# encoding: UTF-8 require 'plow/generator' class Plow # It's probably no surprise that `Plow::Application` is an **application** class. # # With a single public method, `.launch`, it has the distinct honor of being the point of # execution for the library. As described further in the documentation, it designed to # accept and parse raw command-line arguments (i.e. the `ARGV` constant). # # @see Plow::Application.launch class Application class << self # The starting point of executation for the Plow library. The procedure for launching the # `Plow::Application` is as follows: # # 1. Output a version stamp. # 2. Ensure at least 2 arguments are provided or aborting execution with a usage message. # 3. Parse the user-supplied arguments. # 4. Start a new `Plow::Generator` while handling any library specific exceptions raised. # # @example A simple executable file (assume a working Ruby $LOAD_PATH) # #!/usr/bin/env ruby1.9 # require 'plow' # Plow::Application.launch(*ARGV) # # @param [Array] *arguments A splatted `Array` of user-specified, command-line arguments. # At least 2 arguments must be provided. # @return [Number] Success returns 0, while failure results in any raised `Exception`. :( # @raise [SystemExit] Raised when a critical, library-specific exception is rescued and # executation must be terminiated. # @see http://www.ruby-doc.org/ruby-1.9/classes/SystemExit.html def launch(*arguments) puts version_stamp if arguments.length < 2 abort <<-MESSAGE Usage: plow USER_NAME SITE_NAME [SITE_ALIAS ...] Arguments: USER_NAME Name of a Linux system account user (e.g. steve) SITE_NAME Name of the web-site (e.g. www.apple.com) SITE_ALIAS (Optional) List of alias names of the web-site (e.g. apple.com) Summary: Plows the fertile soil of your filesystem into neatly organized plots of web-site templates Description: 1. Sharpens it's blade by ensuring that both a Linux system user account and it's home path exist 2. Penetrates the soil by forming the web-site root path within the user home 3. Seeds the web-site with an index page and web server log files 4. Fertilizes the web-site by installing a virtual host configuration into the web server Example: plow steve www.apple.com apple.com MESSAGE end user_name, site_name = arguments.first(2) site_aliases = arguments.drop(2) begin generator = Plow::Generator.new(user_name, site_name, *site_aliases) generator.run! return 0 rescue Plow::InvalidSystemUserNameError => invalid abort "ERROR: #{invalid} is an invalid system user name" rescue Plow::InvalidWebSiteNameError => invalid abort "ERROR: #{invalid} is an invalid web-site name" rescue Plow::InvalidWebSiteAliasError => invalid abort "ERROR: #{invalid} is an invalid web-site alias" rescue Plow::NonRootProcessOwnerError abort "ERROR: This process must be owned or executed by root" rescue Plow::ReservedSystemUserNameError => reserved abort "ERROR: #{reserved} is a reserved system user name" rescue Plow::SystemUserNameNotFoundError => not_found abort "ERROR: System user name #{not_found} cannot be found when it should exist" rescue Plow::AppRootAlreadyExistsError => already_exists abort "ERROR: Application root path #{already_exists} already exists" rescue Plow::ConfigFileAlreadyExistsError => already_exists abort "ERROR: Configuration file #{already_exists} already exists" end end private # Similar to a time stamp, this will return a version stamp of the Plow library containing # the version number along with the copyright and license details. # # @return [String] Version stamp # @example Sample version stamp # Plow 1.0.0. Copyright (c) 2009 Ryan Sobol. Licensed under the MIT license. def version_stamp "Plow #{Plow::VERSION}. Copyright (c) 2009 Ryan Sobol. Licensed under the MIT license." end end end end