import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary} import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} /** @version created manually **/ class SimpleLinkedListTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks { private implicit def arbitrarySimpleLinkedList[T](implicit arbitraryTs: Arbitrary[Array[T]]): Arbitrary[SimpleLinkedList[T]] = Arbitrary { arbitraryTs.arbitrary map (SimpleLinkedList(_:_*)) } it should "handle single item list" in { val list = SimpleLinkedList().add(1) list.isEmpty should be (false) list.value should be (1) } it should "handle single item has no next item" in { pending val list = SimpleLinkedList().add(1) should be (true) } it should "handle two item list" in { pending val list = SimpleLinkedList().add(1).add(2) list.value should be (1) should be (2) } it should "handle two item list has no next value" in { pending val list = SimpleLinkedList().add(1).add(2) should be (true) } it should "allow creation from a Seq" in { pending val list = SimpleLinkedList.fromSeq(List(3, 2, 1)) list.value should be (3) should be (2) should be (1) } it should "allow conversion to a Seq" in { pending val list = SimpleLinkedList.fromSeq(List(3, 2, 1)) val seq = list.toSeq seq should be (List(3, 2, 1)) } it should "handle reverse" in { pending val list = SimpleLinkedList.fromSeq(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) val reversed = list.reverse reversed.value should be (6) should be (5) should be (4) should be (3) should be (2) should be (1) } it should "handle arbitrary list fromSeq toSeq" in { pending forAll { seq: Seq[Int] => assert(SimpleLinkedList.fromSeq(seq).toSeq == seq) } } it should "handle reverse arbitrary list " in { pending forAll { seq: Seq[Int] => assert(SimpleLinkedList.fromSeq(seq).reverse.toSeq == seq.reverse) } } it should "reverse arbitrary list back to original" in { pending forAll { list: SimpleLinkedList[Int] => assert(list.reverse.reverse.toSeq == list.toSeq) } } it should "return correct arbitrary value at index" in { pending def nthDatum(list: SimpleLinkedList[Int], i: Int): Int = { (0 until i).foldLeft(list)((acc, j) => } forAll { xs: Seq[Int] => whenever(xs.nonEmpty) { val list = SimpleLinkedList.fromSeq(xs) xs.indices.foreach { i => assert(nthDatum(list, i) == xs(i)) } } } } it should "return original arbitrary list from added list elements" in { pending forAll { xs: Seq[Int] => val list = xs.foldLeft(SimpleLinkedList[Int]())(_.add(_)) assert(list.toSeq == xs) } } it should "handle arbitrary generics" in { pending forAll { xs: Seq[String] => assert(SimpleLinkedList.fromSeq(xs).toSeq == xs) } } }