# ComfortableMexicanSofa (Rails 3 CMS Engine) [](http://travis-ci.org/twg/comfortable-mexican-sofa) ComfortableMexicanSofa is a powerful CMS Engine for your Rails 3 applications. Features -------- * Simple integration with Rails 3.0 and 3.1 apps * Build your application in Rails, not in CMS * Powerful page templating capability using [Tags](https://github.com/twg/comfortable-mexican-sofa/wiki/Tags) * [Multiple Sites](https://github.com/twg/comfortable-mexican-sofa/wiki/Sites) from a single installation * Multilingual * [Fixtures](https://github.com/twg/comfortable-mexican-sofa/wiki/Working-with-CMS-fixtures) for initial content population * [Revision History](https://github.com/twg/comfortable-mexican-sofa/wiki/Revisions) * [Great reusable admin interface](https://github.com/twg/comfortable-mexican-sofa/wiki/Reusing-sofa%27s-admin-area) * Almost no 3rd party library dependencies Installation ------------ Add gem definition to your Gemfile: gem 'comfortable_mexican_sofa' Then from the Rails project's root run: bundle install rails generate cms rake db:migrate When upgrading from the older version please take a look at [Upgrading ComfortableMexicanSofa](https://github.com/twg/comfortable-mexican-sofa/wiki/Upgrading-ComfortableMexicanSofa) Quick Start Guide ----------------- After finishing installation you should be able to navigate to http://yoursite/cms-admin Default username and password is 'username' and 'password'. You probably want to change it right away. Admin credentials (among other things) can be found and changed in the cms initializer: [/config/initializers/comfortable\_mexican\_sofa.rb](https://github.com/twg/comfortable-mexican-sofa/blob/master/config/initializers/comfortable_mexican_sofa.rb) Before creating pages and populating them with content we need to create a Site. Site defines a hostname, content path and it's language. After creating a Site, you need to make a Layout. Layout is the template of your pages; it defines some reusable content (like header and footer, for example) and places where the content goes. A very simple layout can look like this: