context "mail parse" do def be_serialized_to(json) simple_matcher "be serialized to #{json}" do |message| Postmark.send(:convert_message_to_options_hash, mail_message).should == JSON.parse(json) end end it "should set text body for plain message" do Postmark.send(:convert_message_to_options_hash, mail_message)['TextBody'].should_not be_nil end it "should set html body for html message" do Postmark.send(:convert_message_to_options_hash, mail_html_message)['HtmlBody'].should_not be_nil end it "should set html and text body for multipart message" do Postmark.send(:convert_message_to_options_hash, mail_multipart_message)['HtmlBody'].should_not be_nil Postmark.send(:convert_message_to_options_hash, mail_multipart_message)['TextBody'].should_not be_nil end it "should encode custom headers properly" do mail_message.header["CUSTOM-HEADER"] = "header" mail_message.should be_serialized_to %q[{"Subject":"Hello!", "From":"", "To":"", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!", "Headers":[{"Name":"Custom-Header", "Value":"header"}]}] end it "should encode from properly when name is used" do mail_message.from = "Sheldon Lee Cooper " mail_message.should be_serialized_to %q[{"Subject":"Hello!", "From":"Sheldon Lee Cooper ", "To":"", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!"}] end it "should encode reply to" do mail_message.reply_to = ['', ''] mail_message.should be_serialized_to %q[{"Subject":"Hello!", "From":"", "ReplyTo":",", "To":"", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!"}] end it "should encode tag" do mail_message.tag = "invite" mail_message.should be_serialized_to %q[{"Subject":"Hello!", "From":"", "Tag":"invite", "To":"", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!"}] end it "should encode multiple recepients (TO)" do = ['', ''] mail_message.should be_serialized_to %q[{"Subject":"Hello!", "From":"", "To":",", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!"}] end it "should encode multiple recepients (CC)" do = ['', ''] mail_message.should be_serialized_to %q[{"Cc":",", "Subject":"Hello!", "From":"", "To":"", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!"}] end it "should encode multiple recepients (BCC)" do mail_message.bcc = ['', ''] mail_message.should be_serialized_to %q[{"Bcc":",", "Subject":"Hello!", "From":"", "To":"", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!"}] end end context "mail delivery method" do it "should be able to set delivery_method" do mail_message.delivery_method Mail::Postmark puts mail_message.delivery_method end it "should wrap Postmark.send_through_postmark" do message = mail_message Postmark.should_receive(:send_through_postmark).with(message) mail_message.delivery_method Mail::Postmark mail_message.deliver end it "should allow setting of api_key" do mail_message.delivery_method Mail::Postmark, {:api_key => 'api-key'} mail_message.delivery_method.settings[:api_key].should == 'api-key' end end context "JSON library support" do [:Json, :ActiveSupport, :Yajl].each do |lib| begin original_parser_class = Postmark.response_parser_class it "decodes json with #{lib}" do Postmark.response_parser_class = lib Postmark::Json.decode(%({"Message":"OK"})).should == { "Message" => "OK" } end Postmark.response_parser_class = original_parser_class rescue LoadError # No ActiveSupport or Yajl :( end end end end