#!/usr/bin/env ruby BEGIN { require 'pathname' basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent libdir = basedir + "lib" $LOAD_PATH.unshift( basedir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( basedir ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir ) } require 'rspec' require 'spec/lib/constants' require 'spec/lib/helpers' require 'yaml' require 'ldap' require 'ldap/schema' require 'treequel/schema' include Treequel::TestConstants include Treequel::Constants ##################################################################### ### C O N T E X T S ##################################################################### describe Treequel::Schema::Table do include Treequel::SpecHelpers before( :all ) do setup_logging( :fatal ) end before( :each ) do @table = Treequel::Schema::Table.new end after( :all ) do reset_logging() end it "allows setting/fetching case-insensitively" do @table['organizationalRole'] = :or @table["apple-preset-computer-list"] = :applepreset @table.deltaCRL = :deltacrl @table['organizationalrole'].should == :or @table[:organizationalrole].should == :or @table.organizationalRole.should == :or @table.organizationalrole.should == :or @table[:"apple-preset-computer-list"].should == :applepreset @table['apple-preset-computer-list'].should == :applepreset @table[:apple_preset_computer_list].should == :applepreset @table.apple_preset_computer_list.should == :applepreset @table['deltacrl'].should == :deltacrl @table[:deltaCRL].should == :deltacrl @table[:deltacrl].should == :deltacrl @table.deltaCRL.should == :deltacrl @table.deltacrl.should == :deltacrl end it "doesn't try to normalize numeric OIDs" do @table[''] = :an_oid @table[''].should == :an_oid @table['13614142036661114212'].should_not == :an_oid @table.keys.should include( '' ) end it "merges other Tables" do othertable = Treequel::Schema::Table.new @table['ou'] = 'thing' @table['cn'] = 'chunker' othertable['cn'] = 'phunker' ot = @table.merge( othertable ) ot['ou'].should == 'thing' ot['cn'].should == 'phunker' end it "merges hashes after normalizing keys" do @table['ou'] = 'thing' @table['apple-computer-list'] = 'trishtrash' hash = { 'apple-computer-list' => 'pinhash' } ot = @table.merge( hash ) ot['ou'].should == 'thing' ot['apple-computer-list'].should == 'pinhash' end it "dupes its inner hash when duped" do newtable = @table.dup newtable[:cn] = 'god' @table.should_not include( :cn ) @table.should be_empty() end it "provides a case-insensitive version of #values_at" do @table[:cn] = 'contra_rules' @table[:d] = 'ghosty' @table[:porntipsGuzzardo] = 'cha-ching' results = @table.values_at( :CN, 'PornTipsGuzzARDO' ) results.should include( 'contra_rules' ) results.should include( 'cha-ching' ) results.should_not include( 'ghosty' ) end it "can iterate over its members" do @table[:cn] = 'contra_rules' @table[:d] = 'ghosty' @table[:porntipsGuzzardo] = 'cha-ching' collection = [] @table.each {|k,v| collection << [k,v] } collection.transpose[0].should include( :cn, :d, :porntipsguzzardo ) collection.transpose[1].should include( 'contra_rules', 'ghosty', 'cha-ching' ) end it "is Enumerable" do @table[:cn] = 'contra_rules' @table[:d] = 'ghosty' @table[:porntipsGuzzardo] = 'cha-ching' collection = [] @table.any? {|k,v| v.index('o') }.should == true end end