module VkontakteApi # A low-level module which handles the requests to VKontakte and returns their results as hashes with symbolized keys. # # It uses Faraday underneath the hood. module API BASE_HOST = '' BASE_URL = '/method/' class << self # Main interface method. # @param [String] method_name A full name of the method. # @param [Hash] args Method arguments including the access token. # @return [Hash] The result of the method call. # @raise [VkontakteApi::Error] raised when VKontakte returns an error. def call(method_name, args = {}, &block) connection = => BASE_HOST) do |builder| builder.adapter(VkontakteApi.adapter) end url = url_for(method_name, args) body = connection.get(url).body response = Yajl::Parser.parse(body, :symbolize_keys => true) if response.has_key?(:error) raise[:error]) else response[:response] end end private def url_for(method_name, arguments) flat_arguments = flatten_arguments(arguments) "#{BASE_URL}#{method_name}?#{flat_arguments.to_param}" end def flatten_arguments(arguments) arguments.inject({}) do |flat_args, (arg_name, arg_value)| flat_args[arg_name] = if arg_value.respond_to?(:join) # if value is an array, we join it with a comma arg_value.join(',') else # otherwise leave it untouched arg_value end flat_args end end end end end