if $0 == __FILE__ require 'rubygems' require 'sane' end require_relative 'vlc_programmer' class MencoderWrapper class << self def get_header this_drive if File.exist?(@big_temp) && File.exist?(@big_temp + '.done') '' else "call mencoder dvd://#{@dvd_title_track} -sid 1000 -oac copy -lavcopts keyint=1 -ovc lavc -o #{@big_temp} -dvd-device #{this_drive} && echo got_file > #{@big_temp}.done\n" end end def get_bat_commands these_mutes, this_drive, to_here_final_file, start_here = nil, end_here = nil, dvd_title_track = "1" combined = VLCProgrammer.convert_incoming_to_split_sectors these_mutes @dvd_title_track = dvd_title_track if start_here || end_here raise 'need both' unless end_here && start_here start_here = OverLayer.translate_string_to_seconds(start_here) end_here = OverLayer.translate_string_to_seconds(end_here) combined.select!{|start, endy, type| start > start_here && endy < end_here } # it's relative now, since we rip from not the beginning previous_end = start_here else previous_end = 0 end @big_temp = to_here_final_file + ".fulli.tmp.avi" out = get_header this_drive @idx = 0 combined.each {|start, endy, type| if start > previous_end out += get_section previous_end, start, false, to_here_final_file end # type is either mute or :blank or :mute if type == :blank # do nothing... clip will be skipped else out += get_section start, endy, true, to_here_final_file end previous_end = endy } out += get_section previous_end, end_here || 1_000_000, false, to_here_final_file partials = (1..@idx).map{|n| "#{to_here_final_file}.#{n}.avi"} out += "del #{to_here_final_file}\n" # ridiculous out += "call mencoder #{partials.join(' ')} -o #{to_here_final_file}.avi -ovc copy -oac copy\n" # LODO only do this if they want to watch it on their computer, with something other than smplayer, or want to make it smaller, as it takes *forever* longer # LODO the "insta play" mode, or the "faster rip" mode (related...) # out += "call mencoder -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf -vf scale=720:480,harddup -srate 48000 -af lavcresample=48000 -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vrc_buf_size=1835:vrc_maxrate=9800:vbitrate=5000:keyint=18:vstrict=0:acodec=ac3:abitrate=192:aspect=16/9 -ofps 30000/1001 #{partials.join(' ')} -o #{to_here_final_file}\n" out += "@rem del #{@big_temp}\n" # LODO out += "del " + partials.join(' ') + "\n"# LODO out += "echo wrote to #{to_here_final_file}.avi" out end def get_section start, endy, should_mute, to_here_final_file raise if start == endy # should never actually happen... # delete 0.001 as per wiki's suggestion. endy = endy - start - 0.001 # very decreased volume is like muting :) # LODO can we copy more here? ntsc-dvd supposedly remuxes... codecs = should_mute ? "-vcodec copy -acodec ac3 -vol 0 " : "-vcodec copy -acodec copy " # LODO the ac3 must match the copy...hmm... # ffmpeg -i from_here.avi -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 1:00 -t 1:00 out.avi partial_filename = to_here_final_file + '.' + (@idx += 1).to_s + '.avi' "del #{partial_filename}\ncall ffmpeg -i #{@big_temp} #{codecs} -ss #{start} -t #{endy} #{partial_filename}\n" end end end if $0 == __FILE__ require 'rubygems' require 'sane' puts 'syntax: yaml_file_name d:\ output (00:15 00:25) (--run)' a = YAML.load_file ARGV.shift drive = ARGV.shift raise 'wrong drive' unless File.exist?(drive + "AUDIO_TS") execute = ARGV.delete('--run') commands = MencoderWrapper.get_bat_commands(a, drive, *ARGV) if ARGV.length > 2 write_to = 'range.bat' else write_to = 'all.bat' end File.write(write_to, commands) print 'wrote ' + write_to system(write_to) if execute end