language: ruby rvm: - 2.6 - 2.5 - 2.4 # Keep this in sync with .rubocop.yml # We test up to the latest version of Ruby here, and test these Ruby versions # against all support ActiveRecord versions. One test will be "duplicated" # below when we calculate code coverage, but I don't know how to avoid that and # still test all combinations of Ruby and ActiveRecord. before_script: - psql -c 'create database order_as_specified_test;' -U postgres - mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE order_as_specified_test;' script: - bundle exec rspec services: - mysql - postgresql env: matrix: - ACTIVERECORD_VERSION="~> 5.2.0" - ACTIVERECORD_VERSION="~> 5.1.0" - ACTIVERECORD_VERSION="~> 5.0.0" matrix: include: - rvm: 2.6 script: - bundle exec rspec - gem install --no-document rubocop rubocop-rspec-focused && rubocop env: - CODE_COVERAGE=true - ACTIVERECORD_VERSION="~> 5.2.0" branches: only: # We always run tests for PRs. This prevents running PR tests twice (once "for # the PR" and once "for the branch"), though we do want tests to run always # run on master. - master notifications: email: false slack: secure: lVaScxPymqeYlTh+KlprWDK+O18BkQTyNSBTfzsLFzWF3Dy+p1rp2aeh0AhuLVYQDrlmFZ7cDMZ1ZYDyV2Y6lLtt+4ii7rATagI8R9WUVYb90C97tu1M6v5tpIjoTEOLx9hGc66heyvq1hNCKXbTqsqmrD69FYdjuXnOfrIs6J4=