#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: US-ASCII # # Created by Brent Rowland on 2007-07-13. # Copyright (c) 2007, Eidetic Software. All rights reserved. require 'epdfo' require 'epdfsw' require 'epdfk' require 'epdft' require 'epdfafm' require 'epdftt' require 'epdfs' module EideticPDF Font = Struct.new(:name, :size, :style, :color, :encoding, :sub_type, :widths, :ascent, :descent, :height, :underline_position, :underline_thickness) Location = Struct.new(:x, :y) Signs = Struct.new(:x, :y) Bullet = Struct.new(:name, :width, :proc) SIGNS = [ Signs.new(1, -1), Signs.new(-1, -1), Signs.new(-1, 1), Signs.new(1, 1) ] UNIT_CONVERSION = { :pt => 1, :in => 72, :cm => 28.35 } LINE_PATTERNS = { :solid => [], :dotted => [1, 2], :dashed => [4, 2] } LINE_CAP_STYLES = [:butt_cap, :round_cap, :projecting_square_cap].freeze IDENTITY_MATRIX = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0].freeze class PageStyle # :nodoc: attr_reader :page_size, :crop_size, :orientation, :landscape, :rotate PORTRAIT = 0 LANDSCAPE = 270 def initialize(options={}) page_size = options[:page_size] || :letter crop_size = options[:crop_size] || page_size @orientation = options[:orientation] || :portrait @page_size = make_size_rectangle(page_size, @orientation) @crop_size = make_size_rectangle(crop_size, @orientation) @landscape = (@orientation == :landscape) @rotate = ROTATIONS[options[:rotate] || :portrait] end SIZES = { :letter => [612, 792].freeze, :legal => [612, 1008].freeze, :A4 => [595, 842].freeze, :B5 => [499, 708].freeze, :C5 => [459, 649].freeze } ROTATIONS = { :portrait => PORTRAIT, :landscape => LANDSCAPE }.freeze protected def make_size_rectangle(size, orientation) w, h = SIZES[size] w, h = h, w if orientation == :landscape PdfObjects::Rectangle.new(0, 0, w, h) end end class PageWriter # :nodoc: include JpegInfo private def iconv_encoding(encoding) case encoding when 'WinAnsiEncoding' then 'CP1252' else encoding end end def pdf_encoding(encoding, font_name) return 'StandardEncoding' if ['Symbol','ZapfDingbats'].include?(font_name) case encoding.upcase when 'CP1252' then 'WinAnsiEncoding' else encoding end end def to_points(units, measurement) UNIT_CONVERSION[units] * measurement end def from_points(units, measurement) measurement.quo(UNIT_CONVERSION[units]) end def make_loc(x, y) Location.new(x, y) end def translate(x, y) Location.new(x, page_height - y) end def translate_p(p) Location.new(p.x, page_height - p.y) end def convert_units(loc, from_units, to_units) Location.new( loc.x * UNIT_CONVERSION[from_units].quo(UNIT_CONVERSION[to_units]), loc.y * UNIT_CONVERSION[from_units].quo(UNIT_CONVERSION[to_units])) end def get_quadrant_bezier_points(quadrant, x, y, rx, ry=nil) ry = rx if ry.nil? a = 4.0 / 3.0 * (Math.sqrt(2) - 1.0) bp = [] if quadrant.odd? # quadrant is odd # (1,0) bp << make_loc(x + (rx * SIGNS[quadrant - 1].x), y) # (1,a) bp << make_loc(bp[0].x, y + (a * ry * SIGNS[quadrant - 1].y)) # (a,1) bp << make_loc(x + (a * rx * SIGNS[quadrant - 1].x), y + (ry * SIGNS[quadrant - 1].y)) # (0,1) bp << make_loc(x, bp[2].y) else # quadrant is even # (0,1) bp << make_loc(x, y + (ry * SIGNS[quadrant - 1].y)) # (a,1) bp << make_loc(x + (a * rx * SIGNS[quadrant - 1].x), bp[0].y) # (1,a) bp << make_loc(x + (rx * SIGNS[quadrant - 1].x), y + (a * ry * SIGNS[quadrant - 1].y)) # (1,0) bp << make_loc(bp[2].x, y) end bp end def rotate_xy_coordinate(x, y, angle) theta = angle.degrees r_cos = Math::cos(theta) r_sin = Math::sin(theta) x_rot = (r_cos * x) - (r_sin * y) y_rot = (r_sin * x) + (r_cos * y) [x_rot, y_rot] end def rotate_point(loc, angle) x, y = rotate_xy_coordinate(loc.x, loc.y, angle) make_loc(x, y) end def add_vector(point, angle, distance) theta = angle.degrees Location.new(point.x + Math::cos(theta) * distance, point.y + Math::sin(theta) * distance) end def rotate_points(mid, points, angle) theta = angle.degrees r_cos = Math::cos(theta) r_sin = Math::sin(theta) points.map do |p| x, y = p.x - mid.x, p.y - mid.y x_rot = (r_cos * x) - (r_sin * y) y_rot = (r_sin * x) + (r_cos * y) make_loc(x_rot + mid.x, y_rot + mid.y) end end def calc_arc_small(r, mid_theta, half_angle, ccwcw) half_theta = half_angle.abs.degrees v_cos = Math::cos(half_theta) v_sin = Math::sin(half_theta) x0 = r * v_cos y0 = -ccwcw * r * v_sin x1 = r * (4.0 - v_cos) / 3.0 x2 = x1 y1 = r * ccwcw * (1.0 - v_cos) * (v_cos - 3.0) / (3.0 * v_sin) y2 = -y1 x3 = r * v_cos y3 = ccwcw * r * v_sin x0, y0 = rotate_xy_coordinate(x0, y0, mid_theta) x1, y1 = rotate_xy_coordinate(x1, y1, mid_theta) x2, y2 = rotate_xy_coordinate(x2, y2, mid_theta) x3, y3 = rotate_xy_coordinate(x3, y3, mid_theta) [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3] end def points_for_arc_small(x, y, r, mid_theta, half_angle, ccwcw) x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = calc_arc_small(r, mid_theta, half_angle, ccwcw) [make_loc(x+x0, y-y0), make_loc(x+x1, y-y1), make_loc(x+x2, y-y2), make_loc(x+x3, y-y3)] end def arc_small(x, y, r, mid_theta, half_angle, ccwcw, move_to0) x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = calc_arc_small(r, mid_theta, half_angle, ccwcw) line_to(x+x0, y-y0) unless move_to0 curve(x+x0, y-y0, x+x1, y-y1, x+x2, y-y2, x+x3, y-y3) end def set_text_angle(angle, x, y) theta = angle.degrees v_cos = Math::cos(theta) v_sin = Math::sin(theta) @tw.set_matrix(v_cos, v_sin, -v_sin, v_cos, to_points(@units, x), to_points(@units, y)) @text_angle = angle end def rgb_from_color(color) color = named_colors[color] || 0 if color.respond_to? :to_str color ||= 0 b = color & 0xFF g = (color >> 8) & 0xFF r = (color >> 16) & 0xFF [r, g, b] end def color_from_rgb(r, g, b) (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b end protected def start_text raise Exception.new("Already in text.") if @in_text raise Exception.new("Not in page.") unless @doc.in_page end_graph if @in_graph @last_loc = Location.new(0, 0) @in_text = true @tw = TextWriter.new(@stream) @tw.open @tw end def end_text raise Exception.new("Not in text.") unless @in_text @tw.close @in_text = false end def start_graph raise Exception.new("Already in graph") if @in_graph end_text if @in_text @last_loc = Location.new(0, 0) @in_graph = true @gw = GraphWriter.new(@stream) end def end_path gw.stroke if @auto_path @in_path = false end def end_graph raise Exception.new("Not in graph") unless @in_graph end_path if @in_path @gw = nil @in_graph = false end def start_misc raise Exception.new("Already in misc") if @in_misc @in_misc = true @mw = MiscWriter.new(@stream) end def end_misc raise Exception.new("Not in misc") unless @in_misc @mw = nil @in_misc = false end def tw @tw ||= start_text end def gw @gw ||= start_graph end def mw @mw ||= start_misc end def end_margins end_path if @in_path gw.restore_graphics_state end def end_sub_page end_path if @in_path gw.restore_graphics_state end def sub_orientation(pages_across, pages_down) @page_width / pages_across > @page_height / pages_down ? :landscape : :portrait end # font methods def set_default_font font(@default_font[:name], @default_font[:size], @default_font) @font end def check_set_font set_default_font if @font.nil? if (@last_page_font != @page_font) or (@last_font != @font) @tw.set_font_and_size(@page_font, @font.size) check_set_v_text_align(true) @last_page_font = @page_font @last_font = @font end end def check_set_v_text_align(force=false) if force or @last_v_text_align != @v_text_align @v_text_align_pts = case @v_text_align when :above then -@font.height * 0.001 * @font.size when :top then -@font.ascent * 0.001 * @font.size when :middle then -@font.ascent * 0.001 * @font.size / 2.0 when :below then -@font.descent * 0.001 * @font.size else 0.0 # :base end @tw.set_rise(@v_text_align_pts) @last_v_text_align = @v_text_align end end def check_set_spacing unless @word_spacing == @last_word_spacing tw.set_word_spacing(@word_spacing) @last_word_spacing = @word_spacing end unless @char_spacing == @last_char_spacing tw.set_char_spacing(@char_spacing) @last_char_spacing = @char_spacing end end def check_set_scale unless @scale == @last_scale tw.set_horiz_scaling(@scale * 100) @last_scale = @scale end end def text_rendering_mode(options) if options[:fill] and options[:stroke] @text_rendering_mode = 2 elsif options[:stroke] @text_rendering_mode = 1 elsif options[:fill] @text_rendering_mode = 0 elsif options[:invisible] @text_rendering_mode = 3 # Why is this an option in PDF? else @text_rendering_mode = 0 end end def text_clipping_mode(options) if options[:fill] and options[:stroke] @text_rendering_mode = 6 elsif options[:stroke] @text_rendering_mode = 5 elsif options[:fill] @text_rendering_mode = 4 else @text_rendering_mode = 7 end end def check_set_text_rendering_mode unless @text_rendering_mode == @last_text_rendering_mode tw.set_rendering_mode(@text_rendering_mode) @last_text_rendering_mode = @text_rendering_mode end end # color methods def check_set_line_color unless @line_color == @last_line_color r, g, b = rgb_from_color(@line_color) if @in_path and @auto_path gw.stroke @in_path = false end if @in_misc mw.set_rgb_color_stroke(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0) @last_line_color = @line_color end end end def check_set_fill_color unless @fill_color == @last_fill_color r, g, b = rgb_from_color(@fill_color) if @in_path and @auto_path gw.stroke @in_path = false end if @in_misc mw.set_rgb_color_fill(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0) @last_fill_color = @fill_color end end end def check_set_font_color unless @font_color == @last_fill_color r, g, b = rgb_from_color(@font_color) if @in_path and @auto_path gw.stroke @in_path = false end if @in_misc mw.set_rgb_color_fill(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0) @last_fill_color = @font_color end end end def check_set_line_dash_pattern unless [@line_dash_pattern, @line_cap_style] == [@last_line_dash_pattern, @last_line_cap_style] if @in_path and @auto_path gw.stroke @in_path = false end if @line_dash_pattern.is_a?(Symbol) dashes = (LINE_PATTERNS[@line_dash_pattern] || []).map { |p| p * @line_width.round } pattern = gw.make_line_dash_pattern(dashes, 0) else pattern = @line_dash_pattern.to_s end gw.set_line_dash_pattern(pattern) @last_line_dash_pattern = @line_dash_pattern gw.set_line_cap_style(LINE_CAP_STYLES.index(@line_cap_style) || 0) @last_line_cap_style = @line_cap_style end end def check_set_line_width unless @line_width == @last_line_width if @in_path and @auto_path gw.stroke @in_path = false end gw.set_line_width(@line_width) @last_line_width = @line_width @last_line_dash_pattern = nil if @last_line_dash_pattern.is_a?(Symbol) end end def check_set(*options) check_set_line_color if options.include?(:line_color) check_set_fill_color if options.include?(:fill_color) check_set_line_width if options.include?(:line_width) check_set_line_dash_pattern if options.include?(:line_dash_pattern) check_set_font if options.include?(:font) check_set_font_color if options.include?(:font_color) check_set_v_text_align if options.include?(:v_text_align) check_set_spacing if options.include?(:spacing) check_set_scale if options.include?(:scale) check_set_text_rendering_mode if options.include?(:text_rendering_mode) end def line_colors @line_colors ||= ColorStack.new(self, :line_color) end def fill_colors @fill_colors ||= ColorStack.new(self, :fill_color) end def auto_stroke_and_fill(options) if @auto_path gw.clip if options[:clip] if (options[:stroke] and options[:fill]) gw.fill_and_stroke elsif options[:stroke] then gw.stroke elsif options[:fill] then gw.fill else gw.new_path end @in_path = false end end # protected drawing methods def draw_rounded_rectangle(x, y, width, height, options) corners = options[:corners] || [] if corners.size == 1 xr1 = yr1 = xr2 = yr2 = xr3 = yr3 = xr4 = yr4 = corners[0] elsif corners.size == 2 xr1 = yr1 = xr2 = yr2 = corners[0] xr3 = yr3 = xr4 = yr4 = corners[1] elsif corners.size == 4 xr1 = yr1 = corners[0] xr2 = yr2 = corners[1] xr3 = yr3 = corners[2] xr4 = yr4 = corners[3] elsif corners.size == 8 xr1, yr1, xr2, yr2, xr3, yr3, xr4, yr4 = corners else xr1 = yr1 = xr2 = yr2 = xr3 = yr3 = xr4 = yr4 = 0 end q2p = get_quadrant_bezier_points(2, x + xr1, y + yr1, xr1, yr1) q1p = get_quadrant_bezier_points(1, x + width - xr2, y + yr2, xr2, yr2) q4p = get_quadrant_bezier_points(4, x + width - xr3, y + height - yr3, xr3, yr3) q3p = get_quadrant_bezier_points(3, x + xr4, y + height - yr4, xr4, yr4) qpa = [q1p, q2p, q3p, q4p] if options[:reverse] qpa.reverse! qpa.each { |qp| qp.reverse! } end curve_points(qpa[0]); line_to(qpa[1][0].x, qpa[1][0].y) curve_points(qpa[1]); line_to(qpa[2][0].x, qpa[2][0].y) curve_points(qpa[2]); line_to(qpa[3][0].x, qpa[3][0].y) curve_points(qpa[3]); line_to(qpa[0][0].x, qpa[0][0].y) end def draw_rectangle_path(x, y, width, height, options) move_to(x, y) if options[:reverse] line_to(x, y + height) line_to(x + width, y + height) line_to(x + width, y) else line_to(x + width, y) line_to(x + width, y + height) line_to(x, y + height) end line_to(x, y) end def draw_underline(pos1, pos2, position, thickness, angle) # position and thickness are in points if @units != :pt pos1, pos2 = convert_units(pos1, @units, :pt), convert_units(pos2, @units, :pt) end save_units = units(:pt) save_line_width = line_width(thickness) off_x, off_y = rotate_xy_coordinate(0, position - @v_text_align_pts, angle) move_to(pos1.x - off_x, pos1.y + off_y) line_to(pos2.x - off_x, pos2.y + off_y) line_width(save_line_width) units(save_units) end public DEFAULT_FONT = { :name => 'Helvetica', :size => 12 } attr_reader :doc, :page attr_reader :stream, :annotations attr_reader :auto_path def initialize(doc, options) # doc: PdfDocumentWriter @doc = doc @options = options @page_style = PageStyle.new(options) @units = options[:units] || :pt @v_text_align = options[:v_text_align] || :top @page_width = @page_style.page_size.x2 @page_height = @page_style.page_size.y2 if @page = options[:_page] @reused_page = true else @page = PdfObjects::PdfPage.new(@doc.next_seq, 0, @doc.catalog.pages) @page.media_box = @page_style.page_size.clone @page.crop_box = @page_style.crop_size.clone @page.rotate = @page_style.rotate @page.resources = @doc.resources @doc.file.body << @page end @stream = ''.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) @annotations = [] @char_spacing = @word_spacing = 0.0 @last_char_spacing = @last_word_spacing = 0.0 @last_scale = @scale = 1.0 @last_text_rendering_mode = @text_rendering_mode = 0 @default_font = options[:font] || DEFAULT_FONT @font_color = @default_font[:color] || 0 @fill_color = options[:fill_color] || 0xFFFFFF @line_color = options[:line_color] || 0 @line_height = options[:line_height] || 1.7 line_width(options[:line_width] || 1.0, :pt) @text_angle = 0.0 @auto_path = true @underline = false start_misc sub_page(*options[:sub_page] + Array(options[:unscaled])) if options[:sub_page] margins(options[:margins] || 0) text_encoding(options[:text_encoding]) @indent = 0 end def close end_margins unless @matrix.nil? end_sub_page unless @sub_page.nil? end_text if @in_text end_graph if @in_graph end_misc if @in_misc pdf_stream = if @options[:compress] require 'zlib' zipper = Zlib::Deflate.new zstream = zipper.deflate(@stream, Zlib::FINISH) zpdf_stream = PdfObjects::PdfStream.new(@doc.next_seq, 0, zstream) zpdf_stream.filter = 'FlateDecode' zpdf_stream else PdfObjects::PdfStream.new(@doc.next_seq, 0, @stream) end @doc.file.body << pdf_stream @page.annots = @annotations if @annotations.size.nonzero? @page.contents << pdf_stream @doc.catalog.pages.kids << @page unless @reused_page @stream = nil end def closed? @stream.nil? end def units(units=nil) return @units if units.nil? or units == @units @loc = convert_units(@loc, @units, units) @last_loc = convert_units(@last_loc, @units, units) unless @last_loc.nil? prev_units, @units = @units, units prev_units end def margins(*margins) @margins ||= [0] * 4 return @margins.map { |m| from_points(@units, m) } unless [4,2,1].include?(margins.size) margins = margins.first if margins.first.is_a?(Array) @margins = case margins.size when 4 then margins when 2 then margins * 2 when 1 then margins * 4 else @margins end.map { |m| to_points(@units, m) } @margin_top, @margin_right, @margin_bottom, @margin_left = @margins if (@matrix || IDENTITY_MATRIX)[4..5] != [@margin_left, -@margin_top] if @matrix.nil? @matrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX.dup else gw.restore_graphics_state end @matrix[4..5] = [@margin_left, -@margin_top] gw.save_graphics_state gw.concat_matrix(*@matrix) end @canvas_width = @page_width - @margin_left - @margin_right @canvas_height = @page_height - @margin_top - @margin_bottom move_to(0, 0) nil end def page_width from_points(@units, @page_width) end def page_height from_points(@units, @page_height) end def margin_top from_points(@units, @margin_top) end def margin_right from_points(@units, @margin_right) end def margin_bottom from_points(@units, @margin_bottom) end def margin_left from_points(@units, @margin_left) end def canvas_width from_points(@units, @canvas_width) end def canvas_height from_points(@units, @canvas_height) end def tabs(tabs=nil) return @tabs if tabs.nil? return @tabs = nil if tabs == false or tabs.empty? tabs = tabs.split(',') if tabs.respond_to?(:to_str) @tabs = tabs.map { |stop| stop.to_f }.select { |stop| stop > 0 }.sort end def tab(&block) return if @tabs.nil? p = pen_pos x = @tabs.detect { |stop| stop > p.x } if x.nil? dy = block_given? ? yield : height move_to(@tabs.first, p.y + dy) else move_to(x, p.y) end end def vtabs(tabs=nil) return @vtabs if tabs.nil? return @vtabs = nil if tabs == false or tabs.empty? tabs = tabs.split(',') if tabs.respond_to?(:to_str) @vtabs = tabs.map { |stop| stop.to_f }.select { |stop| stop > 0 }.sort end def vtab(&block) return if @vtabs.nil? p = pen_pos y = @vtabs.detect { |stop| stop > p.y } if y.nil? move_to(p.x + yield, @vtabs.first) if block_given? else move_to(p.x, y) end end def indent(value=nil, absolute=false) return @indent if value.nil? prev_indent, @indent = @indent, absolute ? value : @indent + value @loc.x = @indent prev_indent end def sub_page(x, pages_across, y, pages_down, unscaled=false) unless @matrix.nil? gw.restore_graphics_state @matrix = nil end gw.restore_graphics_state unless @sub_page.nil? return unless x && pages_across && y && pages_down if unscaled @canvas_width = @page_width.quo(pages_across) @canvas_height = @page_height.quo(pages_down) @sub_page = IDENTITY_MATRIX.dup @sub_page[4] = @canvas_width * x @sub_page[5] = @canvas_height * (pages_down - 1 - y) else ps = PageStyle.new(@options.merge(:orientation => sub_orientation(pages_across, pages_down))) width = ps.page_size.x2 height = ps.page_size.y2 ratio_w = @page_width.quo(pages_across * width) ratio_h = @page_height.quo(pages_down * height) ratio = [ratio_w, ratio_h].min @sub_page = IDENTITY_MATRIX.dup @sub_page[0] = ratio @sub_page[3] = ratio @sub_page[4] = @page_width.quo(pages_across) * x @sub_page[5] = @page_height.quo(pages_down) * (pages_down - 1 - y) if ratio_w >= ratio_h @page_width, @page_height = width, height else @page_width, @page_height = width, width / ratio_w end end gw.save_graphics_state gw.concat_matrix(*@sub_page) @last_font = @last_page_font = nil end def move_to(x, y) @loc = translate(x, y) nil end def pen_pos(x=nil, y=nil) return translate(@loc.x, @loc.y) if x.nil? prev_loc = translate(@loc.x, @loc.y) move_to(x, y) prev_loc end def move_by(dx, dy) p = pen_pos move_to(p.x + dx, p.y + dy) end def line_to(x, y) unless @last_loc == @loc gw.stroke if @in_path and @auto_path @in_path = false end check_set(:line_color, :line_width, :line_dash_pattern) gw.move_to(to_points(@units, @loc.x), to_points(@units, @loc.y)) unless @in_path move_to(x, y) gw.line_to(to_points(@units, @loc.x), to_points(@units, @loc.y)) @in_path = true @last_loc = @loc.clone nil end def line(x, y, angle, length) lx, ly = rotate_xy_coordinate(1, 0, angle) move_to(x, y) line_to(x + lx * length, y - ly * length) end def rectangle(x, y, width, height, options={}, &block) border = options[:border].nil? ? true : options[:border] fill = options[:fill].nil? ? false : options[:fill] clip = options[:clip].nil? ? false : options[:clip] && block_given? gw.stroke if @in_path and @auto_path line_colors.push(border) fill_colors.push(fill) check_set(:line_color, :line_width, :line_dash_pattern, :fill_color) if options[:corners] draw_rounded_rectangle(x, y, width, height, options) elsif options[:path] or options[:reverse] draw_rectangle_path(x, y, width, height, options) else gw.rectangle( to_points(@units, x), @page_height - to_points(@units, y + height), to_points(@units, width), to_points(@units, height)) end gw.save_graphics_state if clip auto_stroke_and_fill(:stroke => border, :fill => fill, :clip => clip) yield if block_given? gw.restore_graphics_state if clip line_colors.pop fill_colors.pop move_to(x + width, y) nil end def curve(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) move_to(x0, y0) unless @last_loc == @loc if @in_path and @auto_path gw.stroke @in_path = false end end check_set(:line_color, :line_width, :line_dash_pattern) gw.move_to(to_points(@units, @loc.x), to_points(@units, @loc.y)) unless @in_path gw.curve_to( to_points(@units, x1), @page_height - to_points(@units, y1), to_points(@units, x2), @page_height - to_points(@units, y2), to_points(@units, x3), @page_height - to_points(@units, y3)) move_to(x3, y3) @last_loc = @loc.clone @in_path = true end def curve_points(points) raise Exception.new("Need at least 4 points for curve") if points.size < 4 move_to(points[0].x, points[0].y) unless @last_loc == @loc if @in_path and @auto_path gw.stroke @in_path = false end end check_set(:line_color, :line_width, :line_dash_pattern) gw.move_to(to_points(@units, @loc.x), to_points(@units, @loc.y)) unless (@loc == @last_loc) and @in_path i = 1 while i + 2 < points.size gw.curve_to( to_points(@units, points[i].x), @page_height - to_points(@units, points[i].y), to_points(@units, points[i+1].x), @page_height - to_points(@units, points[i+1].y), to_points(@units, points[i+2].x), @page_height - to_points(@units, points[i+2].y) ) move_to(points[i+2].x, points[i+2].y) @last_loc = @loc.clone i += 3 end @in_path = true end # def curve_to(points) # end def points_for_circle(x, y, r) points = (1..4).inject([]) { |points, q| points + get_quadrant_bezier_points(q, x, y, r) } [12,8,4].each { |i| points.delete_at(i) } points end def circle(x, y, r, options={}, &block) border = options[:border].nil? ? true : options[:border] fill = options[:fill].nil? ? false : options[:fill] clip = options[:clip].nil? ? false : options[:clip] && block_given? line_colors.push(border) fill_colors.push(fill) check_set(:line_color, :line_width, :line_dash_pattern, :fill_color) points = points_for_circle(x, y, r) points.reverse! if options[:reverse] curve_points(points) gw.save_graphics_state if clip auto_stroke_and_fill(:stroke => border, :fill => fill, :clip => clip) yield if block_given? gw.restore_graphics_state if clip line_colors.pop fill_colors.pop nil end def points_for_ellipse(x, y, rx, ry) points = (1..4).inject([]) { |points, q| points + get_quadrant_bezier_points(q, x, y, rx, ry) } [12,8,4].each { |i| points.delete_at(i) } points end def ellipse(x, y, rx, ry, options={}, &block) rotation = options[:rotation] || 0 border = options[:border].nil? ? true : options[:border] fill = options[:fill].nil? ? false : options[:fill] clip = options[:clip].nil? ? false : options[:clip] && block_given? line_colors.push(border) fill_colors.push(fill) check_set(:line_color, :line_width, :line_dash_pattern, :fill_color) points = points_for_ellipse(x, y, rx, ry) points = rotate_points(make_loc(x, y), points, -rotation) points.reverse! if options[:reverse] curve_points(points) gw.save_graphics_state if clip auto_stroke_and_fill(:stroke => border, :fill => fill, :clip => clip) yield if block_given? gw.restore_graphics_state if clip line_colors.pop fill_colors.pop nil end def points_for_arc(x, y, r, start_angle, end_angle) return nil if start_angle == end_angle num_arcs = 1 ccwcw = 1.0 arc_span = end_angle - start_angle if end_angle < start_angle ccwcw = -1.0 end while arc_span.abs.quo(num_arcs) > 90.0 num_arcs += 1 end angle_bump = arc_span.quo(num_arcs) half_bump = 0.5 * angle_bump cur_angle = start_angle + half_bump points = [] num_arcs.times do |i| points << points_for_arc_small(x, y, r, cur_angle, half_bump, ccwcw) points.last.shift if i > 0 cur_angle = cur_angle + angle_bump end points.flatten end def arc(x, y, r, start_angle, end_angle, move_to0=false) return if start_angle == end_angle move_to0 = true unless @in_path num_arcs = 1 ccwcw = 1.0 arc_span = end_angle - start_angle if end_angle < start_angle ccwcw = -1.0 end while arc_span.abs.quo(num_arcs) > 90.0 num_arcs += 1 end angle_bump = arc_span.quo(num_arcs) half_bump = 0.5 * angle_bump cur_angle = start_angle + half_bump num_arcs.times do arc_small(x, y, r, cur_angle, half_bump, ccwcw, move_to0) move_to0 = false cur_angle = cur_angle + angle_bump end end def pie(x, y, r, start_angle, end_angle, options={}) border = options[:border].nil? ? true : options[:border] fill = options[:fill].nil? ? false : options[:fill] clip = options[:clip].nil? ? false : options[:clip] && block_given? unless @last_loc == @loc gw.stroke if @in_path and @auto_path @in_path = false end line_colors.push(border) fill_colors.push(fill) check_set(:line_color, :line_width, :line_dash_pattern, :fill_color) move_to(x, y) gw.move_to(to_points(@units, @loc.x), to_points(@units, @loc.y)) @last_loc = @loc.clone @in_path = true start_angle, end_angle = end_angle, start_angle if options[:reverse] arc(x, y, r, start_angle, end_angle) line_to(x, y) gw.save_graphics_state if clip auto_stroke_and_fill(:stroke => border, :fill => fill, :clip => clip) yield if block_given? gw.restore_graphics_state if clip line_colors.pop fill_colors.pop nil end def arch(x, y, r1, r2, start_angle, end_angle, options={}, &block) return if start_angle == end_angle start_angle, end_angle = end_angle, start_angle if options[:reverse] border = options[:border].nil? ? true : options[:border] fill = options[:fill].nil? ? false : options[:fill] clip = options[:clip].nil? ? false : options[:clip] && block_given? unless @last_loc == @loc gw.stroke if @in_path and @auto_path @in_path = false end line_colors.push(border) fill_colors.push(fill) check_set(:line_color, :line_width, :line_dash_pattern, :fill_color) arc1 = points_for_arc(x, y, r1, start_angle, end_angle) arc2 = points_for_arc(x, y, r2, end_angle, start_angle) move_to(arc1.first.x, arc1.first.y) gw.move_to(to_points(@units, @loc.x), to_points(@units, @loc.y)) curve_points(arc1) line_to(arc2.first.x, arc2.first.y) curve_points(arc2) line_to(arc1.first.x, arc1.first.y) gw.save_graphics_state if clip auto_stroke_and_fill(:stroke => border, :fill => fill, :clip => clip) yield if block_given? gw.restore_graphics_state if clip line_colors.pop fill_colors.pop nil end def points_for_polygon(x, y, r, sides, options={}) step = 360.0 / sides angle = step / 2 + 90 points = (0..sides).collect do px, py = rotate_xy_coordinate(1, 0, angle) angle += step make_loc(x + px * r, y + py * r) end rotation = options[:rotation] || 0 points = rotate_points(make_loc(x, y), points, -rotation) unless rotation.zero? points.reverse! if options[:reverse] points end def polygon(x, y, r, sides, options={}, &block) border = options[:border].nil? ? true : options[:border] fill = options[:fill].nil? ? false : options[:fill] clip = options[:clip].nil? ? false : options[:clip] && block_given? unless @last_loc == @loc gw.stroke if @in_path and @auto_path @in_path = false end points = points_for_polygon(x, y, r, sides, options) line_colors.push(border) fill_colors.push(fill) check_set(:line_color, :line_width, :line_dash_pattern, :fill_color) points.each_with_index do |point, i| if i == 0 move_to(point.x, point.y) else line_to(point.x, point.y) end end gw.save_graphics_state if clip auto_stroke_and_fill(:stroke => border, :fill => fill, :clip => clip) yield if block_given? gw.restore_graphics_state if clip line_colors.pop fill_colors.pop nil end def star(x, y, r1, r2, points, options={}, &block) return if points < 5 border = options[:border].nil? ? true : options[:border] fill = options[:fill].nil? ? false : options[:fill] clip = options[:clip].nil? ? false : options[:clip] && block_given? unless @last_loc == @loc gw.stroke if @in_path and @auto_path @in_path = false end rotation = options[:rotation] || 0 r2 ||= (points - 2).quo(points * 1.5) vertices1 = points_for_polygon(x, y, r1, points, options) vertices2 = points_for_polygon(x, y, r2, points, options.merge(:rotation => rotation + (360.0 / points / 2))) line_colors.push(border) fill_colors.push(fill) check_set(:line_color, :line_width, :line_dash_pattern, :fill_color) move_to(vertices2[0].x, vertices2[0].y) points.times do |i| line_to(vertices1[i].x, vertices1[i].y) line_to(vertices2[i+1].x, vertices2[i+1].y) end gw.save_graphics_state if clip auto_stroke_and_fill(:stroke => border, :fill => fill, :clip => clip) yield if block_given? gw.restore_graphics_state if clip line_colors.pop fill_colors.pop nil end def path(options={}, &block) check_set(:line_color, :line_width, :line_dash_pattern, :fill_color) stroke = options[:stroke].nil? ? false : options[:stroke] fill = options[:fill].nil? ? false : options[:fill] line_colors.push(stroke) fill_colors.push(fill) @auto_path = false if block_given? yield if options[:fill] and options[:stroke] gw.fill_and_stroke elsif options[:stroke] gw.stroke elsif options[:fill] gw.fill else gw.new_path end line_colors.pop fill_colors.pop @in_path = false @auto_path = true end end def fill raise Exception.new("Not in graph") unless @in_graph raise Exception.new("Not in path") unless @in_path check_set(:fill_color) gw.fill line_colors.pop fill_colors.pop @in_path = false @auto_path = true end def stroke raise Exception.new("Not in graph") unless @in_graph raise Exception.new("Not in path") unless @in_path check_set(:line_color) gw.stroke line_colors.pop fill_colors.pop @in_path = false @auto_path = true end def fill_and_stroke raise Exception.new("Not in graph") unless @in_graph raise Exception.new("Not in path") unless @in_path check_set(:fill_color,:line_color) gw.fill_and_stroke line_colors.pop fill_colors.pop @in_path = false @auto_path = true end def clip(options={}, &block) gw.save_graphics_state if @in_path gw.clip if options[:fill] and options[:stroke] gw.fill_and_stroke elsif options[:stroke] gw.stroke elsif options[:fill] gw.fill else gw.new_path end end save_text_rendering_mode = @text_rendering_mode text_clipping_mode(options) yield if block_given? # gw.clip gw.restore_graphics_state @text_rendering_mode = save_text_rendering_mode @in_path = false @auto_path = true end def line_cap_style(style=nil) return @line_cap_style || :butt_cap if style.nil? prev_line_cap_style, @line_cap_style = @line_cap_style, style.to_sym if LINE_CAP_STYLES.include?(style.to_sym) prev_line_cap_style end def line_dash_pattern(pattern=nil) return @line_dash_pattern if pattern.nil? prev_line_dash_pattern, @line_dash_pattern = @line_dash_pattern, pattern prev_line_dash_pattern end def line_width(value=nil, units=nil) return from_points(@units, @line_width || 0) if value.nil? return from_points(value, @line_width || 0) if value.is_a?(Symbol) prev_line_width = @line_width || 0 if !units.nil? u, value = units.to_sym, value.to_f elsif value.respond_to?(:to_str) and value =~ /\D+/ u, value = $&.to_sym, value.to_f else u = @units end @line_width = to_points(u, value) from_points(@units, prev_line_width) end def line_height(height=nil) return @line_height if height.nil? prev_line_height, @line_height = @line_height, height prev_line_height end def named_colors @doc.named_colors end def line_color(color=nil) return @line_color if color.nil? if color.is_a?(Array) r, g, b = color prev_line_color, @line_color = @line_color, color_from_rgb(r, g, b) else prev_line_color, @line_color = @line_color, color end prev_line_color end def fill_color(color=nil) return @fill_color if color.nil? if color.is_a?(Array) r, g, b = color prev_fill_color, @fill_color = @fill_color, color_from_rgb(r, g, b) else prev_fill_color, @fill_color = @fill_color, color end prev_fill_color end def print(text, options={}, &block) text = text.to_s return if text.empty? text = @ic.iconv(text) unless @ic.nil? align = options[:align] angle = options[:angle] || 0.0 @scale = options[:scale] || 1.0 prev_underline = underline(options[:underline]) unless options[:underline].nil? prev_v_text_align = v_text_align(options[:v_text_align]) unless options[:v_text_align].nil? clip = options[:clip] && block_given? if clip gw.save_graphics_state text_clipping_mode(options) end start_text unless @in_text check_set(:font, :font_color, :line_color, :v_text_align, :spacing, :scale, :text_rendering_mode) ds = width(text, true) if align prev_loc = @loc.clone @loc = case align when :left then @loc when :center then add_vector(@loc, angle + 180, ds.quo(2)) when :right then add_vector(@loc, angle + 180, ds) end end if (@text_angle != angle) or (angle != 0.0) set_text_angle(angle, @loc.x, @loc.y) elsif @loc != @last_loc tw.move_by(to_points(@units, @loc.x - @last_loc.x), to_points(@units, @loc.y - @last_loc.y)) end tw.show(text) # if @ic.nil? # tw.show(text) # else # text = @ic.iconv(text) # tw.show_wide(text) # end @last_loc = @loc.clone new_loc = (angle == 0.0) ? Location.new(@loc.x + ds, @loc.y) : add_vector(@loc, angle, ds) draw_underline(translate_p(@last_loc), translate_p(new_loc), @font.underline_position, @font.underline_thickness, angle) if @underline underline(prev_underline) unless options[:underline].nil? v_text_align(prev_v_text_align) unless options[:v_text_align].nil? @loc = align ? prev_loc : new_loc if clip yield gw.restore_graphics_state end nil end def print_xy(x, y, text, options={}, &block) move_to(x, y) print(text, options, &block) end def puts(text='', options={}, &block) # if it's not a real string, assume it's an enumeration of strings unless text.respond_to?(:to_str) text.each { |t| puts(t, options) } else prev_loc = @loc.clone print(text, options, &block) @loc = options[:indent] ? Location.new(prev_loc.x, prev_loc.y - height) : Location.new(@indent, prev_loc.y - height) end nil end def puts_xy(x, y, text, options={}, &block) move_to(x, y) prev_indent = indent(x, true) puts(text, options, &block) indent(prev_indent, true) nil end def new_line(count=1) @loc = Location.new(@indent, @loc.y - height * count) nil end def width(text, encoded=false) set_default_font if @font.nil? result = 0.0 fsize = @font.size * 0.001 text = @ic.iconv(text) unless @ic.nil? or encoded text.each_byte do |b| result += fsize * @font.widths[b] + @char_spacing result += @word_spacing if b == 32 # space end from_points(@units, result - @char_spacing) end def wrap(text, width) re = /\n|\t|[ ]|[\S]+-+|[\S]+/ words = text.scan(re) word_tuples = words.map { |word| [width(word), word] } line_length = 0 lines = word_tuples.inject(['']) do |lines, tuple| if tuple[1] == "\n" lines << '' line_length = 0 elsif line_length == 0 unless tuple[1] == ' ' lines.last << tuple[1] line_length += tuple[0] end elsif line_length + tuple[0] > width lines << '' line_length = 0 redo else lines.last << tuple[1] line_length += tuple[0] end lines end end def text_ascent(units=nil) units ||= @units set_default_font if @font.nil? 0.001 * @font.ascent * @font.size.quo(UNIT_CONVERSION[units]) end def text_height(units=nil) units ||= @units set_default_font if @font.nil? 0.001 * @font.height * @font.size.quo(UNIT_CONVERSION[units]) end def height(text='', units=nil) units ||= @units set_default_font if @font.nil? if text.respond_to?(:to_str) text_height(units) * @line_height else text.inject(0) { |total, line| total + height(line, units) } end end def paragraph(text, options={}) width = options[:width] || canvas_width - pen_pos.x height = options[:height] || canvas_height - pen_pos.y if bul = bullet(options[:bullet]) save_loc = pen_pos bul.proc.call(self) move_to(save_loc.x + from_points(units, bul.width), save_loc.y) width -= from_points(units, bul.width) end prev_underline, ul = @underline, options[:underline].nil? ? @underline : options[:underline] unless text.is_a?(PdfText::RichText) text = PdfText::RichText.new(text, font, :color => @font_color, :char_spacing => @char_spacing, :word_spacing => @word_spacing, :underline => ul) end dy = 0 while dy + from_points(@units, text.height) < height and line = text.next(to_points(@units, width)) save_loc = pen_pos line_dy = line.height.quo(UNIT_CONVERSION[units]) * @line_height case options[:align] when :center then move_to(save_loc.x + (width - from_points(@units, line.width)) / 2.0, save_loc.y) when :right then move_to(save_loc.x + width - from_points(@units, line.width), save_loc.y) when :justify then width_pt = to_points(@units, width) delta_pt = width_pt - line.width words = (line.tokens / 2) + 1 if delta_pt.abs.quo(width_pt) < 0.4 if words == 1 @word_spacing = 0 @char_spacing = delta_pt.quo(line.chars - 1) elsif delta_pt.abs / words > 3 @word_spacing = 3 delta_pt -= (words - 1) * @word_spacing @char_spacing = delta_pt.quo(line.chars - 1) else @word_spacing = delta_pt.quo(words - 1) @char_spacing = 0 end end end while piece = line.shift font(piece.font) font_color piece.color underline piece.underline print(piece.text) end @word_spacing = @char_spacing = 0.0 if options[:align] == :justify dy += line_dy move_to(save_loc.x, save_loc.y + line_dy) end underline(prev_underline) move_by(-from_points(units, bul.width), 0) unless bul.nil? return text.empty? ? nil : text end def paragraph_xy(x, y, text, options={}) move_to(x, y) paragraph(text, options) end def v_text_align(vta=nil) return @v_text_align if vta.nil? prev_vta, @v_text_align = @v_text_align, vta prev_vta end def underline(underline=nil) return @underline if underline.nil? prev_underline, @underline = @underline, underline prev_underline end def type1_font_names @doc.type1_font_names end def truetype_font_names @doc.truetype_font_names end def select_font(name, size, options={}) unless @ic.nil? @ic.close @ic = nil end weight = options[:weight] || '' style = weight + (options[:style] || '') font = Font.new(name, size, style, options[:color], pdf_encoding(options[:encoding] || 'WinAnsiEncoding', name)) font.sub_type = options[:sub_type] || 'Type1' punc = (font.sub_type == 'TrueType') ? ',' : '-' full_name = name.gsub(' ','') full_name << punc << font.style unless font.style.empty? if @options[:built_in_fonts] if font.sub_type == 'Type1' metrics = PdfK::font_metrics(full_name) elsif font.sub_type == 'TrueType' metrics = PdfTT::font_metrics(full_name) end else if font.sub_type == 'Type1' weight = 'Bold' if weight.empty? and /Bold/i =~ style afm = AFM::find_font(name, weight, style) full_name = afm.font_name unless afm.nil? metrics = AFM::font_metrics(full_name, :encoding => font.encoding) elsif font.sub_type == 'TrueType' raise Exception.new("Non-built-in TrueType fonts not supported yet.") elsif font.sub_type == 'Type0' # metrics = AFM::font_metrics(full_name, :encoding => :unicode) # require 'iconv' # @ic = Iconv.new('UCS-2BE', iconv_encoding(font.encoding)) else raise Exception.new("Unsupported subtype #{font.sub_type}.") end end unless text_encoding.nil? or (font.encoding == 'StandardEncoding') or (font.encoding == text_encoding) if ''.respond_to?(:encoding) # Ruby 1.9+ @ic = FakeIconv.new(iconv_encoding(font.encoding), iconv_encoding(text_encoding)) else @ic = Iconv.new(iconv_encoding(font.encoding)+'//IGNORE', iconv_encoding(text_encoding)) end end font.widths, font.ascent, font.descent = metrics.widths, metrics.ascent, metrics.descent font.height = font.ascent + font.descent.abs font.underline_position = metrics.underline_position * -0.001 * font.size font.underline_thickness = metrics.underline_thickness * 0.001 * font.size font_key = "#{full_name}/#{font.encoding}-#{font.sub_type}" page_font = @doc.fonts[font_key] unless page_font widths = nil if metrics.needs_descriptor descriptor = PdfObjects::PdfFontDescriptor.new(@doc.next_seq, 0, full_name, metrics.flags, metrics.b_box, metrics.missing_width, metrics.stem_v, metrics.stem_h, metrics.italic_angle, metrics.cap_height, metrics.x_height, metrics.ascent, metrics.descent, metrics.leading, metrics.max_width, metrics.avg_width) @doc.file.body << descriptor widths = PdfObjects::IndirectObject.new(@doc.next_seq, 0, PdfObjects::PdfInteger.ary(metrics.widths)) @doc.file.body << widths else descriptor = nil widths = nil end page_font = "F#{@doc.fonts.size}" f = PdfObjects::PdfFont.new(@doc.next_seq, 0, font.sub_type, full_name, 0, 255, widths, descriptor) @doc.file.body << f if PdfObjects::PdfFont.standard_encoding?(font.encoding) f.encoding = font.encoding else encoding = @doc.encodings[font.encoding] if encoding.nil? encoding = PdfObjects::PdfFontEncoding.new(@doc.next_seq, 0, 'WinAnsiEncoding', metrics.differences) @doc.encodings[font.encoding] = encoding @doc.file.body << encoding end f.encoding = encoding.reference_object # raise Exception.new("Unsupported encoding #{font.encoding}") end @doc.resources.fonts[page_font] = f.reference_object @doc.fonts[font_key] = page_font end font_color(options[:color]) if options[:color] text_rendering_mode(options) [font, page_font] end def font(name=nil, size=nil, options={}) return @font || set_default_font if name.nil? prev_font = @font if name.is_a?(Font) @font = name name, size = @font.name, @font.size options.update(:style => @font.style, :color => @font.color, :encoding => @font.encoding, :sub_type => @font.sub_type) end size ||= @font.nil? ? @default_font[:size] : @font.size @font, @page_font = select_font(name, size, options) prev_font end def font_style(style=nil) set_default_font if @font.nil? return @font.style if style.nil? prev_style = @font.style font(@font.name, @font.size, :style => style, :color => @font.color, :encoding => @font.encoding, :sub_type => @font.sub_type) prev_style end def font_size(size=nil) set_default_font if @font.nil? return @font.size if size.nil? prev_size = @font.size font(@font.name, size, :style => @font.style, :color => @font.color, :encoding => @font.encoding, :sub_type => @font.sub_type) prev_size end def font_color(color=nil) return @font_color if color.nil? if color.is_a?(Array) r, g, b = color prev_font_color, @font_color = @font_color, color_from_rgb(r, g, b) else prev_font_color, @font_color = @font_color, color end @font.color = @font_color unless @font.nil? prev_font_color end def font_encoding(encoding=nil) set_default_font if @font.nil? return @font.encoding if encoding.nil? prev_encoding = @font.encoding font(@font.name, @font.size, :style => @font.style, :color => @font.color, :encoding => encoding, :sub_type => @font.sub_type) prev_encoding end def load_image(image_file_name, stream=nil) image, name = @doc.images[image_file_name] return [image, name] unless image.nil? stream ||= open(image_file_name, ImageReadMode) { |io| io.read } image = PdfObjects::PdfImage.new(@doc.next_seq, 0, stream) image.width, image.height, components, image.bits_per_component = jpeg_dimensions(stream) image.color_space = { 1 => 'DeviceGray', 3 => 'DeviceRGB', 4 => 'DeviceCMYK' }[components] image.filter = 'DCTDecode' name = "Im#{@doc.images.size}" @doc.file.body << image @doc.resources.x_objects[name] = image.reference_object @doc.images[image_file_name] = [image, name] [image, name] end def print_image_file(image_file_name, x=nil, y=nil, width=nil, height=nil) image, name = load_image(image_file_name) x ||= pen_pos.x y ||= pen_pos.y if width.nil? and height.nil? width, height = image.width, image.height elsif width.nil? height = to_points(@units, height) width = height * image.width.quo(image.height) elsif height.nil? width = to_points(@units, width) height = width * image.height.quo(image.width) else width, height = to_points(@units, width), to_points(@units, height) end end_path if @in_path gw.save_graphics_state gw.concat_matrix(width, 0, 0, height, to_points(@units, x), to_points(@units, page_height - y) - height) mw.x_object(name) gw.restore_graphics_state [from_points(@units, width), from_points(@units, height)] end def print_image(data, x=nil, y=nil, width=nil, height=nil) image_file_name = data.hash.to_s image, name = load_image(image_file_name, data) print_image_file(image_file_name, x, y, width, height) end def print_link(s, uri) # TODO end def bullet(name, options={}, &block) return nil if name.nil? return @doc.bullets[name.to_sym] unless block_given? if width = options[:width] units = options[:units] || self.units width = to_points(units, width) end @doc.bullets[name.to_sym] = Bullet.new(name.to_s, width || 36, block) end def rotate(angle, x, y, &block) return unless block_given? end_path if @in_path check_set(:line_color, :line_width, :line_dash_pattern, :fill_color) theta = angle.degrees v_cos = Math::cos(theta) v_sin = Math::sin(theta) xx, xy = to_points(@units, x), @page_height - to_points(@units, y) rot_x, rot_y = rotate_xy_coordinate(xx, xy, angle) gw.save_graphics_state gw.concat_matrix(v_cos, v_sin, -v_sin, v_cos, xx - rot_x, xy - rot_y) @last_page_font = nil yield gw.restore_graphics_state @last_page_font = nil end def scale(x, y, scale_x, scale_y, &block) return unless x && scale_x && y && scale_y && block_given? end_path if @in_path check_set(:line_color, :line_width, :line_dash_pattern, :fill_color) sub_area = IDENTITY_MATRIX.dup # a: Sx (horizontal scaling, 1 unit in new is x units in old) # b: # c: # d: Sy (vertical scaling, 1 unit in new is y units in old) # e: Tx (horizontal translation of the origin) # f: Ty (vertical translation of the origin) sub_area[0] = scale_x sub_area[3] = scale_y sub_area[4] = to_points(@units, x) sub_area[5] = to_points(@units, -y) save_page_height = @page_height @page_height = save_page_height.quo(scale_y) gw.save_graphics_state gw.concat_matrix(*sub_area) @last_page_font = nil yield end_text if @in_text end_graph if @in_graph gw.restore_graphics_state @last_page_font = nil @page_height = save_page_height end def text_encoding(value=nil) return @text_encoding if value.nil? @text_encoding = value end end end