class CamaleonCms::Admin::PostsController < CamaleonCms::AdminController add_breadcrumb I18n.t("camaleon_cms.admin.sidebar.contents") before_action :set_post_type, :except => [:ajax] before_action :set_post, only: ['show','edit','update','destroy'] skip_before_action :admin_logged_actions, only: [:trash, :restore, :destroy, :ajax], raise: false skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, only: [:ajax], raise: false def index authorize! :posts, @post_type per_page = current_site.admin_per_page posts_all = @post_type.posts.eager_load(:parent, :post_type) if params[:taxonomy].present? && params[:taxonomy_id].present? if params[:taxonomy] == "category" cat_owner = current_site.full_categories.find(params[:taxonomy_id]).decorate posts_all = cat_owner.posts add_breadcrumb t("camaleon_cms.admin.post_type.category"), @post_type.the_admin_url("category") add_breadcrumb cat_owner.the_title, cat_owner.the_edit_url end if params[:taxonomy] == "post_tag" tag_owner = current_site.post_tags.find(params[:taxonomy_id]).decorate posts_all = tag_owner.posts add_breadcrumb t("camaleon_cms.admin.post_type.tags"), @post_type.the_admin_url("tag") add_breadcrumb tag_owner.the_title, tag_owner.the_edit_url end end if params[:q].present? params[:q] = (params[:q] || '').downcase posts_all = posts_all.where( "LOWER(#{CamaleonCms::Post.table_name}.title) LIKE ? OR LOWER(#{CamaleonCms::Post.table_name}.slug LIKE ?)", "%#{params[:q]}%", "%#{params[:q]}%" ) end posts_all = posts_all.where(user_id: cama_current_user) if cannot?(:edit_other, @post_type) # filter only own contents @posts = posts_all params[:s] = 'published' unless params[:s].present? @lists_tab = params[:s] case params[:s] when "published", "pending", "trash" @posts = @posts.send(params[:s]) when "draft" @posts = @posts.drafts when "all" @posts = @posts.no_trash end @btns = {published: "#{t('camaleon_cms.admin.post_type.published')} (#{posts_all.published.size})", all: "#{t('camaleon_cms.admin.post_type.all')} (#{posts_all.no_trash.size})", pending: "#{t('camaleon_cms.admin.post_type.pending')} (#{posts_all.pending.size})", draft: "#{t('camaleon_cms.admin.post_type.draft')} (#{posts_all.drafts.size})", trash: "#{t('camaleon_cms.admin.post_type.trash')} (#{posts_all.trash.size})"} per_page = 9999999 if @post_type.manage_hierarchy? r = {posts: @posts, post_type: @post_type, btns: @btns, all_posts: posts_all, render: 'index', per_page: per_page } hooks_run("list_post", r) add_breadcrumb "#{@btns[params[:s].to_sym]}" if params[:s].present? @posts = r[:posts].paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => r[:per_page]) render r[:render] end def show end def new add_breadcrumb I18n.t("") authorize! :create_post, @post_type @post_form_extra_settings = [] @post ||= r = {post: @post, post_type: @post_type, extra_settings: @post_form_extra_settings, render: "form"}; hooks_run("new_post", r) render r[:render] end def create authorize! :create_post, @post_type post_data = get_post_data(true) CamaleonCms::Post.drafts.find(post_data[:draft_id]).destroy rescue nil @post = r = {post: @post, post_type: @post_type}; hooks_run("create_post", r) @post = r[:post] if @post.set_metas(params[:meta]) @post.set_field_values(params[:field_options]) @post.set_options(params[:options]) flash[:notice] = t('', post_type: @post_type.decorate.the_title) r = {post: @post, post_type: @post_type}; hooks_run("created_post", r) redirect_to action: :edit, id: else # render 'form' new end end def edit add_breadcrumb I18n.t("camaleon_cms.admin.button.edit") authorize! :update, @post @post_form_extra_settings = [] r = {post: @post, post_type: @post_type, extra_settings: @post_form_extra_settings, render: "form"}; hooks_run("edit_post", r) render r[:render] end def update post_data = get_post_data delete_drafts = false if @post.draft_child? && @post.parent.present? # This is a draft (as a child of the original post) original_parent = @post.parent.parent post_data[:post_parent] = original_parent.present? ? : nil @post = @post.parent delete_drafts = true elsif @post.draft? # This is a normal draft (post whose status was set to 'draft') @post.status = 'published' if post_data[:status].blank? end authorize! :update, @post r = {post: @post, post_type: @post_type}; hooks_run("update_post", r) @post = r[:post] if @post.update(post_data) # delete drafts only on successful update operation @post.drafts.destroy_all if delete_drafts @post.set_metas(params[:meta]) @post.set_field_values(params[:field_options]) @post.set_options(params[:options]) hooks_run("updated_post", {post: @post, post_type: @post_type}) flash[:notice] = t('', post_type: @post_type.decorate.the_title) redirect_to action: :edit, id: else edit end end def trash @post = @post_type.posts.find(params[:post_id]) authorize! :destroy, @post @post.set_option('status_default', @post.status) # @post.children.destroy_all unless @post.draft? TODO: why delete children? @post.update_column('status', 'trash') @post.update_extra_data hooks_run("trashed_post", {post: @post, post_type: @post_type}) flash[:notice] = t('', post_type: @post_type.decorate.the_title) redirect_to action: :index, s: params[:s] end def restore @post = @post_type.posts.find(params[:post_id]) authorize! :update, @post @post.update_column('status', @post.options[:status_default] || 'pending') @post.update_extra_data hooks_run("restored_post", {post: @post, post_type: @post_type}) flash[:notice] = t('', post_type: @post_type.decorate.the_title) redirect_to action: :index, s: params[:s] end def destroy authorize! :destroy, @post r = {post: @post, post_type: @post_type, flag: true} hooks_run("destroy_post", r) if r[:flag] if @post.destroy hooks_run("destroyed_post", {post: @post, post_type: @post_type}) flash[:notice] = t('', post_type: @post_type.decorate.the_title) return redirect_to action: :index, s: params[:s] else flash[:error] = @post.errors.full_messages.join(', ') end end redirect_to(request.referer || url_for(action: :index, s: params[:s])) end # ajax options def ajax json = {error: 'Not Found'} case params[:method] when 'exist_slug' slug = current_site.get_valid_post_slug(params[:slug].to_s, params[:post_id]) json = {slug: slug, index: 1} end render json: json end private # define post type parent def set_post_type @post_type = current_site.post_types.find_by_id(params[:post_type_id] ) unless @post_type.present? flash[:error] = t('camaleon_cms.admin.request_error_message') redirect_to cama_admin_path return end @post_type = @post_type.decorate add_breadcrumb @post_type.the_title, @post_type.the_admin_url end def set_post begin @post = @post_type.posts.find(params[:id]) @post_decorate = @post.decorate rescue flash[:error] = t('', post_type: @post_type.decorate.the_title) redirect_to cama_admin_path end end # return common params data for posts # is_create: indicate if this info is for create a new post def get_post_data(is_create = false) post_data = params.require(:post).permit! post_data[:user_id] = if is_create post_data[:status] = 'pending' if post_data[:status] == 'published' && cannot?(:publish_post, @post_type) post_data[:data_tags] = params[:tags].to_s post_data[:data_categories] = params[:categories] || [] post_data end end