@name = File.basename(File.expand_path(".")) gem_group :development do gem 'ey_cli' gem 'engineyard' end gem 'ey_config' # for partner services required_dbs = %w[mysql postgresql] required_app_servers = %w[unicorn trinidad passenger puma thin] selected_db = required_dbs.find {|db| scroll? db } unless selected_db say_custom "eycloud", "Please include a DB choice from: #{required_dbs.join ", "}" exit_now = true end selected_app_server = required_app_servers.find {|app| scroll? app } unless selected_app_server say_custom "eycloud", "Please include an App Server choice from: #{required_app_servers.join ", "}" exit_now = true end exit 1 if exit_now after_everything do @git_url ||= `git config remote.origin.url`.strip if @git_url.size == 0 say_custom "eycloud", "Skipping... no git URI discovered" else run "ey login" if @mysql_stack say_custom "eycloud", "Using mysql #{@mysql_stack}" elsif @postgresql_stack say_custom "eycloud", "Using postgresql #{@postgresql_stack}" end framework_env = multiple_choice "Which framework environment?", [%w[Production production], %w[Staging staging]] # TODO check for app name first app_name = (@repo_name && @repo_name.size > 0) ? @repo_name : @name say_custom "eycloud", "Checking for availability of #{app_name}" @app_names ||= `ey_cli apps | grep "-" | sed "s/.* //"`.split(/\n/) while @app_names.include?(app_name) app_name = ask_wizard "Application #{app_name} is already taken; what" end name = File.basename(".") command = "ey_cli create_app --name #{app_name} --type rails3 " command += "--git #{@git_url} " command += "--framework_env #{framework_env} " command += "--env_name #{@name}_#{framework_env} " command += "--stack #{selected_app_server} " command += "--solo" run command end end __END__ name: Engine Yard Cloud description: The Most Powerful Ruby Cloud author: drnic category: deployment exclusive: deployment requires: [github] run_after: [github]