require File.expand_path('lib/make_menu/version', __dir__) do |s| = "make_menu" s.version = MakeMenu::VERSION s.summary = "Generates an interactive menu from a Makefile" s.authors = ["Barri Mason"] = "" s.files = Dir[ 'lib/**/*.rb', 'make_menu.gemspec', 'Gemfile', 'Gemfile.lock' ] s.homepage = "" s.license = "MIT" s.add_dependency 'tty-screen', '~> 0.8.2' s.description = %( Creates a number-selection menu from a Makefile. The menu will attempt to fill the width of the terminal window. - Any targets in the Makefile with a double-hash comment will be displayed, e.g.: serve: ## Start Rails server in background This will display a line such as '1. Start Rails server in background' which runs the command `make serve`. - A line that starts with a triple-hash will create a new menu group, e.g.: ### Docker Commands This will begin a new group with the header 'Docker Commands' - The environment variable MENU can be used to specify a custom menu class, e.g.: export MENU=Accounts This assumes that a class `AccountsMenu` is defined in the file `accounts_menu.rb` You can define two constants in your custom class: LOGO (String) text or ASCII art to display above the menu HIGHLIGHTS (Hash{String=>[Symbol,Array]}) Add coloring to specific words or phrases - The environment variable MAKEFILE can specify a Makefile. The default is './Makefile'. The menu will not display any targets called 'menu' or 'status'. The latter, if present, is called each time the menu displays. ----------------------------- Docker Container Status Panel ----------------------------- Displays a color-coded panel indicating whether or not a Docker container is running. You must define a custom class inheriting from `MakeMenu::StatusPanel` and indicate this using the environment variable MENU, e.g.: export MENU=Accounts This assumes that a class `AccountsStatusPanel` is defined in the file `accounts_status_panel.rb` You can define a constant CONTAINERS {String=>String} in this custom class to map the displayed label to the container name, e.g.: CONTAINERS = { 'Backend' => 'myapp-backend-1' } ) end