module Leap require 'benchmark' # Begin instrumenting Leap activity. Automatically enables logging. def instrument! Leap.log! unless Leap.log? @@whip = end module_function :instrument! # Returns the instrumentation object if enabled def instrument? defined?(@@whip) end module_function :instrument? # Returns the instrumentation object--or a "pass-through" substitute if not enabled def instrument(&blk) instrument? ? @@whip : @@bystander ||= end module_function :instrument # Facilitates the instrumentation of Leap activity class Whip # Instrument a Leap decision # # @param [String, Symbol] name The decision's name # @param [Proc] blk A proc wrapping the decision to instrument def decision(name, &blk) Leap.log.decision instrument(&blk), name end # Instrument Leap committee activity # # @param [String, Symbol] name The committee's name # @param [Proc] blk A proc wrapping the committee convention to instrument def committee(name, &blk) Leap.log.committee instrument(&blk), name end # Instrument Leap quorum activity # # @param [String, Symbol] name The quorum's name # @param [Proc] blk A proc wrapping the quorum activity to instrument def quorum(name, &blk) message, result = instrument(true, &blk) Leap.log.quorum message, name result end private # Give Procs the capacity to remember their result. module Registered # Result storage attr_reader :result # Override Proc#call here to ensure storage def call @result = super end end def instrument(return_result_of_measured_block = false, &blk) blk = blk.dup.extend Registered message = 'Completed in ' + Benchmark.measure { }.format('%10.6r').gsub(/[()]/,'').strip + 's' return_result_of_measured_block ? [message, blk.result] : message end end # Allows Leap activity to continue uninstrumented class Bystander def decision(_, &blk) yield end def committee(_, &blk) yield end def quorum(_, &blk) yield end end end