class DiffDirs def self.diff_dirs(dir1, dir2) raise(ArgumentError, "Directories must be strings.") unless dir1.is_a?(String) && dir2.is_a?(String) dir1 = expand_path(dir1) dir2 = expand_path(dir2) cmd = "diff -qr #{dir1} #{dir2}" diff_result = execute(cmd) out = [] diff_result.each_line do |line| line.chomp! out << diff_result_line_parse(dir1, dir2, line) end out end protected def self.diff_result_line_parse(dir1, dir2, line) # New/Deleted files match = line.match(/^Only in ([^:]*): ([^$]*)$/) if match if match[1].starts_with?(dir1) return [:deleted, remove_dir_from_path("#{match[1]}/#{match[2]}", dir1)] # deleted from second dir elsif match[1].starts_with?(dir2) return [:new, remove_dir_from_path("#{match[1]}/#{match[2]}", dir2)] # new in second dir else raise "#{dir1} or #{dir2} didn't match #{match[1]}" end elsif line.match(/^Files\s/) && line.match(/\sdiffer$/) # Example: Files api/Rakefile and testing/Rakefile differ # This should be done with a nice regexp but couldn't figure out how to match everything but the word "and" files = line.sub(/^Files\s/, "").sub(/\sdiffer$/,"").split(" and ") return [:modified] << remove_dir_from_path(files[0], dir1) end raise RuntimeError, "Cannot parse: #{line}" end def self.execute(cmd) `#{cmd}` end def self.remove_dir_from_path(path, dir) dir = add_slash(dir) path.sub("^#{dir}"), "") end def self.expand_path(dir) if dir[0..0] == "~" File.expand_path(dir) else dir end end def self.add_slash(path) path += "/" unless path[-1..-1] == "/" path end end class String def starts_with?(prefix) prefix = prefix.to_s self[0, prefix.length] == prefix end end public def diff_dirs(dir1, dir2); DiffDirs::diff_dirs(dir1, dir2); end