require 'test_helper' class DeploySpecTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do @spec ='/tmp/', 'env') @spec.stubs(:load_config).returns({}) end test '#supports_fetch_deployed_revision? returns false by default' do refute @spec.supports_fetch_deployed_revision? end test '#supports_fetch_deployed_revision? returns true if steps are defined' do @spec.stubs(:load_config).returns('fetch' => ['curl --silent']) assert @spec.supports_fetch_deployed_revision? end test '#supports_rollback? returns false by default' do refute @spec.supports_rollback? end test '#supports_rollback? returns true if steps are defined' do @spec.stubs(:load_config).returns('rollback' => {'override' => ['rm -rf /usr /lib/nvidia-current/xorg/xorg']}) assert @spec.supports_rollback? end test '#supports_rollback? returns true if stack is detected as capistrano' do @spec.expects(:capistrano?).returns(true) assert @spec.supports_rollback? end test '#dependencies_steps returns `dependencies.override` if present' do @spec.stubs(:load_config).returns('dependencies' => {'override' => %w(foo bar baz)}) assert_equal %w(foo bar baz), @spec.dependencies_steps end test '#dependencies_steps returns `bundle install` if a `Gemfile` is present' do @spec.expects(:bundler?).returns(true) @spec.expects(:bundle_install).returns(:bundle_install) assert_equal :bundle_install, @spec.dependencies_steps end test '#fetch_deployed_revision_steps! is unknown by default' do assert_raises DeploySpec::Error do @spec.fetch_deployed_revision_steps! end end test '#fetch_deployed_revision_steps use `fetch` is present' do @spec.stubs(:load_config).returns('fetch' => ['echo l33t']) assert_equal ['echo l33t'], @spec.fetch_deployed_revision_steps end test '#bundle_install return a sane default bundle install command' do @spec.stubs(:gemfile_lock_exists?).returns(true) command = %( bundle check --path=#{DeploySpec.bundle_path} || bundle install --frozen --path=#{DeploySpec.bundle_path} --retry=2 --without=default:production:development:test:staging:benchmark:debug ).gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip assert_equal command, @spec.bundle_install.last end test '#bundle_install use `dependencies.bundler.without` if present to build the --without argument' do @spec.stubs(:gemfile_lock_exists?).returns(true) @spec.stubs(:load_config).returns('dependencies' => {'bundler' => {'without' => %w(some custom groups)}}) command = %( bundle check --path=#{DeploySpec.bundle_path} || bundle install --frozen --path=#{DeploySpec.bundle_path} --retry=2 --without=some:custom:groups ).gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip assert_equal command, @spec.bundle_install.last end test '#bundle_install has --frozen option if Gemfile.lock is present' do @spec.stubs(:load_config).returns('dependencies' => {'bundler' => {'without' => %w(some custom groups)}}) @spec.stubs(:gemfile_lock_exists?).returns(true) assert @spec.bundle_install.last.include?('--frozen') end test '#bundle_install does not have --frozen option if Gemfile.lock is not present' do @spec.stubs(:load_config).returns('dependencies' => {'bundler' => {'without' => %w(some custom groups)}}) @spec.stubs(:gemfile_lock_exists?).returns(false) refute @spec.bundle_install.last.include?('--frozen') end test '#bundle_install does not have --frozen if overridden in shipit.yml' do @spec.stubs(:load_config).returns('dependencies' => {'bundler' => {'frozen' => false}}) @spec.stubs(:gemfile_lock_exists?).returns(true) refute @spec.bundle_install.last.include?('--frozen') end test '#deploy_steps returns `deploy.override` if present' do @spec.stubs(:load_config).returns('deploy' => {'override' => %w(foo bar baz)}) assert_equal %w(foo bar baz), @spec.deploy_steps end test '#deploy_steps returns `cap $ENVIRONMENT deploy` if a `Capfile` is present' do @spec.expects(:bundler?).returns(true) @spec.expects(:capistrano?).returns(true) assert_equal ['bundle exec cap $ENVIRONMENT deploy'], @spec.deploy_steps end test '#deploy_steps raise a DeploySpec::Error! if it dont know how to deploy the app' do @spec.expects(:capistrano?).returns(false) assert_raise DeploySpec::Error do @spec.deploy_steps! end end test '#rollback_steps returns `rollback.override` if present' do @spec.stubs(:load_config).returns('rollback' => {'override' => %w(foo bar baz)}) assert_equal %w(foo bar baz), @spec.rollback_steps end test '#rollback_steps returns `cap $ENVIRONMENT deploy:rollback` if a `Capfile` is present' do @spec.expects(:bundler?).returns(true) @spec.expects(:capistrano?).returns(true) assert_equal ['bundle exec cap $ENVIRONMENT deploy:rollback'], @spec.rollback_steps end test '#machine_env return an environment hash' do @spec.stubs(:load_config).returns('machine' => {'environment' => {'GLOBAL' => '1'}}) assert_equal({'GLOBAL' => '1'}, @spec.machine_env) end test '#load_config can grab the env-specific shipit.yml file' do config = {} config.expects(:exist?).returns(true) config.expects(:read).returns({'dependencies' => {'override' => %w(foo bar baz)}}.to_yaml) spec ='.', 'staging') spec.expects(:file).with('shipit.staging.yml').returns(config) assert_equal %w(foo bar baz), spec.dependencies_steps end test '#load_config grabs the global shipit.yml file if there is no env-specific file' do not_config = {} not_config.expects(:exist?).returns(false) config = {} config.expects(:exist?).returns(true) config.expects(:read).returns({'dependencies' => {'override' => %w(foo bar baz)}}.to_yaml) spec ='.', 'staging') spec.expects(:file).with('shipit.staging.yml').returns(not_config) spec.expects(:file).with('shipit.yml').returns(config) assert_equal %w(foo bar baz), spec.dependencies_steps end test '#gemspec gives the path of the repo gemspec if present' do spec ='foobar/', 'production') Dir.expects(:[]).with('foobar/*.gemspec').returns(['foobar/foobar.gemspec']) assert_equal 'foobar/foobar.gemspec', spec.gemspec end test '#gem? is true if a gemspec is present' do @spec.expects(:gemspec).returns('something') assert @spec.gem? end test '#gem? is false if there is no gemspec' do @spec.expects(:gemspec).returns(nil) refute @spec.gem? end test '#publish_gem first check if version tag have been created, and then invoke bundler release task' do @spec.stubs(:gemspec).returns('/tmp/shipit.gemspec') refute @spec.capistrano? assert_equal ['assert-gem-version-tag /tmp/shipit.gemspec', 'bundle exec rake release'], @spec.deploy_steps end test '#setup_dot_py gives the path of the repo if present' do spec ='foobar/', 'production') assert_equal'foobar/'), spec.setup_dot_py end test '#egg? is true if a is present' do @spec.expects(:setup_dot_py).returns(Shipit::Engine.root.join('Gemfile')) assert @spec.egg? end test '#egg? is false if there is no' do @spec.expects(:setup_dot_py).returns(Shipit::Engine.root.join("tmp-#{SecureRandom.hex}")) refute @spec.egg? end test '#publish_egg first check if version tag have been created and then invoke upload' do file ='/tmp/') file.write('foo') @spec.stubs(:setup_dot_py).returns(file) steps = ['assert-egg-version-tag /tmp/', 'python register sdist upload'] assert_equal steps, @spec.deploy_steps end test '#cacheable returns a DeploySpec instance that can be serialized' do assert_instance_of DeploySpec::FileSystem, @spec assert_instance_of DeploySpec, @spec.cacheable config = { 'ci' => {'hide' => [], 'allow_failures' => []}, 'machine' => {'environment' => {}, 'directory' => nil}, 'review' => {'checklist' => [], 'monitoring' => [], 'checks' => []}, 'dependencies' => {'override' => []}, 'plugins' => {}, 'deploy' => {'override' => nil, 'variables' => []}, 'rollback' => {'override' => nil}, 'fetch' => nil, 'tasks' => {}, } assert_equal config, @spec.cacheable.config end test "#deploy_variables returns an empty array by default" do assert_equal [], @spec.deploy_variables end test "#deploy_variables returns an array of VariableDefinition instances" do @spec.stubs(:load_config).returns('deploy' => {'variables' => [{ 'name' => 'SAFETY_DISABLED', 'title' => 'Set to 1 to do dangerous things', 'default' => 0, }]}) assert_equal 1, @spec.deploy_variables.size variable_definition = @spec.deploy_variables.first assert_equal 'SAFETY_DISABLED', end test "task definitions prepend bundle exec if necessary" do @spec.expects(:load_config).returns('tasks' => {'restart' => {'steps' => %w(foo)}}) @spec.expects(:bundler?).returns(true).at_least_once definition = @spec.find_task_definition('restart') assert_equal ['bundle exec foo'], definition.steps end test "task definitions prepend bundle exec before serialization" do @spec.expects(:load_config).returns('tasks' => {'restart' => {'steps' => %w(foo)}}) @spec.expects(:bundler?).returns(true).at_least_once cached_spec = DeploySpec.load(DeploySpec.dump(@spec)) definition = cached_spec.find_task_definition('restart') assert_equal ['bundle exec foo'], definition.steps end test "#review_checklist returns an array" do @spec.expects(:load_config).returns('review' => {'checklist' => %w(foo bar)}) assert_equal %w(foo bar), @spec.review_checklist end test "#review_checklist returns an empty array if the section is missing" do assert_equal [], @spec.review_checklist end test "#review_monitoring returns an array of hashes" do @spec.expects(:load_config).returns('review' => {'monitoring' => [ {'image' => '', 'width' => 200, 'height' => 400}, {'iframe' => '', 'width' => 200, 'height' => 400}, ]}) assert_equal [ {'image' => '', 'width' => 200, 'height' => 400}, {'iframe' => '', 'width' => 200, 'height' => 400}, ], @spec.review_monitoring end test "#review_monitoring returns an empty array if the section is missing" do assert_equal [], @spec.review_monitoring end test "#hidden_statuses is empty by default" do assert_equal [], @spec.hidden_statuses end test "#hidden_statuses is an array even if the value is a string" do @spec.expects(:load_config).returns('ci' => {'hide' => 'ci/circleci'}) assert_equal %w(ci/circleci), @spec.hidden_statuses end test "#hidden_statuses is an array even if the value is present" do @spec.expects(:load_config).returns('ci' => {'hide' => %w(ci/circleci ci/jenkins)}) assert_equal %w(ci/circleci ci/jenkins), @spec.hidden_statuses end end