# typed: true
# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `webrick` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem webrick`.
# AccessLog provides logging to various files in various formats.
# Multiple logs may be written to at the same time:
# access_log = [
# [$stderr, WEBrick::AccessLog::COMMON_LOG_FORMAT],
# [$stderr, WEBrick::AccessLog::REFERER_LOG_FORMAT],
# ]
# server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new :AccessLog => access_log
# Custom log formats may be defined. WEBrick::AccessLog provides a subset
# of the formatting from Apache's mod_log_config
# http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_log_config.html#formats. See
# AccessLog::setup_params for a list of supported options
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/accesslog.rb#30
module WEBrick::AccessLog
# Escapes control characters in +data+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/accesslog.rb#151
def escape(data); end
# Formats +params+ according to +format_string+ which is described in
# setup_params.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/accesslog.rb#123
def format(format_string, params); end
# This format specification is a subset of mod_log_config of Apache:
# %a:: Remote IP address
# %b:: Total response size
# %e{variable}:: Given variable in ENV
# %f:: Response filename
# %h:: Remote host name
# %{header}i:: Given request header
# %l:: Remote logname, always "-"
# %m:: Request method
# %{attr}n:: Given request attribute from req.attributes
# %{header}o:: Given response header
# %p:: Server's request port
# %{format}p:: The canonical port of the server serving the request or the
# actual port or the client's actual port. Valid formats are
# canonical, local or remote.
# %q:: Request query string
# %r:: First line of the request
# %s:: Request status
# %t:: Time the request was received
# %T:: Time taken to process the request
# %u:: Remote user from auth
# %U:: Unparsed URI
# %%:: Literal %
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/accesslog.rb#95
def setup_params(config, req, res); end
class << self
# Escapes control characters in +data+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/accesslog.rb#151
def escape(data); end
# Formats +params+ according to +format_string+ which is described in
# setup_params.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/accesslog.rb#123
def format(format_string, params); end
# This format specification is a subset of mod_log_config of Apache:
# %a:: Remote IP address
# %b:: Total response size
# %e{variable}:: Given variable in ENV
# %f:: Response filename
# %h:: Remote host name
# %{header}i:: Given request header
# %l:: Remote logname, always "-"
# %m:: Request method
# %{attr}n:: Given request attribute from req.attributes
# %{header}o:: Given response header
# %p:: Server's request port
# %{format}p:: The canonical port of the server serving the request or the
# actual port or the client's actual port. Valid formats are
# canonical, local or remote.
# %q:: Request query string
# %r:: First line of the request
# %s:: Request status
# %t:: Time the request was received
# %T:: Time taken to process the request
# %u:: Remote user from auth
# %U:: Unparsed URI
# %%:: Literal %
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/accesslog.rb#95
def setup_params(config, req, res); end
# A generic logging class
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#17
class WEBrick::BasicLog
# Initializes a new logger for +log_file+ that outputs messages at +level+
# or higher. +log_file+ can be a filename, an IO-like object that
# responds to #<< or nil which outputs to $stderr.
# If no level is given INFO is chosen by default
# @return [BasicLog] a new instance of BasicLog
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#50
def initialize(log_file = T.unsafe(nil), level = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Synonym for log(INFO, obj.to_s)
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#84
def <<(obj); end
# Closes the logger (also closes the log device associated to the logger)
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#66
def close; end
# Shortcut for logging a DEBUG message
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#97
def debug(msg); end
# Will the logger output DEBUG messages?
# @return [Boolean]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#108
def debug?; end
# Shortcut for logging an ERROR message
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#91
def error(msg); end
# Will the logger output ERROR messages?
# @return [Boolean]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#102
def error?; end
# Shortcut for logging a FATAL message
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#89
def fatal(msg); end
# Will the logger output FATAL messages?
# @return [Boolean]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#100
def fatal?; end
# Shortcut for logging an INFO message
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#95
def info(msg); end
# Will the logger output INFO messages?
# @return [Boolean]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#106
def info?; end
# log-level, messages above this level will be logged
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#41
def level; end
# log-level, messages above this level will be logged
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#41
def level=(_arg0); end
# Logs +data+ at +level+ if the given level is above the current log
# level.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#75
def log(level, data); end
# Shortcut for logging a WARN message
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#93
def warn(msg); end
# Will the logger output WARN messages?
# @return [Boolean]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#104
def warn?; end
# Formats +arg+ for the logger
# * If +arg+ is an Exception, it will format the error message and
# the back trace.
# * If +arg+ responds to #to_str, it will return it.
# * Otherwise it will return +arg+.inspect.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/log.rb#119
def format(arg); end
# --
# Updates WEBrick::GenericServer with SSL functionality
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#56
class WEBrick::GenericServer
# Creates a new generic server from +config+. The default configuration
# comes from +default+.
# @return [GenericServer] a new instance of GenericServer
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#88
def initialize(config = T.unsafe(nil), default = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Retrieves +key+ from the configuration
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#121
def [](key); end
# The server configuration
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#66
def config; end
# Updates +listen+ to enable SSL when the SSL configuration is active.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#129
def listen(address, port); end
# Sockets listening for connections.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#82
def listeners; end
# The server logger. This is independent from the HTTP access log.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#71
def logger; end
# You must subclass GenericServer and implement \#run which accepts a TCP
# client socket
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#244
def run(sock); end
# Shuts down the server and all listening sockets. New listeners must be
# provided to restart the server.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#234
def shutdown; end
# Starts the server and runs the +block+ for each connection. This method
# does not return until the server is stopped from a signal handler or
# another thread using #stop or #shutdown.
# If the block raises a subclass of StandardError the exception is logged
# and ignored. If an IOError or Errno::EBADF exception is raised the
# exception is ignored. If an Exception subclass is raised the exception
# is logged and re-raised which stops the server.
# To completely shut down a server call #shutdown from ensure:
# server = WEBrick::GenericServer.new
# # or WEBrick::HTTPServer.new
# begin
# server.start
# ensure
# server.shutdown
# end
# @raise [ServerError]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#154
def start(&block); end
# The server status. One of :Stop, :Running or :Shutdown
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#61
def status; end
# Stops the server from accepting new connections.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#222
def stop; end
# Tokens control the number of outstanding clients. The
# :MaxClients
configuration sets this.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#77
def tokens; end
# Accepts a TCP client socket from the TCP server socket +svr+ and returns
# the client socket.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#256
def accept_client(svr); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#347
def alarm_shutdown_pipe; end
# Calls the callback +callback_name+ from the configuration with +args+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#334
def call_callback(callback_name, *args); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#359
def cleanup_listener; end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#342
def cleanup_shutdown_pipe(shutdown_pipe); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#338
def setup_shutdown_pipe; end
# Starts a server thread for the client socket +sock+ that runs the given
# +block+.
# Sets the socket to the :WEBrickSocket
thread local variable
# in the thread.
# If any errors occur in the block they are logged and handled.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/server.rb#288
def start_thread(sock, &block); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/htmlutils.rb#13
module WEBrick::HTMLUtils
# Escapes &, ", > and < in +string+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/htmlutils.rb#18
def escape(string); end
class << self
# Escapes &, ", > and < in +string+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/htmlutils.rb#18
def escape(string); end
# HTTPAuth provides both basic and digest authentication.
# To enable authentication for requests in WEBrick you will need a user
# database and an authenticator. To start, here's an Htpasswd database for
# use with a DigestAuth authenticator:
# config = { :Realm => 'DigestAuth example realm' }
# htpasswd = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htpasswd.new 'my_password_file'
# htpasswd.auth_type = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth
# htpasswd.set_passwd config[:Realm], 'username', 'password'
# htpasswd.flush
# The +:Realm+ is used to provide different access to different groups
# across several resources on a server. Typically you'll need only one
# realm for a server.
# This database can be used to create an authenticator:
# config[:UserDB] = htpasswd
# digest_auth = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth.new config
# To authenticate a request call #authenticate with a request and response
# object in a servlet:
# def do_GET req, res
# @authenticator.authenticate req, res
# end
# For digest authentication the authenticator must not be created every
# request, it must be passed in as an option via WEBrick::HTTPServer#mount.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb#12
module WEBrick::HTTPAuth
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth.rb#57
def _basic_auth(req, res, realm, req_field, res_field, err_type, block); end
# Simple wrapper for providing basic authentication for a request. When
# called with a request +req+, response +res+, authentication +realm+ and
# +block+ the block will be called with a +username+ and +password+. If
# the block returns true the request is allowed to continue, otherwise an
# HTTPStatus::Unauthorized error is raised.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth.rb#79
def basic_auth(req, res, realm, &block); end
# Simple wrapper for providing basic authentication for a proxied request.
# When called with a request +req+, response +res+, authentication +realm+
# and +block+ the block will be called with a +username+ and +password+.
# If the block returns true the request is allowed to continue, otherwise
# an HTTPStatus::ProxyAuthenticationRequired error is raised.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth.rb#91
def proxy_basic_auth(req, res, realm, &block); end
class << self
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth.rb#57
def _basic_auth(req, res, realm, req_field, res_field, err_type, block); end
# Simple wrapper for providing basic authentication for a request. When
# called with a request +req+, response +res+, authentication +realm+ and
# +block+ the block will be called with a +username+ and +password+. If
# the block returns true the request is allowed to continue, otherwise an
# HTTPStatus::Unauthorized error is raised.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth.rb#79
def basic_auth(req, res, realm, &block); end
# Simple wrapper for providing basic authentication for a proxied request.
# When called with a request +req+, response +res+, authentication +realm+
# and +block+ the block will be called with a +username+ and +password+.
# If the block returns true the request is allowed to continue, otherwise
# an HTTPStatus::ProxyAuthenticationRequired error is raised.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth.rb#91
def proxy_basic_auth(req, res, realm, &block); end
# Module providing generic support for both Digest and Basic
# authentication schemes.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb#18
module WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Authenticator
# The logger for this authenticator
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb#43
def logger; end
# The realm this authenticator covers
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb#33
def realm; end
# The user database for this authenticator
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb#38
def userdb; end
# Initializes the authenticator from +config+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb#52
def check_init(config); end
# Ensures +req+ has credentials that can be authenticated.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb#72
def check_scheme(req); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb#91
def error(fmt, *args); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb#97
def info(fmt, *args); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb#85
def log(meth, fmt, *args); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb#23
WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Authenticator::AuthException = WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Unauthorized
# Basic Authentication for WEBrick
# Use this class to add basic authentication to a WEBrick servlet.
# Here is an example of how to set up a BasicAuth:
# config = { :Realm => 'BasicAuth example realm' }
# htpasswd = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htpasswd.new 'my_password_file', password_hash: :bcrypt
# htpasswd.set_passwd config[:Realm], 'username', 'password'
# htpasswd.flush
# config[:UserDB] = htpasswd
# basic_auth = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::BasicAuth.new config
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/basicauth.rb#35
class WEBrick::HTTPAuth::BasicAuth
include ::WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Authenticator
# Creates a new BasicAuth instance.
# See WEBrick::Config::BasicAuth for default configuration entries
# You must supply the following configuration entries:
# :Realm:: The name of the realm being protected.
# :UserDB:: A database of usernames and passwords.
# A WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htpasswd instance should be used.
# @return [BasicAuth] a new instance of BasicAuth
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/basicauth.rb#61
def initialize(config, default = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Authenticates a +req+ and returns a 401 Unauthorized using +res+ if
# the authentication was not correct.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/basicauth.rb#70
def authenticate(req, res); end
# Returns a challenge response which asks for authentication information
# @raise [@auth_exception]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/basicauth.rb#103
def challenge(req, res); end
# Returns the value of attribute logger.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/basicauth.rb#48
def logger; end
# Returns the value of attribute realm.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/basicauth.rb#48
def realm; end
# Returns the value of attribute userdb.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/basicauth.rb#48
def userdb; end
class << self
# Used by UserDB to create a basic password entry
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/basicauth.rb#43
def make_passwd(realm, user, pass); end
# RFC 2617 Digest Access Authentication for WEBrick
# Use this class to add digest authentication to a WEBrick servlet.
# Here is an example of how to set up DigestAuth:
# config = { :Realm => 'DigestAuth example realm' }
# htdigest = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htdigest.new 'my_password_file'
# htdigest.set_passwd config[:Realm], 'username', 'password'
# htdigest.flush
# config[:UserDB] = htdigest
# digest_auth = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth.new config
# When using this as with a servlet be sure not to create a new DigestAuth
# object in the servlet's #initialize. By default WEBrick creates a new
# servlet instance for every request and the DigestAuth object must be
# used across requests.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#46
class WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth
include ::WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Authenticator
# Creates a new DigestAuth instance. Be sure to use the same DigestAuth
# instance for multiple requests as it saves state between requests in
# order to perform authentication.
# See WEBrick::Config::DigestAuth for default configuration entries
# You must supply the following configuration entries:
# :Realm:: The name of the realm being protected.
# :UserDB:: A database of usernames and passwords.
# A WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htdigest instance should be used.
# @return [DigestAuth] a new instance of DigestAuth
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#87
def initialize(config, default = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Digest authentication algorithm
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#59
def algorithm; end
# Authenticates a +req+ and returns a 401 Unauthorized using +res+ if
# the authentication was not correct.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#121
def authenticate(req, res); end
# Returns a challenge response which asks for authentication information
# @raise [@auth_exception]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#134
def challenge(req, res, stale = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Quality of protection. RFC 2617 defines "auth" and "auth-int"
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#64
def qop; end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#163
def _authenticate(req, res); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#306
def check_nonce(req, auth_req); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#349
def check_opaque(opaque_struct, req, auth_req); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#365
def check_uri(req, auth_req); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#299
def generate_next_nonce(req); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#332
def generate_opaque(req); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#376
def hexdigest(*args); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#291
def split_param_value(string); end
class << self
# Used by UserDB to create a digest password entry
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#69
def make_passwd(realm, user, pass); end
# Htdigest accesses apache-compatible digest password files. Passwords are
# matched to a realm where they are valid. For security, the path for a
# digest password database should be stored outside of the paths available
# to the HTTP server.
# Htdigest is intended for use with WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth and
# stores passwords using cryptographic hashes.
# htpasswd = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htdigest.new 'my_password_file'
# htpasswd.set_passwd 'my realm', 'username', 'password'
# htpasswd.flush
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htdigest.rb#31
class WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htdigest
include ::WEBrick::HTTPAuth::UserDB
# Open a digest password database at +path+
# @return [Htdigest] a new instance of Htdigest
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htdigest.rb#37
def initialize(path); end
# Removes a password from the database for +user+ in +realm+.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htdigest.rb#113
def delete_passwd(realm, user); end
# Iterate passwords in the database.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htdigest.rb#122
def each; end
# Flush the password database. If +output+ is given the database will
# be written there instead of to the original path.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htdigest.rb#72
def flush(output = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Retrieves a password from the database for +user+ in +realm+. If
# +reload_db+ is true the database will be reloaded first.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htdigest.rb#91
def get_passwd(realm, user, reload_db); end
# Reloads passwords from the database
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htdigest.rb#50
def reload; end
# Sets a password in the database for +user+ in +realm+ to +pass+.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htdigest.rb#101
def set_passwd(realm, user, pass); end
# Htgroup accesses apache-compatible group files. Htgroup can be used to
# provide group-based authentication for users. Currently Htgroup is not
# directly integrated with any authenticators in WEBrick. For security,
# the path for a digest password database should be stored outside of the
# paths available to the HTTP server.
# Example:
# htgroup = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htgroup.new 'my_group_file'
# htgroup.add 'superheroes', %w[spiderman batman]
# htgroup.members('superheroes').include? 'magneto' # => false
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htgroup.rb#30
class WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htgroup
# Open a group database at +path+
# @return [Htgroup] a new instance of Htgroup
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htgroup.rb#35
def initialize(path); end
# Add an Array of +members+ to +group+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htgroup.rb#92
def add(group, members); end
# Flush the group database. If +output+ is given the database will be
# written there instead of to the original path.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htgroup.rb#64
def flush(output = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Retrieve the list of members from +group+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htgroup.rb#84
def members(group); end
# Reload groups from the database
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htgroup.rb#46
def reload; end
# Htpasswd accesses apache-compatible password files. Passwords are
# matched to a realm where they are valid. For security, the path for a
# password database should be stored outside of the paths available to the
# HTTP server.
# Htpasswd is intended for use with WEBrick::HTTPAuth::BasicAuth.
# To create an Htpasswd database with a single user:
# htpasswd = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htpasswd.new 'my_password_file'
# htpasswd.set_passwd 'my realm', 'username', 'password'
# htpasswd.flush
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htpasswd.rb#32
class WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htpasswd
include ::WEBrick::HTTPAuth::UserDB
# Open a password database at +path+
# @return [Htpasswd] a new instance of Htpasswd
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htpasswd.rb#38
def initialize(path, password_hash: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Removes a password from the database for +user+ in +realm+.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htpasswd.rb#144
def delete_passwd(realm, user); end
# Iterate passwords in the database.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htpasswd.rb#151
def each; end
# Flush the password database. If +output+ is given the database will
# be written there instead of to the original path.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htpasswd.rb#103
def flush(output = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Retrieves a password from the database for +user+ in +realm+. If
# +reload_db+ is true the database will be reloaded first.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htpasswd.rb#122
def get_passwd(realm, user, reload_db); end
# Reload passwords from the database
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htpasswd.rb#68
def reload; end
# Sets a password in the database for +user+ in +realm+ to +pass+.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/htpasswd.rb#130
def set_passwd(realm, user, pass); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb#114
WEBrick::HTTPAuth::ProxyAuthenticator::AuthException = WEBrick::HTTPStatus::ProxyAuthenticationRequired
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb#113
WEBrick::HTTPAuth::ProxyAuthenticator::ResponseInfoField = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Basic authentication for proxy servers. See BasicAuth for details.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/basicauth.rb#112
class WEBrick::HTTPAuth::ProxyBasicAuth < ::WEBrick::HTTPAuth::BasicAuth
include ::WEBrick::HTTPAuth::ProxyAuthenticator
# Digest authentication for proxy servers. See DigestAuth for details.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#386
class WEBrick::HTTPAuth::ProxyDigestAuth < ::WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth
include ::WEBrick::HTTPAuth::ProxyAuthenticator
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb#390
def check_uri(req, auth_req); end
# User database mixin for HTTPAuth. This mixin dispatches user record
# access to the underlying auth_type for this database.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/userdb.rb#18
module WEBrick::HTTPAuth::UserDB
# The authentication type.
# WEBrick::HTTPAuth::BasicAuth or WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth are
# built-in.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/userdb.rb#26
def auth_type; end
# The authentication type.
# WEBrick::HTTPAuth::BasicAuth or WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth are
# built-in.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/userdb.rb#26
def auth_type=(_arg0); end
# Retrieves a password in +realm+ for +user+ for the auth_type of this
# database. +reload_db+ is a dummy value.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/userdb.rb#48
def get_passwd(realm, user, reload_db = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Creates an obscured password in +realm+ with +user+ and +password+
# using the auth_type of this database.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/userdb.rb#32
def make_passwd(realm, user, pass); end
# Sets a password in +realm+ with +user+ and +password+ for the
# auth_type of this database.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpauth/userdb.rb#40
def set_passwd(realm, user, pass); end
# --
# Adds SSL functionality to WEBrick::HTTPRequest
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#25
class WEBrick::HTTPRequest
# Creates a new HTTP request. WEBrick::Config::HTTP is the default
# configuration.
# @return [HTTPRequest] a new instance of HTTPRequest
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#153
def initialize(config); end
# Retrieves +header_name+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#318
def [](header_name); end
# The Accept header value
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#100
def accept; end
# The Accept-Charset header value
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#105
def accept_charset; end
# The Accept-Encoding header value
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#110
def accept_encoding; end
# The Accept-Language header value
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#115
def accept_language; end
# The socket address of the server
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#127
def addr; end
# Hash of request attributes
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#137
def attributes; end
# Returns the request body.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#255
def body(&block); end
# Prepares the HTTPRequest object for use as the
# source for IO.copy_stream
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#265
def body_reader; end
# The content-length header
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#304
def content_length; end
# The content-type header
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#311
def content_type; end
# Generate HTTP/1.1 100 continue response if the client expects it,
# otherwise does nothing.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#245
def continue; end
# The parsed request cookies
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#95
def cookies; end
# Iterates over the request headers
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#328
def each; end
# Consumes any remaining body and updates keep-alive status
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#390
def fixup; end
# The parsed header of the request
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#90
def header; end
# The host this request is for
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#340
def host; end
# The HTTP version of the request
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#51
def http_version; end
# Is this a keep-alive connection?
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#142
def keep_alive; end
# Should the connection this request was made on be kept alive?
# @return [Boolean]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#375
def keep_alive?; end
# This method provides the metavariables defined by the revision 3
# of "The WWW Common Gateway Interface Version 1.1"
# To browse the current document of CGI Version 1.1, see below:
# https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3875
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#407
def meta_vars; end
# Parses a request from +socket+. This is called internally by
# WEBrick::HTTPServer.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#193
def parse(socket = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# The request path
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#63
def path; end
# The path info (CGI variable)
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#73
def path_info; end
# The path info (CGI variable)
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#73
def path_info=(_arg0); end
# The socket address of the client
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#132
def peeraddr; end
# The port this request is for
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#347
def port; end
# Request query as a Hash
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#294
def query; end
# The query from the URI of the request
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#78
def query_string; end
# The query from the URI of the request
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#78
def query_string=(_arg0); end
# The raw header of the request
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#85
def raw_header; end
# for IO.copy_stream.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#278
def readpartial(size, buf = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# The client's IP address
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#361
def remote_ip; end
# The complete request line such as:
# GET / HTTP/1.1
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#36
def request_line; end
# The request method, GET, POST, PUT, etc.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#41
def request_method; end
# The local time this request was received
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#147
def request_time; end
# The parsed URI of the request
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#58
def request_uri; end
# The script name (CGI variable)
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#68
def script_name; end
# The script name (CGI variable)
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#68
def script_name=(_arg0); end
# The server name this request is for
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#354
def server_name; end
# Is this an SSL request?
# @return [Boolean]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#368
def ssl?; end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#379
def to_s; end
# The unparsed URI of the request
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#46
def unparsed_uri; end
# The remote user (CGI variable)
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#122
def user; end
# The remote user (CGI variable)
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#122
def user=(_arg0); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#594
def _read_data(io, method, *arg); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#527
def parse_host_request_line(host); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#614
def parse_query; end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#503
def parse_uri(str, scheme = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#531
def read_body(socket, block); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#559
def read_chunk_size(socket); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#570
def read_chunked(socket, block); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#610
def read_data(io, size); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#471
def read_header(socket); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#606
def read_line(io, size = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @raise [HTTPStatus::EOFError]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#451
def read_request_line(socket); end
# It's said that all X-Forwarded-* headers will contain more than one
# (comma-separated) value if the original request already contained one of
# these headers. Since we could use these values as Host header, we choose
# the initial(first) value. (apr_table_mergen() adds new value after the
# existing value with ", " prefix)
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#642
def setup_forwarded_info; end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#526
WEBrick::HTTPRequest::HOST_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# same as Mongrel, Thin and Puma
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httprequest.rb#449
WEBrick::HTTPRequest::MAX_HEADER_LENGTH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# An HTTP response. This is filled in by the service or do_* methods of a
# WEBrick HTTP Servlet.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#24
class WEBrick::HTTPResponse
# Creates a new HTTP response object. WEBrick::Config::HTTP is the
# default configuration.
# @return [HTTPResponse] a new instance of HTTPResponse
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#117
def initialize(config); end
# Retrieves the response header +field+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#155
def [](field); end
# Sets the response header +field+ to +value+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#162
def []=(field, value); end
# Body may be:
# * a String;
# * an IO-like object that responds to +#read+ and +#readpartial+;
# * a Proc-like object that responds to +#call+.
# In the latter case, either #chunked= should be set to +true+,
# or header['content-length']
explicitly provided.
# Example:
# server.mount_proc '/' do |req, res|
# res.chunked = true
# # or
# # res.header['content-length'] = 10
# res.body = proc { |out| out.write(Time.now.to_s) }
# end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#70
def body; end
# Body may be:
# * a String;
# * an IO-like object that responds to +#read+ and +#readpartial+;
# * a Proc-like object that responds to +#call+.
# In the latter case, either #chunked= should be set to +true+,
# or header['content-length']
explicitly provided.
# Example:
# server.mount_proc '/' do |req, res|
# res.chunked = true
# # or
# # res.header['content-length'] = 10
# res.body = proc { |out| out.write(Time.now.to_s) }
# end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#70
def body=(_arg0); end
# Enables chunked transfer encoding.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#214
def chunked=(val); end
# Will this response body be returned using chunked transfer-encoding?
# @return [Boolean]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#207
def chunked?; end
# Configuration for this response
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#101
def config; end
# The content-length header
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#170
def content_length; end
# Sets the content-length header to +len+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#179
def content_length=(len); end
# The content-type header
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#186
def content_type; end
# Sets the content-type header to +type+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#193
def content_type=(type); end
# Response cookies
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#46
def cookies; end
# Iterates over each header in the response
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#200
def each; end
# Filename of the static file in this response. Only used by the
# FileHandler servlet.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#91
def filename; end
# Filename of the static file in this response. Only used by the
# FileHandler servlet.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#91
def filename=(_arg0); end
# Response header
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#41
def header; end
# HTTP Response version
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#31
def http_version; end
# Is this a keep-alive response?
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#96
def keep_alive; end
# Is this a keep-alive response?
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#96
def keep_alive=(_arg0); end
# Will this response's connection be kept alive?
# @return [Boolean]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#221
def keep_alive?; end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#325
def make_body_tempfile; end
# Response reason phrase ("OK")
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#51
def reason_phrase; end
# Response reason phrase ("OK")
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#51
def reason_phrase=(_arg0); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#343
def remove_body_tempfile; end
# Request HTTP version for this response
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#85
def request_http_version; end
# Request HTTP version for this response
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#85
def request_http_version=(_arg0); end
# Request method for this response
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#75
def request_method; end
# Request method for this response
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#75
def request_method=(_arg0); end
# Request URI for this response
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#80
def request_uri; end
# Request URI for this response
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#80
def request_uri=(_arg0); end
# Sends the body on +socket+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#378
def send_body(socket); end
# Sends the headers on +socket+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#355
def send_header(socket); end
# Sends the response on +socket+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#238
def send_response(socket); end
# Bytes sent in this response
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#106
def sent_size; end
# Creates an error page for exception +ex+ with an optional +backtrace+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#405
def set_error(ex, backtrace = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Redirects to +url+ with a WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Redirect +status+.
# Example:
# res.set_redirect WEBrick::HTTPStatus::TemporaryRedirect
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#395
def set_redirect(status, url); end
# Sets up the headers for sending
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#255
def setup_header; end
# Response status code (200)
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#36
def status; end
# Sets the response's status to the +status+ code
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#147
def status=(status); end
# The response's HTTP status line
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#140
def status_line; end
# Set the response body proc as an streaming/upgrade response.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#111
def upgrade; end
# Sets the response to be a streaming/upgrade response.
# This will disable keep-alive and chunked transfer encoding.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#229
def upgrade!(protocol); end
# Set the response body proc as an streaming/upgrade response.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#111
def upgrade=(_arg0); end
# preserved for compatibility with some 3rd-party handlers
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#581
def _write_data(socket, data); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#432
def check_header(header_value); end
# :stopdoc:
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#443
def error_body(backtrace, ex, host, port); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#473
def send_body_io(socket); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#535
def send_body_proc(socket); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#513
def send_body_string(socket); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#555
class WEBrick::HTTPResponse::ChunkedWrapper
# @return [ChunkedWrapper] a new instance of ChunkedWrapper
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#556
def initialize(socket, resp); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#574
def <<(*buf); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb#561
def write(buf); end
# An HTTP Server
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#27
class WEBrick::HTTPServer < ::WEBrick::GenericServer
# Creates a new HTTP server according to +config+
# An HTTP server uses the following attributes:
# :AccessLog:: An array of access logs. See WEBrick::AccessLog
# :BindAddress:: Local address for the server to bind to
# :DocumentRoot:: Root path to serve files from
# :DocumentRootOptions:: Options for the default HTTPServlet::FileHandler
# :HTTPVersion:: The HTTP version of this server
# :Port:: Port to listen on
# :RequestCallback:: Called with a request and response before each
# request is serviced.
# :RequestTimeout:: Maximum time to wait between requests
# :ServerAlias:: Array of alternate names for this server for virtual
# hosting
# :ServerName:: Name for this server for virtual hosting
# @return [HTTPServer] a new instance of HTTPServer
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#46
def initialize(config = T.unsafe(nil), default = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Logs +req+ and +res+ in the access logs. +config+ is used for the
# server name.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#220
def access_log(config, req, res); end
# Creates the HTTPRequest used when handling the HTTP
# request. Can be overridden by subclasses.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#230
def create_request(with_webrick_config); end
# Creates the HTTPResponse used when handling the HTTP
# request. Can be overridden by subclasses.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#237
def create_response(with_webrick_config); end
# The default OPTIONS request handler says GET, HEAD, POST and OPTIONS
# requests are allowed.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#147
def do_OPTIONS(req, res); end
# Finds the appropriate virtual host to handle +req+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#207
def lookup_server(req); end
# Mounts +servlet+ on +dir+ passing +options+ to the servlet at creation
# time
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#155
def mount(dir, servlet, *options); end
# Mounts +proc+ or +block+ on +dir+ and calls it with a
# WEBrick::HTTPRequest and WEBrick::HTTPResponse
# @raise [HTTPServerError]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#164
def mount_proc(dir, proc = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Processes requests on +sock+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#69
def run(sock); end
# Finds a servlet for +path+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#182
def search_servlet(path); end
# Services +req+ and fills in +res+
# @raise [HTTPStatus::NotFound]
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#125
def service(req, res); end
# Unmounts +dir+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#173
def umount(dir); end
# Unmounts +dir+
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#173
def unmount(dir); end
# Adds +server+ as a virtual host.
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#193
def virtual_host(server); end
# Mount table for the path a servlet is mounted on in the directory space
# of the server. Users of WEBrick can only access this indirectly via
# WEBrick::HTTPServer#mount, WEBrick::HTTPServer#unmount and
# WEBrick::HTTPServer#search_servlet
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#247
class WEBrick::HTTPServer::MountTable
# @return [MountTable] a new instance of MountTable
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#248
def initialize; end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#253
def [](dir); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#258
def []=(dir, val); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#265
def delete(dir); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#272
def scan(path); end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#279
def compile; end
# source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpserver.rb#287
def normalize(dir); end
# AbstractServlet allows HTTP server modules to be reused across multiple
# servers and allows encapsulation of functionality.
# By default a servlet will respond to GET, HEAD (through an alias to GET)
# and OPTIONS requests.
# By default a new servlet is initialized for every request. A servlet
# instance can be reused by overriding ::get_instance in the
# AbstractServlet subclass.
# == A Simple Servlet
# class Simple < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
# def do_GET request, response
# status, content_type, body = do_stuff_with request
# response.status = status
# response['Content-Type'] = content_type
# response.body = body
# end
# def do_stuff_with request
# return 200, 'text/plain', 'you got a page'
# end
# end
# This servlet can be mounted on a server at a given path:
# server.mount '/simple', Simple
# == Servlet Configuration
# Servlets can be configured via initialize. The first argument is the
# HTTP server the servlet is being initialized for.
# class Configurable < Simple
# def initialize server, color, size
# super server
# @color = color
# @size = size
# end
# def do_stuff_with request
# content = "
Hello, World!" # # return 200, "text/html", content # end # end # # This servlet must be provided two arguments at mount time: # # server.mount '/configurable', Configurable, 'red', '2em' # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/abstract.rb#76 class WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet # Initializes a new servlet for +server+ using +options+ which are # stored as-is in +@options+. +@logger+ is also provided. # # @return [AbstractServlet] a new instance of AbstractServlet # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/abstract.rb#91 def initialize(server, *options); end # Raises a NotFound exception # # @raise [HTTPStatus::NotFound] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/abstract.rb#115 def do_GET(req, res); end # Dispatches to do_GET # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/abstract.rb#122 def do_HEAD(req, res); end # Returns the allowed HTTP request methods # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/abstract.rb#129 def do_OPTIONS(req, res); end # Dispatches to a +do_+ method based on +req+ if such a method is # available. (+do_GET+ for a GET request). Raises a MethodNotAllowed # exception if the method is not implemented. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/abstract.rb#102 def service(req, res); end private # Redirects to a path ending in / # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/abstract.rb#140 def redirect_to_directory_uri(req, res); end class << self # Factory for servlet instances that will handle a request from +server+ # using +options+ from the mount point. By default a new servlet # instance is created for every call. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/abstract.rb#83 def get_instance(server, *options); end end end # Servlet for handling CGI scripts # # Example: # # server.mount('/cgi/my_script', WEBrick::HTTPServlet::CGIHandler, # '/path/to/my_script') # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb#28 class WEBrick::HTTPServlet::CGIHandler < ::WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet # Creates a new CGI script servlet for the script at +name+ # # @return [CGIHandler] a new instance of CGIHandler # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb#36 def initialize(server, name); end # :stopdoc: # # @raise [HTTPStatus::InternalServerError] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb#50 def do_GET(req, res); end # :stopdoc: # # @raise [HTTPStatus::InternalServerError] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb#50 def do_POST(req, res); end end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb#31 WEBrick::HTTPServlet::CGIHandler::CGIRunnerArray = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) # Servlet for serving a single file. You probably want to use the # FileHandler servlet instead as it handles directories and fancy indexes. # # Example: # # server.mount('/my_page.txt', WEBrick::HTTPServlet::DefaultFileHandler, # '/path/to/my_page.txt') # # This servlet handles If-Modified-Since and Range requests. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#32 class WEBrick::HTTPServlet::DefaultFileHandler < ::WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet # Creates a DefaultFileHandler instance for the file at +local_path+. # # @return [DefaultFileHandler] a new instance of DefaultFileHandler # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#37 def initialize(server, local_path); end # :stopdoc: # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#44 def do_GET(req, res); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#118 def make_partial_content(req, res, filename, filesize); end # returns a lambda for webrick/httpresponse.rb send_body_proc # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#90 def multipart_body(body, parts, boundary, mtype, filesize); end # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#64 def not_modified?(req, res, mtime, etag); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#155 def prepare_range(range, filesize); end end # ERBHandler evaluates an ERB file and returns the result. This handler # is automatically used if there are .rhtml files in a directory served by # the FileHandler. # # ERBHandler supports GET and POST methods. # # The ERB file is evaluated with the local variables +servlet_request+ and # +servlet_response+ which are a WEBrick::HTTPRequest and # WEBrick::HTTPResponse respectively. # # Example .rhtml file: # # Request to <%= servlet_request.request_uri %> # # Query params <%= servlet_request.query.inspect %> # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/erbhandler.rb#36 class WEBrick::HTTPServlet::ERBHandler < ::WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet # Creates a new ERBHandler on +server+ that will evaluate and serve the # ERB file +name+ # # @return [ERBHandler] a new instance of ERBHandler # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/erbhandler.rb#42 def initialize(server, name); end # Handles GET requests # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/erbhandler.rb#50 def do_GET(req, res); end # Handles GET requests # # Handles POST requests # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/erbhandler.rb#50 def do_POST(req, res); end private # Evaluates +erb+ providing +servlet_request+ and +servlet_response+ as # local variables. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/erbhandler.rb#79 def evaluate(erb, servlet_request, servlet_response); end end # Serves a directory including fancy indexing and a variety of other # options. # # Example: # # server.mount('/assets', WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler, # '/path/to/assets') # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#175 class WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler < ::WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet # Creates a FileHandler servlet on +server+ that serves files starting # at directory +root+ # # +options+ may be a Hash containing keys from # WEBrick::Config::FileHandler or +true+ or +false+. # # If +options+ is true or false then +:FancyIndexing+ is enabled or # disabled respectively. # # @return [FileHandler] a new instance of FileHandler # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#203 def initialize(server, root, options = T.unsafe(nil), default = T.unsafe(nil)); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#245 def do_GET(req, res); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#257 def do_OPTIONS(req, res); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#251 def do_POST(req, res); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#224 def service(req, res); end # :stopdoc: # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#215 def set_filesystem_encoding(str); end private # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#416 def call_callback(callback_name, req, res); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#369 def check_filename(req, res, name); end # @raise [HTTPStatus::NotFound] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#309 def exec_handler(req, res); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#322 def get_handler(req, res); end # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#428 def nondisclosure_name?(name); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#286 def prevent_directory_traversal(req, res); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#394 def search_file(req, res, basename); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#385 def search_index_file(req, res); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#437 def set_dir_list(req, res); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#335 def set_filename(req, res); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#376 def shift_path_info(req, res, path_info, base = T.unsafe(nil)); end # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#277 def trailing_pathsep?(path); end # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#422 def windows_ambiguous_name?(name); end class << self # Allow custom handling of requests for files with +suffix+ by class # +handler+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#182 def add_handler(suffix, handler); end # Remove custom handling of requests for files with +suffix+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb#189 def remove_handler(suffix); end end end # Mounts a proc at a path that accepts a request and response. # # Instead of mounting this servlet with WEBrick::HTTPServer#mount use # WEBrick::HTTPServer#mount_proc: # # server.mount_proc '/' do |req, res| # res.body = 'it worked!' # res.status = 200 # end # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/prochandler.rb#28 class WEBrick::HTTPServlet::ProcHandler < ::WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet # @return [ProcHandler] a new instance of ProcHandler # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/prochandler.rb#34 def initialize(proc); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/prochandler.rb#38 def do_GET(request, response); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/prochandler.rb#38 def do_POST(request, response); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/prochandler.rb#38 def do_PUT(request, response); end # :stopdoc: # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpservlet/prochandler.rb#30 def get_instance(server, *options); end end # This module is used to manager HTTP status codes. # # See http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html for more # information. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#21 module WEBrick::HTTPStatus private # Is +code+ a client error status? # # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#170 def client_error?(code); end # Is +code+ an error status? # # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#164 def error?(code); end # Is +code+ an informational status? # # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#146 def info?(code); end # Returns the description corresponding to the HTTP status +code+ # # WEBrick::HTTPStatus.reason_phrase 404 # => "Not Found" # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#140 def reason_phrase(code); end # Is +code+ a redirection status? # # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#158 def redirect?(code); end # Is +code+ a server error status? # # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#176 def server_error?(code); end # Is +code+ a successful status? # # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#152 def success?(code); end class << self # Returns the status class corresponding to +code+ # # WEBrick::HTTPStatus[302] # => WEBrick::HTTPStatus::NotFound # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#186 def [](code); end # Is +code+ a client error status? # # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#170 def client_error?(code); end # Is +code+ an error status? # # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#164 def error?(code); end # Is +code+ an informational status? # # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#146 def info?(code); end # Returns the description corresponding to the HTTP status +code+ # # WEBrick::HTTPStatus.reason_phrase 404 # => "Not Found" # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#140 def reason_phrase(code); end # Is +code+ a redirection status? # # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#158 def redirect?(code); end # Is +code+ a server error status? # # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#176 def server_error?(code); end # Is +code+ a successful status? # # @return [Boolean] # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#152 def success?(code); end end end # Root of the HTTP status class hierarchy # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#25 class WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Status < ::StandardError # Returns the HTTP status code # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#31 def code; end # Returns the HTTP status description # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#34 def reason_phrase; end # Returns the HTTP status code # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#31 def to_i; end class << self # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#27 def code; end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb#27 def reason_phrase; end end end # HTTPUtils provides utility methods for working with the HTTP protocol. # # This module is generally used internally by WEBrick # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#25 module WEBrick::HTTPUtils private # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#474 def _escape(str, regex); end # :stopdoc: # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#472 def _make_regex(str); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#473 def _make_regex!(str); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#480 def _unescape(str, regex); end # Removes quotes and escapes from +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#254 def dequote(str); end # Escapes HTTP reserved and unwise characters in +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#498 def escape(str); end # Escapes 8 bit characters in +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#539 def escape8bit(str); end # Escapes form reserved characters in +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#512 def escape_form(str); end # Escapes path +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#528 def escape_path(str); end # Loads Apache-compatible mime.types in +file+. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#122 def load_mime_types(file); end # Returns the mime type of +filename+ from the list in +mime_tab+. If no # mime type was found application/octet-stream is returned. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#144 def mime_type(filename, mime_tab); end # Normalizes a request path. Raises an exception if the path cannot be # normalized. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#31 def normalize_path(path); end # Parses form data in +io+ with the given +boundary+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#426 def parse_form_data(io, boundary); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#171 def parse_header(raw); end # Parses the query component of a URI in +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#402 def parse_query(str); end # Parses q values in +value+ as used in Accept headers. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#233 def parse_qvalues(value); end # Parses a Range header value +ranges_specifier+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#215 def parse_range_header(ranges_specifier); end # Quotes and escapes quotes in +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#264 def quote(str); end # Splits a header value +str+ according to HTTP specification. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#206 def split_header_value(str); end # Unescapes HTTP reserved and unwise characters in +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#505 def unescape(str); end # Unescapes form reserved characters in +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#521 def unescape_form(str); end class << self # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#474 def _escape(str, regex); end # :stopdoc: # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#472 def _make_regex(str); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#473 def _make_regex!(str); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#480 def _unescape(str, regex); end # Removes quotes and escapes from +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#254 def dequote(str); end # Escapes HTTP reserved and unwise characters in +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#498 def escape(str); end # Escapes 8 bit characters in +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#539 def escape8bit(str); end # Escapes form reserved characters in +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#512 def escape_form(str); end # Escapes path +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#528 def escape_path(str); end # Loads Apache-compatible mime.types in +file+. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#122 def load_mime_types(file); end # Returns the mime type of +filename+ from the list in +mime_tab+. If no # mime type was found application/octet-stream is returned. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#144 def mime_type(filename, mime_tab); end # Normalizes a request path. Raises an exception if the path cannot be # normalized. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#31 def normalize_path(path); end # Parses form data in +io+ with the given +boundary+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#426 def parse_form_data(io, boundary); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#171 def parse_header(raw); end # Parses the query component of a URI in +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#402 def parse_query(str); end # Parses q values in +value+ as used in Accept headers. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#233 def parse_qvalues(value); end # Parses a Range header value +ranges_specifier+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#215 def parse_range_header(ranges_specifier); end # Quotes and escapes quotes in +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#264 def quote(str); end # Splits a header value +str+ according to HTTP specification. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#206 def split_header_value(str); end # Unescapes HTTP reserved and unwise characters in +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#505 def unescape(str); end # Unescapes form reserved characters in +str+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#521 def unescape_form(str); end end end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#161 class WEBrick::HTTPUtils::CookieHeader < ::Array # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#162 def join(separator = T.unsafe(nil)); end end # Stores multipart form data. FormData objects are created when # WEBrick::HTTPUtils.parse_form_data is called. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#273 class WEBrick::HTTPUtils::FormData < ::String # Creates a new FormData object. # # +args+ is an Array of form data entries. One FormData will be created # for each entry. # # This is called by WEBrick::HTTPUtils.parse_form_data for you # # @return [FormData] a new instance of FormData # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#298 def initialize(*args); end # Adds +str+ to this FormData which may be the body, a header or a # header entry. # # This is called by WEBrick::HTTPUtils.parse_form_data for you # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#331 def <<(str); end # Retrieves the header at the first entry in +key+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#317 def [](*key); end # Adds +data+ at the end of the chain of entries # # This is called by WEBrick::HTTPUtils.parse_form_data for you. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#351 def append_data(data); end # Yields each entry in this FormData # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#366 def each_data; end # The filename of the form data part # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#285 def filename; end # The filename of the form data part # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#285 def filename=(_arg0); end # Returns all the FormData as an Array # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#378 def list; end # The name of the form data part # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#280 def name; end # The name of the form data part # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#280 def name=(_arg0); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#287 def next_data=(_arg0); end # Returns all the FormData as an Array # # A FormData will behave like an Array # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#378 def to_ary; end # This FormData's body # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#394 def to_s; end protected # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#287 def next_data; end end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#167 WEBrick::HTTPUtils::HEADER_CLASSES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) # Parses an HTTP header +raw+ into a hash of header fields with an Array # of values. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#155 class WEBrick::HTTPUtils::SplitHeader < ::Array # source://webrick//lib/webrick/httputils.rb#156 def join(separator = T.unsafe(nil)); end end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#17 module WEBrick::Utils private # Creates TCP server sockets bound to +address+:+port+ and returns them. # # It will create IPV4 and IPV6 sockets on all interfaces. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#56 def create_listeners(address, port); end # The server hostname # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#47 def getservername; end # Generates a random string of length +len+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#79 def random_string(len); end # Sets the close on exec flag for +io+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#27 def set_close_on_exec(io); end # Sets IO operations on +io+ to be non-blocking # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#20 def set_non_blocking(io); end # Changes the process's uid and gid to the ones of +user+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#34 def su(user); end # Executes the passed block and raises +exception+ if execution takes more # than +seconds+. # # If +seconds+ is zero or nil, simply executes the block # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#253 def timeout(seconds, exception = T.unsafe(nil)); end class << self # Creates TCP server sockets bound to +address+:+port+ and returns them. # # It will create IPV4 and IPV6 sockets on all interfaces. # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#56 def create_listeners(address, port); end # The server hostname # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#47 def getservername; end # Generates a random string of length +len+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#79 def random_string(len); end # Sets the close on exec flag for +io+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#27 def set_close_on_exec(io); end # Sets IO operations on +io+ to be non-blocking # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#20 def set_non_blocking(io); end # Changes the process's uid and gid to the ones of +user+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#34 def su(user); end # Executes the passed block and raises +exception+ if execution takes more # than +seconds+. # # If +seconds+ is zero or nil, simply executes the block # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#253 def timeout(seconds, exception = T.unsafe(nil)); end end end # Class used to manage timeout handlers across multiple threads. # # Timeout handlers should be managed by using the class methods which are # synchronized. # # id = TimeoutHandler.register(10, Timeout::Error) # begin # sleep 20 # puts 'foo' # ensure # TimeoutHandler.cancel(id) # end # # will raise Timeout::Error # # id = TimeoutHandler.register(10, Timeout::Error) # begin # sleep 5 # puts 'foo' # ensure # TimeoutHandler.cancel(id) # end # # will print 'foo' # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#118 class WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler include ::Singleton::SingletonInstanceMethods include ::Singleton extend ::Singleton::SingletonClassMethods # Creates a new TimeoutHandler. You should use ::register and ::cancel # instead of creating the timeout handler directly. # # @return [TimeoutHandler] a new instance of TimeoutHandler # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#148 def initialize; end # Cancels the timeout handler +id+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#226 def cancel(thread, id); end # Interrupts the timeout handler +id+ and raises +exception+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#203 def interrupt(thread, id, exception); end # Registers a new timeout handler # # +time+:: Timeout in seconds # +exception+:: Exception to raise when timeout elapsed # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#214 def register(thread, time, exception); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#240 def terminate; end private # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#158 def watch; end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#193 def watcher; end class << self # Cancels the timeout handler +id+ # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#137 def cancel(id); end # Registers a new timeout handler # # +time+:: Timeout in seconds # +exception+:: Exception to raise when timeout elapsed # # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#130 def register(seconds, exception); end # source://webrick//lib/webrick/utils.rb#141 def terminate; end end end