require 'date' require 'shellwords' require 'docker' require 'github_snap_builder' module GithubSnapBuilder class DockerBuilder def initialize(logger, base) @logger = logger @base = base begin Docker.validate_version! rescue Excon::Error::Socket raise DockerVersionError end end def build(project_directory) # Snapcraft will detect if it's in a docker container and default to # destructive mode. run(['sh', '-c', "apt update -qq && snapcraft"], { 'Env' => ['SNAPCRAFT_MANAGED_HOST=yes'], 'WorkingDir' => '/snapcraft', 'HostConfig' => { 'Binds' => ["#{project_directory}:/snapcraft"], 'AutoRemove' => true, } }) end def release(snap_path, token, channel) run(['sh', '-c', "snapcraft login --with /token && snapcraft push #{File.basename(snap_path).shellescape} --release=#{channel.shellescape}"], { 'Env' => ['SNAPCRAFT_MANAGED_HOST=yes'], 'WorkingDir' => '/snapcraft', 'HostConfig' => { 'Binds' => ["#{File.dirname(snap_path)}:/snapcraft"], 'AutoRemove' => true, } }) do |container| container.store_file("/token", token) end end private def run(command, options) # Grab the image for this base 'Fetching image...' image = get_image(@base) options = {'Image' =>, 'Cmd' => command}.merge(options) begin # Create a new container 'Provisioning...' container = Docker::Container.create options # Give called the change to mess with container before running # anything yield container if block_given? # Fire up the container and stream its logs 'Firing up...' container.tap(&:start).attach({}, {read_timeout: 600}) do |stream, chunk| if stream == :stdout chunk else @logger.error chunk end end if container.wait()['StatusCode'] != 0 @logger.error "Command exited non-zero: aborting" raise DockerRunError, command end ensure # This shouldn't be necessary given the AutoRemove option, but it's # easy to ensure. container.delete(force: true) unless container.nil? end end def get_image(base) Docker::Image.create('fromImage' => "kyrofa/github-snap-builder:#{base}") end end end