/* # Copyright 2014 Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can modify and/or redistribute it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 with # attribution addendums as found in the LICENSE.txt */ #include "ruby.h" #include "stdio.h" VALUE mCosmos; VALUE cConfigParser; static ID id_cvar_progress_callback = 0; static ID id_ivar_line_number = 0; static ID id_ivar_keyword = 0; static ID id_ivar_parameters = 0; static ID id_ivar_line = 0; static ID id_method_readline = 0; static ID id_method_close = 0; static ID id_method_pos = 0; static ID id_method_call = 0; static ID id_method_scan = 0; static ID id_method_strip = 0; static ID id_method_to_s = 0; static ID id_method_upcase = 0; /* * Removes quotes from the given string if present. * * "'quoted string'".remove_quotes #=> "quoted string" */ static VALUE string_remove_quotes(VALUE self) { long length = RSTRING_LEN(self); char* ptr = RSTRING_PTR(self); char first_char = 0; char last_char = 0; if (length < 2) { return self; } first_char = ptr[0]; if ((first_char != 34) && (first_char != 39)) { return self; } last_char = ptr[length - 1]; if (last_char != first_char) { return self; } return rb_str_new(ptr + 1, length - 2); } /* * Method to read a line from the config file. * This is a seperate method so that it can be protected. */ static VALUE config_parser_readline(VALUE io) { return rb_funcall(io, id_method_readline, 0); } /* * Iterates over each line of the io object and yields the keyword and parameters */ static VALUE parse_loop(VALUE self, VALUE io, VALUE yield_non_keyword_lines, VALUE remove_quotes, VALUE size, VALUE rx) { int line_number = 0; int result = 0; long length = 0; int index = 0; double float_size = NUM2DBL(size); volatile VALUE progress_callback = rb_cvar_get(cConfigParser, id_cvar_progress_callback); volatile VALUE line = Qnil; volatile VALUE data = Qnil; volatile VALUE line_continuation = Qfalse; volatile VALUE string = Qnil; volatile VALUE array = rb_ary_new(); volatile VALUE first_item = Qnil; volatile VALUE ivar_keyword = Qnil; volatile VALUE ivar_parameters = rb_ary_new(); volatile VALUE ivar_line =Qnil; rb_ivar_set(self, id_ivar_line_number, INT2FIX(0)); rb_ivar_set(self, id_ivar_keyword, ivar_keyword); rb_ivar_set(self, id_ivar_parameters, ivar_parameters); rb_ivar_set(self, id_ivar_line, ivar_line); while (1) { line_number += 1; rb_ivar_set(self, id_ivar_line_number, INT2FIX(line_number)); if (RTEST(progress_callback) && ((line_number % 10) == 0)) { if (float_size > 0.0) { double float_pos = NUM2DBL(rb_funcall(io, id_method_pos, 0)); rb_funcall(progress_callback, id_method_call, 1, rb_float_new(float_pos / float_size)); } } line = rb_protect(config_parser_readline, io, &result); if (result) { rb_set_errinfo(Qnil); break; } line = rb_funcall(line, id_method_strip, 0); data = rb_funcall(line, id_method_scan, 1, rx); first_item = rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(data, 0), id_method_to_s, 0); if (RTEST(line_continuation)) { rb_str_concat(ivar_line, line); /* Carry over keyword and parameters */ } else { ivar_line = line; rb_ivar_set(self, id_ivar_line, ivar_line); if ((RSTRING_LEN(first_item) == 0) || (RSTRING_PTR(first_item)[0] == '#')) { ivar_keyword = Qnil; } else { ivar_keyword = rb_funcall(first_item, id_method_upcase, 0); } rb_ivar_set(self, id_ivar_keyword, ivar_keyword); ivar_parameters = rb_ary_new(); rb_ivar_set(self, id_ivar_parameters, ivar_parameters); } /* Ignore comments and blank lines */ if (ivar_keyword == Qnil) { if ((RTEST(yield_non_keyword_lines)) && (!(RTEST(line_continuation)))) { rb_ary_clear(array); rb_ary_push(array, ivar_keyword); rb_ary_push(array, ivar_parameters); rb_yield(array); } continue; } if (RTEST(line_continuation)) { if (RTEST(remove_quotes)) { rb_ary_push(ivar_parameters, string_remove_quotes(first_item)); } else { rb_ary_push(ivar_parameters, first_item); } line_continuation = Qfalse; } length = RARRAY_LEN(data); if (length > 1) { for (index = 1; index < length; index++) { string = rb_ary_entry(data, index); /* * Don't process trailing comments such as: * KEYWORD PARAM #This is a comment * But still process Ruby string interpolations such as: * KEYWORD PARAM #{var} */ if ((RSTRING_LEN(string) > 0) && (RSTRING_PTR(string)[0] == '#')) { if (!((RSTRING_LEN(string) > 1) && (RSTRING_PTR(string)[1] == '{'))) { break; } } /* * If the string is simply '&' and its the last string then its a line continuation so break the loop */ if ((RSTRING_LEN(string) == 1) && (RSTRING_PTR(string)[0] == '&') && (index == (length - 1))) { line_continuation = Qtrue; continue; } line_continuation = Qfalse; if (RTEST(remove_quotes)) { rb_ary_push(ivar_parameters, string_remove_quotes(string)); } else { rb_ary_push(ivar_parameters, string); } } } /* * If we detected a line continuation while going through all the * strings on the line then we strip off the continuation character and * return to the top of the loop to continue processing the line. */ if (RTEST(line_continuation)) { /* Strip the continuation character */ if (RSTRING_LEN(ivar_line) >= 1) { ivar_line = rb_str_new(RSTRING_PTR(ivar_line), RSTRING_LEN(ivar_line) - 1); } else { ivar_line = rb_str_new2(""); } rb_ivar_set(self, id_ivar_line, ivar_line); continue; } rb_ary_clear(array); rb_ary_push(array, ivar_keyword); rb_ary_push(array, ivar_parameters); rb_yield(array); } if (RTEST(progress_callback)) { rb_funcall(progress_callback, id_method_call, 1, rb_float_new(1.0)); } return Qnil; } /* * Initialize methods for ConfigParser */ void Init_config_parser (void) { id_cvar_progress_callback = rb_intern("@@progress_callback"); id_ivar_line_number = rb_intern("@line_number"); id_ivar_keyword = rb_intern("@keyword"); id_ivar_parameters = rb_intern("@parameters"); id_ivar_line = rb_intern("@line"); id_method_readline = rb_intern("readline"); id_method_close = rb_intern("close"); id_method_pos = rb_intern("pos"); id_method_call = rb_intern("call"); id_method_scan = rb_intern("scan"); id_method_strip = rb_intern("strip"); id_method_to_s = rb_intern("to_s"); id_method_upcase = rb_intern("upcase"); mCosmos = rb_define_module("Cosmos"); cConfigParser = rb_define_class_under(mCosmos, "ConfigParser", rb_cObject); rb_define_method(cConfigParser, "parse_loop", parse_loop, 5); }