#include #include "Graphics/Common.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace std::tr1::placeholders; namespace Gosu { namespace FPS { void registerFrame(); } void throwSDLError(const std::string& operation) { const char *error = SDL_GetError(); throw std::runtime_error(operation + ": " + (error ? error : "(unknown error)")); } void cleanup(); SDL_Window* sharedWindow() { static SDL_Window *window = 0; if (window == 0) { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) throwSDLError("Could not initialize SDL Video"); std::atexit(cleanup); Uint32 flags = SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 1) flags |= SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI; #endif window = SDL_CreateWindow("", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 64, 64, flags); if (window == 0) throwSDLError("Could not create window"); } return window; } SDL_GLContext sharedGLContext() { static SDL_GLContext context = 0; if (context == 0) { #ifdef GOSU_IS_OPENGLES SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 1); #endif context = SDL_GL_CreateContext(sharedWindow()); if (context == 0) throwSDLError("Could not create OpenGL context"); } return context; } void ensureCurrentContext() { SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(sharedWindow(), sharedGLContext()); } void cleanup() { SDL_GL_DeleteContext(sharedGLContext()); SDL_DestroyWindow(sharedWindow()); SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); } } struct Gosu::Window::Impl { double updateInterval; std::auto_ptr graphics; std::auto_ptr input; }; Gosu::Window::Window(unsigned width, unsigned height, bool fullscreen, double updateInterval) : pimpl(new Impl) { int actualWidth = width; int actualHeight = height; double scaleFactor = 1.0; double blackBarWidth = 0; double blackBarHeight = 0; if (fullscreen) { actualWidth = Gosu::screenWidth(); actualHeight = Gosu::screenHeight(); double scaleX = 1.0 * actualWidth / width; double scaleY = 1.0 * actualHeight / height; scaleFactor = std::min(scaleX, scaleY); if (scaleX < scaleY) { blackBarHeight = (actualHeight / scaleX - height) / 2; } else if (scaleY < scaleX) { blackBarWidth = (actualWidth / scaleY - width) / 2; } } else { double maxWidth = Gosu::availableWidth(); double maxHeight = Gosu::availableHeight(); if (width > maxWidth || height > maxHeight) { scaleFactor = std::min(maxWidth / width, maxHeight / height); actualWidth = width * scaleFactor; actualHeight = height * scaleFactor; } } // TODO - it would be better/enough to only do this in show() SDL_SetWindowTitle(sharedWindow(), ""); SDL_SetWindowSize(sharedWindow(), actualWidth, actualHeight); SDL_SetWindowPosition(sharedWindow(), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED); if (fullscreen) { SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(sharedWindow(), fullscreen ? SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP : 0); } SDL_ShowWindow(sharedWindow()); #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 1) SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(sharedWindow(), &actualWidth, &actualHeight); #endif ensureCurrentContext(); SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(1); pimpl->graphics.reset(new Graphics(actualWidth, actualHeight, fullscreen)); pimpl->graphics->setResolution(width, height, blackBarWidth, blackBarHeight); pimpl->input.reset(new Input(sharedWindow())); pimpl->input->setMouseFactors(1 / scaleFactor, 1 / scaleFactor, blackBarWidth, blackBarHeight); input().onButtonDown = std::tr1::bind(&Window::buttonDown, this, _1); input().onButtonUp = std::tr1::bind(&Window::buttonUp, this, _1); pimpl->updateInterval = updateInterval; } Gosu::Window::~Window() { SDL_HideWindow(sharedWindow()); } std::wstring Gosu::Window::caption() const { return utf8ToWstring(SDL_GetWindowTitle(sharedWindow())); } void Gosu::Window::setCaption(const std::wstring& caption) { std::string utf8 = wstringToUTF8(caption); SDL_SetWindowTitle(sharedWindow(), utf8.c_str()); } double Gosu::Window::updateInterval() const { return pimpl->updateInterval; } namespace GosusDarkSide { // TODO: Find a way for this to fit into Gosu's design. // This can point to a function that wants to be called every // frame, e.g. rb_thread_schedule. typedef void (*HookOfHorror)(); HookOfHorror oncePerTick = 0; } void Gosu::Window::show() { while (true) { unsigned long startTime = milliseconds(); SDL_Event e; while (SDL_PollEvent(&e)) { if (e.type == SDL_QUIT) return; else input().feedSDLEvent(&e); } Song::update(); input().update(); update(); SDL_ShowCursor(needsCursor()); if (needsRedraw()) { ensureCurrentContext(); if (graphics().begin()) { draw(); graphics().end(); FPS::registerFrame(); } SDL_GL_SwapWindow(sharedWindow()); if (GosusDarkSide::oncePerTick) GosusDarkSide::oncePerTick(); } // Sleep to keep this loop from eating 100% CPU. unsigned long frameTime = milliseconds() - startTime; if (frameTime < pimpl->updateInterval) { sleep(pimpl->updateInterval - frameTime); } } } void Gosu::Window::close() { SDL_Event e; e.type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(&e); } const Gosu::Graphics& Gosu::Window::graphics() const { return *pimpl->graphics; } Gosu::Graphics& Gosu::Window::graphics() { return *pimpl->graphics; } const Gosu::Input& Gosu::Window::input() const { return *pimpl->input; } Gosu::Input& Gosu::Window::input() { return *pimpl->input; } // Deprecated. class Gosu::Audio {}; namespace { Gosu::Audio dummyAudio; } const Gosu::Audio& Gosu::Window::audio() const { return dummyAudio; } Gosu::Audio& Gosu::Window::audio() { return dummyAudio; }