require_relative '../spec_helper' # Load the class under test require_relative '../../lib/sequitur/production' module Sequitur # Re-open the module to get rid of qualified names describe Production do # Helper method: convert list of digrams into an array # of symbol couples. def to_symbols(theDigrams) return end let(:p_a) do instance = instance.append_symbol(:a) instance end let(:p_bc) do instance = instance.append_symbol('b') instance.append_symbol('c') instance end context 'Creation & initialization:' do it 'should be created without argument' do expect { }.not_to raise_error end it 'should not referenced yet' do expect(subject.refcount).to eq(0) end it 'should be empty at creation' do expect(subject).to be_empty end it 'should not have digram' do expect(subject.digrams).to be_empty expect(subject.last_digram).to be_nil end end # context context 'Knowing its rhs:' do it 'should know the productions in its rhs' do # Case 1: empty production expect(subject.references).to be_empty # Case 2: production without references symbols = [:a, :b, :c] symbols.each { |symb| subject.append_symbol(symb) } expect(subject.references).to be_empty # Case 2: production with one reference subject.append_symbol(p_a) expect(subject.references).to eq([p_a]) # Case 3: production with repeated references subject.append_symbol(p_a) # second time expect(subject.references).to eq([p_a, p_a]) # Case 4: production with multiple distinct references subject.append_symbol(p_bc) expect(subject.references).to eq([p_a, p_a, p_bc]) end end # context context 'Appending a symbol:' do it 'should append a symbol when empty' do expect { subject.append_symbol(:a) }.not_to raise_error expect(subject.rhs).to eq([:a]) expect(subject.last_digram).to be_nil end it 'should append a symbol when has one symbol' do subject.append_symbol(:a) subject.append_symbol(:b) expect(subject.rhs).to eq([:a, :b]) expect(subject.last_digram.symbols).to eq([:a, :b]) end it 'should append a symbol when rhs has several symbols' do symbols = [:a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f] symbols.each { |symb| subject.append_symbol(symb) } expect(subject.rhs).to eq(symbols) expect(subject.last_digram.symbols).to eq([:e, :f]) end it 'should increment the refcount for each production in the rhs' do expect(p_a.refcount).to be(0) input = [p_a, :b, :c, :d, p_a, :e, :f] # p_a appears twice input.each { |symb| subject.append_symbol(symb) } expect(p_a.refcount).to be(2) end it 'should calculate the digrams before appending:' do # Case: empty production expect(subject.calc_append_symbol(:a)).to be_empty # Case: single-symbol rhs subject.append_symbol(:a) expect(to_symbols(subject.calc_append_symbol(:b))).to eq([[:a, :b]]) # Case: two-symbols rhs subject.append_symbol(:b) expectation = [[:a, :b], [:b, :c]] expect(to_symbols(subject.calc_append_symbol(:c))).to eq(expectation) end end # context context 'Text representation of a production rule:' do it 'should emit minimal text when empty' do expectation = "#{subject.object_id} : ." expect(subject.to_string).to eq(expectation) end it 'should emit its text representation' do symbols = [:a, :b, 'c', :d, :e, :f] symbols.each { |symb| subject.append_symbol(symb) } expectation = "#{subject.object_id} : a b 'c' d e f." expect(subject.to_string).to eq(expectation) end end # context context 'Detecting digram repetition:' do it 'should report no repetition when empty' do expect(subject.repeated_digram?).to be_falsey end it 'should report no repetition when rhs has less than 3 symbols' do subject.append_symbol(:a) expect(subject.repeated_digram?).to be_falsey subject.append_symbol(:a) expect(subject.repeated_digram?).to be_falsey end it 'should detect shortest repetition' do 'aaa'.each_char { |symb| subject.append_symbol(symb) } expect(subject.repeated_digram?).to be_truthy end it 'should detect any repetition pattern' do # Positive cases cases = %w(abab abcdab abcdcd abcdefcd ) cases.each do |word| instance = word.each_char { |symb| instance.append_symbol(symb) } expect(instance.repeated_digram?).to be_truthy end # Negative cases cases = %w(abc abb abba abcdef) cases.each do |word| instance = word.each_char { |symb| instance.append_symbol(symb) } expect(instance.repeated_digram?).to be_falsey end end end # context context 'Replacing a digram by a production:' do it 'should have not effect on empty production' do subject.replace_digram(p_bc) expect(subject.rhs).to be_empty expect(p_bc.refcount).to eq(0) end it 'should replace two-symbol sequence' do %w(a b c d e b c e).each { |symb| subject.append_symbol(symb) } subject.replace_digram(p_bc) expect(subject.rhs.size).to eq(6) expect(subject.rhs).to eq(['a', p_bc, 'd', 'e', p_bc, 'e']) expect(p_bc.refcount).to eq(2) expect(p_bc.backrefs[subject.object_id]).to eq(2) end it 'should replace a starting two-symbol sequence' do %w(b c d e b c e).each { |symb| subject.append_symbol(symb) } subject.replace_digram(p_bc) expect(subject.rhs.size).to eq(5) expect(subject.rhs).to eq([p_bc, 'd', 'e', p_bc, 'e']) expect(p_bc.refcount).to eq(2) expect(p_bc.backrefs[subject.object_id]).to eq(2) end it 'should replace an ending two-symbol sequence' do %w(a b c d e b c).each { |symb| subject.append_symbol(symb) } subject.replace_digram(p_bc) expect(subject.rhs.size).to eq(5) expect(subject.rhs).to eq(['a', p_bc, 'd', 'e', p_bc]) expect(p_bc.refcount).to eq(2) expect(p_bc.backrefs[subject.object_id]).to eq(2) end it 'should replace two consecutive two-symbol sequences' do %w(a b c b c d).each { |symb| subject.append_symbol(symb) } subject.replace_digram(p_bc) expect(subject.rhs.size).to eq(4) expect(subject.rhs).to eq(['a', p_bc, p_bc, 'd']) expect(p_bc.refcount).to eq(2) expect(p_bc.backrefs[subject.object_id]).to eq(2) end end # context context 'Replacing a production occurrence by its rhs:' do it 'should have not effect on empty production' do subject.replace_production(p_bc) expect(subject.rhs).to be_empty end it 'should replace a production at the start' do [p_bc, 'd'].each { |symb| subject.append_symbol(symb) } subject.replace_production(p_bc) expect(subject.rhs.size).to eq(3) expect(subject.rhs).to eq(%w(b c d)) end it 'should replace a production at the end' do ['d', p_bc].each { |symb| subject.append_symbol(symb) } subject.replace_production(p_bc) expect(subject.rhs.size).to eq(3) expect(subject.rhs).to eq(%w(d b c)) end it 'should replace a production as sole symbol' do subject.append_symbol(p_bc) subject.replace_production(p_bc) expect(subject.rhs.size).to eq(2) expect(subject.rhs).to eq(%w(b c)) end it 'should replace a production in the middle' do ['a', p_bc, 'd'].each { |symb| subject.append_symbol(symb) } subject.replace_production(p_bc) expect(subject.rhs.size).to eq(4) expect(subject.rhs).to eq(%w(a b c d)) end end # context end # describe end # module # End of file