require 'spec_helper' describe RTurk::Requester do before(:all) do WebMock.reset! aws = YAML.load(, 'mturk.yml'))) RTurk.setup(aws['AWSAccessKeyId'], aws['AWSAccessKey'], :sandbox => true) end it "should send the request to Amazon" do RestClient.should_receive(:post).with(/amazonaws/, /Operation=GetHIT.*$/) RTurk::Requester.request(:Operation => 'GetHIT', 'HITId' => 'test') end it "should use UTC and ISO8601 format for the timestamp" do now = utc = now.utc Time.should_receive(:now).and_return(now) # freeze time for a moment RestClient.should_receive(:post).with(/amazonaws/, /Timestamp=#{CGI.escape(utc.iso8601)}/) RTurk::Requester.request(:Operation => 'GetHIT', 'HITId' => 'test') end it "should build a correct querystring with one value per key" do params = { :Operation => 'GetHIT', 'Param1' => 'test1', 'Param2' => 'test2' } RestClient.should_receive(:post).with( /amazonaws/, /(?=.*Operation=GetHIT)(?=.*Param1=test1)(?=.*Param2=test2)/) RTurk::Requester.request(params) end it "should build a correct querystring with two values per key" do params = { :Operation => 'GetHIT', 'Param1' => 'test1', 'Param2' => %w(test2a test2b) } RestClient.should_receive(:post).with( /amazonaws/, /(?=.*Operation=GetHIT)(?=.*Param1=test1)(?=.*Param2=test2a)(?=.*Param2=test2b)/) RTurk::Requester.request(params) end it "should build a correct querystring with a hash of values" do params = { :Operation => 'GetHIT', 'Param1' => 'test1', 'Param2' => {0 => 'test2a', 1 => 'test2b'} } RestClient.should_receive(:post).with( /amazonaws/, /(?=.*Operation=GetHIT)(?=.*Param1=test1)(?=.*Param2.0=test2a)(?=.*Param2.1=test2b)/) RTurk::Requester.request(params) end it "should raise RTurk::ServiceUnavaile on HTTP 503 Errors" do error_503 =, 503) params = { :Operation => 'GetHIT', 'Param1' => 'test1', 'Param2' => {0 => 'test2a', 1 => 'test2b'} } RestClient.stub(:post).and_raise(error_503) lambda { RTurk::Requester.request(params) }.should raise_error RTurk::ServiceUnavailable end it "should be able to leverage retry_on_unavailable to simplify AWS ServiceUnavailable Errors " do error_503 =, 503) #ServiceUnavailable error_408 =, 408) #Timeout params = { :Operation => 'GetHIT', 'Param1' => 'test1', 'Param2' => {0 => 'test2a', 1 => 'test2b'} } attempts = 0 lambda { # Wrap in retry block with delay of 0 seconds RTurk::Utilities.retry_on_unavailable(0) do # Ensure the first request triggers a retry with 503, subsequently raise 408 Timeout if attempts == 0 RestClient.stub(:post).and_raise(error_503) else RestClient.stub(:post).and_raise(error_408) end attempts = attempts + 1 RTurk::Requester.request(params) end }.should raise_error RestClient::Exception attempts.should eql(2) end end