# Ronin Web * [Source](http://github.com/ronin-ruby/ronin-web) * [Issues](http://github.com/ronin-ruby/ronin-web/issues) * [Documentation](http://rubydoc.info/github/ronin-ruby/ronin-web/frames) * [Mailing List](http://groups.google.com/group/ronin-ruby) * irc.freenode.net #ronin ## Description Ronin Web is a Ruby library for Ronin that provides support for web scraping and spidering functionality. Ronin is a Ruby platform for exploit development and security research. Ronin allows for the rapid development and distribution of code, exploits or payloads over many common Source-Code-Management (SCM) systems. ### Ruby Ronin's Ruby environment allows security researchers to leverage Ruby with ease. The Ruby environment contains a multitude of convenience methods for working with data in Ruby, a Ruby Object Database, a customized Ruby Console and an extendable command-line interface. ### Extend Ronin's more specialized features are provided by additional Ronin libraries, which users can choose to install. These libraries can allow one to write and run Exploits and Payloads, scan for PHP vulnerabilities, perform Google Dorks or run 3rd party scanners. ### Publish Ronin allows users to publish and share code, exploits, payloads or other data via Overlays. Overlays are directories of code and data that can be hosted on any SVN, Hg, Git or Rsync server. Ronin makes it easy to create, install or update Overlays. ## Features * Web access (utilizing [Mechanize](http://rubydoc.info/gems/mechanize/frames) and [Nokogiri](http://rubydoc.info/gems/nokogiri/frames). * Integrates [Spidr](http://github.com/postmodern/spidr#readme) into {Ronin::Web::Spider}. * Provides a collection of useful [Rack](http://rack.rubyforge.org/) Middleware: * {Ronin::Web::Middleware::Files} * {Ronin::Web::Middleware::Directories} * {Ronin::Web::Middleware::Proxy} * {Ronin::Web::Middleware::Router} * Provides {Ronin::Web::Server}, a [Sinatra](http://sinatrarb.com/) based Web Server. * Provides {Ronin::Web::Proxy}, a [Sinatra](http://sinatrarb.com/) based Web Proxy. ## Synopsis Start the Ronin console with Ronin Web preloaded: $ ronin-web ## Examples Get a web-page: Web.get('http://www.rubyinside.com/') Get only the body of the web-page: Web.get_body('http://www.rubyinside.com/') Get a [Mechanize agent](http://rubydoc.info/gems/mechanize/1.0.0/Mechanize): agent = Web.agent Parse HTML: Web.html(open('some_file.html')) # => # #
# # # Build a HTML document: doc = Web.build_html do html { head { script(:type => 'text/javascript', :src => 'redirect.js') } } end puts doc.to_html # # Parse XML: Web.xml(some_text) # => #