/* Copyright (c) 2010 Ryan Schuft (ryan.schuft@gmail.com) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* This code is based in part on the work done in Ruby to support infection as part of Ruby on Rails in the ActiveSupport's Inflector and Inflections classes. It was initally ported to Javascript by Ryan Schuft (ryan.schuft@gmail.com) in 2007. The code is available at http://code.google.com/p/inflection-js/ The basic usage is: 1. Include this script on your web page. 2. Call functions on any String object in Javascript Currently implemented functions: String.pluralize(plural) == String renders a singular English language noun into its plural form normal results can be overridden by passing in an alternative String.singularize(singular) == String renders a plural English language noun into its singular form normal results can be overridden by passing in an alterative String.camelize(lowFirstLetter) == String renders a lower case underscored word into camel case the first letter of the result will be upper case unless you pass true also translates "/" into "::" (underscore does the opposite) String.underscore() == String renders a camel cased word into words seperated by underscores also translates "::" back into "/" (camelize does the opposite) String.humanize(lowFirstLetter) == String renders a lower case and underscored word into human readable form defaults to making the first letter capitalized unless you pass true String.capitalize() == String renders all characters to lower case and then makes the first upper String.dasherize() == String renders all underbars and spaces as dashes String.titleize() == String renders words into title casing (as for book titles) String.demodulize() == String renders class names that are prepended by modules into just the class String.tableize() == String renders camel cased singular words into their underscored plural form String.classify() == String renders an underscored plural word into its camel cased singular form String.foreign_key(dropIdUbar) == String renders a class name (camel cased singular noun) into a foreign key defaults to seperating the class from the id with an underbar unless you pass true String.ordinalize() == String renders all numbers found in the string into their sequence like "22nd" */ /* This sets up a container for some constants in its own namespace We use the window (if available) to enable dynamic loading of this script Window won't necessarily exist for non-browsers. */ if (window && !window.InflectionJS) { window.InflectionJS = null; } /* This sets up some constants for later use This should use the window namespace variable if available */ InflectionJS = { /* This is a list of nouns that use the same form for both singular and plural. This list should remain entirely in lower case to correctly match Strings. */ uncountable_words: [ 'equipment', 'information', 'rice', 'money', 'species', 'series', 'fish', 'sheep', 'moose', 'deer', 'news' ], /* These rules translate from the singular form of a noun to its plural form. */ plural_rules: [ [new RegExp('(m)an$', 'gi'), '$1en'], [new RegExp('(cam)pus$', 'gi'), '$1puses'], [new RegExp('(pe)rson$', 'gi'), '$1ople'], [new RegExp('(child)$', 'gi'), '$1ren'], [new RegExp('^(ox)$', 'gi'), '$1en'], [new RegExp('(ax|test)is$', 'gi'), '$1es'], [new RegExp('(octop|vir)us$', 'gi'), '$1i'], [new RegExp('(alias|status)$', 'gi'), '$1es'], [new RegExp('(bu)s$', 'gi'), '$1ses'], [new RegExp('(buffal|tomat|potat)o$', 'gi'), '$1oes'], [new RegExp('([ti])um$', 'gi'), '$1a'], [new RegExp('sis$', 'gi'), 'ses'], [new RegExp('(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$', 'gi'), '$1$2ves'], [new RegExp('(hive)$', 'gi'), '$1s'], [new RegExp('([^aeiouy]|qu)y$', 'gi'), '$1ies'], [new RegExp('(x|ch|ss|sh)$', 'gi'), '$1es'], [new RegExp('(matr|vert|ind)ix|ex$', 'gi'), '$1ices'], [new RegExp('([m|l])ouse$', 'gi'), '$1ice'], [new RegExp('(quiz)$', 'gi'), '$1zes'], [new RegExp('s$', 'gi'), 's'], [new RegExp('$', 'gi'), 's'] ], /* These rules translate from the plural form of a noun to its singular form. */ singular_rules: [ [new RegExp('(m)en$', 'gi'), '$1an'], [new RegExp('(cam)puses$', 'gi'), '$1pus'], [new RegExp('(pe)ople$', 'gi'), '$1rson'], [new RegExp('(child)ren$', 'gi'), '$1'], [new RegExp('([ti])a$', 'gi'), '$1um'], [new RegExp('((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$','gi'), '$1$2sis'], [new RegExp('(hive)s$', 'gi'), '$1'], [new RegExp('(tive)s$', 'gi'), '$1'], [new RegExp('(curve)s$', 'gi'), '$1'], [new RegExp('([lr])ves$', 'gi'), '$1f'], [new RegExp('([^fo])ves$', 'gi'), '$1fe'], [new RegExp('([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$', 'gi'), '$1y'], [new RegExp('(s)eries$', 'gi'), '$1eries'], [new RegExp('(m)ovies$', 'gi'), '$1ovie'], [new RegExp('(x|ch|ss|sh)es$', 'gi'), '$1'], [new RegExp('([m|l])ice$', 'gi'), '$1ouse'], [new RegExp('(bus)es$', 'gi'), '$1'], [new RegExp('(o)es$', 'gi'), '$1'], [new RegExp('(shoe)s$', 'gi'), '$1'], [new RegExp('(cris|ax|test)es$', 'gi'), '$1is'], [new RegExp('(octop|vir)i$', 'gi'), '$1us'], [new RegExp('(alias|status)es$', 'gi'), '$1'], [new RegExp('^(ox)en', 'gi'), '$1'], [new RegExp('(vert|ind)ices$', 'gi'), '$1ex'], [new RegExp('(matr)ices$', 'gi'), '$1ix'], [new RegExp('(quiz)zes$', 'gi'), '$1'], [new RegExp('s$', 'gi'), ''] ], /* This is a list of words that should not be capitalized for title case */ non_titlecased_words: [ 'and', 'or', 'nor', 'a', 'an', 'the', 'so', 'but', 'to', 'of', 'at', 'by', 'from', 'into', 'on', 'onto', 'off', 'out', 'in', 'over', 'with', 'for' ], /* These are regular expressions used for converting between String formats */ id_suffix: new RegExp('(_ids|_id)$', 'g'), underbar: new RegExp('_', 'g'), space_or_underbar: new RegExp('[\ _]', 'g'), uppercase: new RegExp('([A-Z])', 'g'), underbar_prefix: new RegExp('^_'), /* This is a helper method that applies rules based replacement to a String Signature: InflectionJS.apply_rules(str, rules, skip, override) == String Arguments: str - String - String to modify and return based on the passed rules rules - Array: [RegExp, String] - Regexp to match paired with String to use for replacement skip - Array: [String] - Strings to skip if they match override - String (optional) - String to return as though this method succeeded (used to conform to APIs) Returns: String - passed String modified by passed rules Examples: InflectionJS.apply_rules("cows", InflectionJs.singular_rules) === 'cow' */ apply_rules: function(str, rules, skip, override) { if (override) { str = override; } else { var ignore = (skip.indexOf(str.toLowerCase()) > -1); if (!ignore) { for (var x = 0; x < rules.length; x++) { if (str.match(rules[x][0])) { str = str.replace(rules[x][0], rules[x][1]); break; } } } } return str; } }; /* This lets us detect if an Array contains a given element Signature: Array.indexOf(item, fromIndex, compareFunc) == Integer Arguments: item - Object - object to locate in the Array fromIndex - Integer (optional) - starts checking from this position in the Array compareFunc - Function (optional) - function used to compare Array item vs passed item Returns: Integer - index position in the Array of the passed item Examples: ['hi','there'].indexOf("guys") === -1 ['hi','there'].indexOf("hi") === 0 */ if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(item, fromIndex, compareFunc) { if (!fromIndex) { fromIndex = -1; } var index = -1; for (var i = fromIndex; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] === item || compareFunc && compareFunc(this[i], item)) { index = i; break; } } return index; }; } /* You can override this list for all Strings or just one depending on if you set the new values on prototype or on a given String instance. */ if (!String.prototype._uncountable_words) { String.prototype._uncountable_words = InflectionJS.uncountable_words; } /* You can override this list for all Strings or just one depending on if you set the new values on prototype or on a given String instance. */ if (!String.prototype._plural_rules) { String.prototype._plural_rules = InflectionJS.plural_rules; } /* You can override this list for all Strings or just one depending on if you set the new values on prototype or on a given String instance. */ if (!String.prototype._singular_rules) { String.prototype._singular_rules = InflectionJS.singular_rules; } /* You can override this list for all Strings or just one depending on if you set the new values on prototype or on a given String instance. */ if (!String.prototype._non_titlecased_words) { String.prototype._non_titlecased_words = InflectionJS.non_titlecased_words; } /* This function adds plurilization support to every String object Signature: String.pluralize(plural) == String Arguments: plural - String (optional) - overrides normal output with said String Returns: String - singular English language nouns are returned in plural form Examples: "person".pluralize() == "people" "octopus".pluralize() == "octopi" "Hat".pluralize() == "Hats" "person".pluralize("guys") == "guys" */ if (!String.prototype.pluralize) { String.prototype.pluralize = function(plural) { return InflectionJS.apply_rules( this, this._plural_rules, this._uncountable_words, plural ); }; } /* This function adds singularization support to every String object Signature: String.singularize(singular) == String Arguments: singular - String (optional) - overrides normal output with said String Returns: String - plural English language nouns are returned in singular form Examples: "people".singularize() == "person" "octopi".singularize() == "octopus" "Hats".singularize() == "Hat" "guys".singularize("person") == "person" */ if (!String.prototype.singularize) { String.prototype.singularize = function(singular) { return InflectionJS.apply_rules( this, this._singular_rules, this._uncountable_words, singular ); }; } /* This function adds camelization support to every String object Signature: String.camelize(lowFirstLetter) == String Arguments: lowFirstLetter - boolean (optional) - default is to capitalize the first letter of the results... passing true will lowercase it Returns: String - lower case underscored words will be returned in camel case additionally '/' is translated to '::' Examples: "message_properties".camelize() == "MessageProperties" "message_properties".camelize(true) == "messageProperties" */ if (!String.prototype.camelize) { String.prototype.camelize = function(lowFirstLetter) { var str = this.toLowerCase(); var str_path = str.split('/'); for (var i = 0; i < str_path.length; i++) { var str_arr = str_path[i].split('_'); var initX = ((lowFirstLetter && i + 1 === str_path.length) ? (1) : (0)); for (var x = initX; x < str_arr.length; x++) { str_arr[x] = str_arr[x].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str_arr[x].substring(1); } str_path[i] = str_arr.join(''); } str = str_path.join('::'); return str; }; } /* This function adds underscore support to every String object Signature: String.underscore() == String Arguments: N/A Returns: String - camel cased words are returned as lower cased and underscored additionally '::' is translated to '/' Examples: "MessageProperties".camelize() == "message_properties" "messageProperties".underscore() == "message_properties" */ if (!String.prototype.underscore) { String.prototype.underscore = function() { var str = this; var str_path = str.split('::'); for (var i = 0; i < str_path.length; i++) { str_path[i] = str_path[i].replace(InflectionJS.uppercase, '_$1'); str_path[i] = str_path[i].replace(InflectionJS.underbar_prefix, ''); } str = str_path.join('/').toLowerCase(); return str; }; } /* This function adds humanize support to every String object Signature: String.humanize(lowFirstLetter) == String Arguments: lowFirstLetter - boolean (optional) - default is to capitalize the first letter of the results... passing true will lowercase it Returns: String - lower case underscored words will be returned in humanized form Examples: "message_properties".humanize() == "Message properties" "message_properties".humanize(true) == "message properties" */ if (!String.prototype.humanize) { String.prototype.humanize = function(lowFirstLetter) { var str = this.toLowerCase(); str = str.replace(InflectionJS.id_suffix, ''); str = str.replace(InflectionJS.underbar, ' '); if (!lowFirstLetter) { str = str.capitalize(); } return str; }; } /* This function adds capitalization support to every String object Signature: String.capitalize() == String Arguments: N/A Returns: String - all characters will be lower case and the first will be upper Examples: "message_properties".capitalize() == "Message_properties" "message properties".capitalize() == "Message properties" */ if (!String.prototype.capitalize) { String.prototype.capitalize = function() { var str = this.toLowerCase(); str = str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1); return str; }; } /* This function adds dasherization support to every String object Signature: String.dasherize() == String Arguments: N/A Returns: String - replaces all spaces or underbars with dashes Examples: "message_properties".capitalize() == "message-properties" "Message Properties".capitalize() == "Message-Properties" */ if (!String.prototype.dasherize) { String.prototype.dasherize = function() { var str = this; str = str.replace(InflectionJS.space_or_underbar, '-'); return str; }; } /* This function adds titleize support to every String object Signature: String.titleize() == String Arguments: N/A Returns: String - capitalizes words as you would for a book title Examples: "message_properties".titleize() == "Message Properties" "message properties to keep".titleize() == "Message Properties to Keep" */ if (!String.prototype.titleize) { String.prototype.titleize = function() { var str = this.toLowerCase(); str = str.replace(InflectionJS.underbar, ' '); var str_arr = str.split(' '); for (var x = 0; x < str_arr.length; x++) { var d = str_arr[x].split('-'); for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { if (this._non_titlecased_words.indexOf(d[i].toLowerCase()) < 0) { d[i] = d[i].capitalize(); } } str_arr[x] = d.join('-'); } str = str_arr.join(' '); str = str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1); return str; }; } /* This function adds demodulize support to every String object Signature: String.demodulize() == String Arguments: N/A Returns: String - removes module names leaving only class names (Ruby style) Examples: "Message::Bus::Properties".demodulize() == "Properties" */ if (!String.prototype.demodulize) { String.prototype.demodulize = function() { var str = this; var str_arr = str.split('::'); str = str_arr[str_arr.length - 1]; return str; }; } /* This function adds tableize support to every String object Signature: String.tableize() == String Arguments: N/A Returns: String - renders camel cased words into their underscored plural form Examples: "MessageBusProperty".tableize() == "message_bus_properties" */ if (!String.prototype.tableize) { String.prototype.tableize = function() { var str = this; str = str.underscore().pluralize(); return str; }; } /* This function adds classification support to every String object Signature: String.classify() == String Arguments: N/A Returns: String - underscored plural nouns become the camel cased singular form Examples: "message_bus_properties".classify() == "MessageBusProperty" */ if (!String.prototype.classify) { String.prototype.classify = function() { var str = this; str = str.camelize().singularize(); return str; }; } /* This function adds foreign key support to every String object Signature: String.foreign_key(dropIdUbar) == String Arguments: dropIdUbar - boolean (optional) - default is to seperate id with an underbar at the end of the class name, you can pass true to skip it Returns: String - camel cased singular class names become underscored with id Examples: "MessageBusProperty".foreign_key() == "message_bus_property_id" "MessageBusProperty".foreign_key(true) == "message_bus_propertyid" */ if (!String.prototype.foreign_key) { String.prototype.foreign_key = function(dropIdUbar) { var str = this; str = str.demodulize().underscore() + ((dropIdUbar) ? ('') : ('_')) + 'id'; return str; }; } /* This function adds ordinalize support to every String object Signature: String.ordinalize() == String Arguments: N/A Returns: String - renders all found numbers their sequence like "22nd" Examples: "the 1 pitch".ordinalize() == "the 1st pitch" */ if (!String.prototype.ordinalize) { String.prototype.ordinalize = function() { var str = this; var str_arr = str.split(' '); for (var x = 0; x < str_arr.length; x++) { var i = parseInt(str_arr[x]); if (i === NaN) { var ltd = str_arr[x].substring(str_arr[x].length - 2); var ld = str_arr[x].substring(str_arr[x].length - 1); var suf = "th"; if (ltd != "11" && ltd != "12" && ltd != "13") { if (ld === "1") { suf = "st"; } else if (ld === "2") { suf = "nd"; } else if (ld === "3") { suf = "rd"; } } str_arr[x] += suf; } } str = str_arr.join(' '); return str; }; }