# Chanko [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/cookpad/chanko.png)](https://travis-ci.org/cookpad/chanko) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/cookpad/chanko.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/cookpad/chanko) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/cookpad/chanko/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/cookpad/chanko) http://cookpad.github.io/chanko/ Chanko provides a simple framework for rapidly and safely prototyping new features in your production Rails app, and exposing these prototypes to specified segments of your user base. With Chanko, you can release many features concurrently and manage target users independently. When any errors are raised from chanko's features, it will be automatically hidden and fallback to its normal behavior. ## Requirements * Ruby >= 1.8.7 * Rails >= 3.0.10 (and Rails4!) ## Usage Add to your Gemfile. ```ruby gem "chanko" ``` ## Files Chanko provides a generator to create templates of an unit. ``` $ rails generate chanko:unit example_unit create app/units/example_unit create app/units/example_unit/example_unit.rb create app/units/example_unit/views/.gitkeep create app/units/example_unit/images/.gitkeep create app/units/example_unit/javascripts/.gitkeep create app/units/example_unit/stylesheets/.gitkeep create app/assets/images/units/example_unit create app/assets/javascripts/units/example_unit create app/assets/stylesheets/units/example_unit ``` ## Invoke You can invoke the logics defined in your units via `invoke` and `unit` methods. In controller class context, `unit_action` utility is also provided. The block passed to `invoke` is a fallback executed if any problem occurs in invoking. ```ruby # app/controllers/users_controller.rb class UsersController < ApplicationController unit_action :example_unit, :show def index invoke(:example_unit, :index) do @users = User.all end end end ``` ``` -# app/views/examples/index.html.slim = unit.helper_method = invoke(:example_unit, :render_example) ``` ``` -# app/units/example_unit/views/_example.html.slim = foo ``` ## Unit You can see [the real example of an unit module file](https://github.com/cookpad/chanko/blob/master/spec/dummy/app/units/entry_deletion/entry_deletion.rb). ### module You can define your MVC code here. ```ruby # app/units/example_unit/example_unit.rb module ExampleUnit include Chanko::Unit ... end ``` ### active_if This block is used to decide if this unit is active or not. `context` is the receiver object of `invoke`. `options` is passed via `invoke(:foo, :bar, :active_if_options => { ... })`. By default, this is set as `active_if { true }`. ```ruby active_if do |context, options| true end ``` ### raise_error By default, any error raised in production env is ignored. `raise_error` is used to force an unit to raise up errors occured in invoking. You can force all units to raise up errors by `Config.raise_error = true`. ```ruby raise_error ``` ### function In controller or view context, you can call functions defined by `function` via `invoke(:example_unit, :function_name)`. ```ruby scope(:controller) do function(:show) do @user = User.find(params[:id]) end function(:index) do @users = User.active end end ``` ### render The view path app/units/example_unit/views is added into view_paths in invoking. So you can render app/units/example_unit/views/_example.html.slim in invoking. ```ruby scope(:view) do function(:render_example) do render "/example", :foo => hello("world") end end ``` ### models In models block, you can expand model features by `expand` method. The expanded methods are available via unit proxy like `User.unit.active`, and `User.find(params[:id]).unit.active?`, and so on. ```ruby models do expand(:User) do scope :active, lambda { where(:deleted_at => nil) } def active? deleted_at.nil? end end end ``` ### shared You can call methods defined by `shared` in invoking. ```ruby shared(:hello) do |world| "Hello, #{world}" end ``` ### helpers You can call helpers in view via unit proxy like `unit.helper_method`. ```ruby helpers do def helper_method "helper method" end end ``` ## Example https://github.com/cookpad/chanko/tree/master/spec/dummy Chanko provides an example rails application in spec/dummy directory. ``` $ git clone git@github.com:cookpad/chanko.git $ cd chanko/spec/dummy $ bundle install $ bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate $ rails s $ open http://localhost:3000 ```