Our goal is to provide a practical, reusable reference environment for applications. The first step is providing an on-ramp for Hyrax engine development. Then providing help with Hyrax-based application development. Finally, providing better guidance around deployment.
The [Hyrax Engine Development](#hyrax-engine-development) is further along than the [Docker Image for Hyrax-based Applications](#docker-image-for-hyrax-based-applications) which is further along than [Deploying to Production](#deploying-to-production).
See the [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) section if you encounter any issues.
## Hyrax Engine Development
We support a `docker-compose`-based development environment for folks working on
the Hyrax engine. This environment is substantially more like a Hyrax production
setup than the older `fedora_wrapper`/`solr_wrapper` approach.
First, make sure you have installed [Docker](https://www.docker.com/). Then clone [the Hyrax repository](https://github.com/samvera/hyrax).
Within your cloned repository, tell Docker to get started installing your development environment:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
This starts containers for:
- a `hyrax` test application (`.dassie`);
- Fedora
- Solr
- Postgresql
- Redis
- Memcached
- SideKiq (for background jobs)
It also runs database migrations. This will also bring up a development application on `http://localhost:3000`.
To stop the containers for the Hyrax-based application, type Ctrl+c. To restart the containers you need only run `docker-compose up`.
_**Note:** Starting and stopping Docker in this way will preserve your data between restarts._
### Code Changes and Testing
With `docker-compose up` running, any changes you make to your cloned Hyrax code-base should show up in `http://localhost:3000`; There may be cases where you need to restart your test application (e.g. stop the containers and start them up again).
Any changes you make to Hyrax should be tested. You can run the full test suite using the following command:
docker-compose exec -w /app/samvera/hyrax-engine app sh -c "bundle exec rspec"
Let's break down the above command:
docker-compose exec
- Tell docker to run the following:
-w /app/samvera/hyrax-engine
- In the working directory "/app/samvera/hyrax-engine" (e.g. your cloned Hyrax repository)
- of the container named "app"
sh -c
- run the following shell script
"bundle exec rspec"
- run the rspec test suite
_**Note:**_ The `bundle exec rspec` portion of the command runs the whole test suite. See the [rspec command documentation](https://github.com/rspec/rspec-core#the-rspec-command) for how to refine your test runs.
_**Note**: The `/app/samvera/hyrax-webapp` is analogous to the `.internal_test_app` that we generate as part of the Hyrax engine Continuous Integration._
### The Docker Container Named "app"
As a developer, you may need to run commands against the Hyrax-based application and/or the Hyrax engine. Examples
of those commands are `rails db:migrate` and `rspec`. You would run `rails db:migrate` on the Hyrax-based
application, and `rspec` on the Hyrax engine.
In the engine development `app` container, the `.dassie` test Hyrax-based application is setup as a docker
bind mount to `/app/samvera/hyrax-webapp`, and your local development copy of Hyrax (eg. the clone [samvera/hyrax](https://github.com/samvera/hyrax)) is bound to
`/app/samvera/hyrax-engine`. Those directories are defined as part of the [Dockerfile](Dockerfile) configuration.
What does this structure mean? Let's look at an example. The following command will list the rake tasks for the Hyrax-based application running in Docker:
docker-compose exec -w /app/samvera/hyrax-webapp app sh -c "bundle exec rake -T"
And this command lists the rake tasks for the Hyrax engine that is in Docker:
docker-compose exec -w /app/samvera/hyrax-engine app sh -c "bundle exec rake -T"
In the two examples, note the difference in the `-w` switch. In the first case, it's referencing the Hyrax-based application. In the latter case, it's referencing the Hyrax engine.
### Debugging
If you are interested in running Hyrax in debug mode, this requires a somewhat different approach than running Hyrax bare-metal. You need to use `docker attach` to debug the running docker instance.
1. With `docker-compose up` running open a new Terminal session.
2. In that new Terminal session, using `docker container ls` find the "CONTAINER ID" for the `hyrax-engine-dev`.
3. With the "CONTAINER ID", run `docker attach `.
This advice comes from [Debugging Rails App With Docker Compose: How to use Byebug in a dockerized rails app](https://medium.com/gogox-technology/debugging-rails-app-with-docker-compose-39a3767962f4).
### Troubleshooting
#### Bad Address SOLR
With `docker-compose up` running, if you see the following, then there may be issues with file permissions:
db_migrate_1 | waiting for solr:8983
db_migrate_1 | nc: bad address 'solr'
Check the Docker application logs and look for permission errors:
Executing /opt/docker-solr/scripts/precreate-core hyrax_test /opt/solr/server/configsets/hyraxconf
cp: cannot create directory '/var/solr/data/hyrax_test': Permission denied
The solution that appears to work is to `docker-compose down --volumes`; This will tear down the docker instance, and remove the volumes. You can then run `docker-compose up` to get back to work. _**Note:** the `--volumes` switch will remove all custom data._
#### Errors building the Docker image
If you encounter errors running `docker-compose build`, try running `bundle update` in `./hyrax` as well as within `./hyrax/.dassie`. That can help clear up the problem of a failure to build a particular gem.
#### Containers do not all start
If any of the services fail to start on `docker-compose up`, try clearing out any `Gemfile.lock` files that might exist in `./hyrax` or `./hyrax/.dassie` and run `docker-compose build` again, then `docker-compose up` again.
## Docker Image for Hyrax-based Applications
We also provide a base image which can be reused for your Hyrax applications: `hyrax`.
echo "FROM samveralabs/hyrax" > Dockerfile
_This is for applications that mount Hyrax and is separate from the docker containers for Hyrax engine development._
### Maintaining
We publish several Hyrax images to the [GitHub container registry][ghcr] under
the [Samvera organization][samvera-packages]. To build them:
export HYRAX_VERSION=v3.4.1 # or desired version
git checkout $HYRAX_VERSION
docker build --target hyrax-base --tag ghcr.io/samvera/hyrax/hyrax-base:$(git rev-parse HEAD) .
docker tag ghcr.io/samvera/hyrax/hyrax-base:$(git rev-parse HEAD) ghcr.io/samvera/hyrax/hyrax-base:$HYRAX_VERSION
docker push ghcr.io/samvera/hyrax/hyrax-base:$(git rev-parse HEAD)
docker push ghcr.io/samvera/hyrax/hyrax-base:$HYRAX_VERSION
Do the same for `hyrax-worker-base`.
We also publish an image for the stable test application `dassie`:
docker build --target hyrax-engine-dev --tag ghcr.io/samvera/hyrax/dassie:$(git rev-parse HEAD) .
docker tag ghcr.io/samvera/hyrax/dassie:$(git rev-parse HEAD) ghcr.io/samvera/hyrax/dassie:$HYRAX_VERSION
docker push ghcr.io/samvera/hyrax/dassie:$(git rev-parse HEAD)
docker push ghcr.io/samvera/hyrax/dassie:$HYRAX_VERSION
## Deploying to Production
Also under development is a Helm chart, which we are developing into a robust,
configurable production environment for Hyrax applications.
If you have a Kubernetes cluster configured (`kubectl cluster-info`), you can
deploy the `dassie` test applications with:
helm dependency update chart/hyrax
helm install -n hyrax --set image.tag=(git rev-parse HEAD) dassie chart/hyrax
[ghcr]: https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-cloud@latest/packages/working-with-a-github-packages-registry/working-with-the-container-registry
[samvera-packages]: https://github.com/orgs/samvera/packages