module EffectiveAssetsHelper # Generates an image tag based on the particular asset def effective_asset_image_tag(asset, version = nil, options = {}) if asset.image? == false opts = {} elsif version.present? and asset.versions_info[version].present? opts = { :height => asset.versions_info[version][:height], :width => asset.versions_info[version][:width] } elsif version.present? and and[version].present? opts = { :height =>[version][:height], :width =>[version][:width] } elsif asset.height.present? and asset.width.present? opts = { :height => asset.height, :width => asset.width } else opts = {} end public_url = options.delete(:public) || options.delete(:public_url) opts = opts.merge({:alt => asset.title || asset.file_name}).merge(options) content_tag(:img, nil, opts.merge(:src => _effective_asset_image_url(asset, version, public_url))).gsub('"', "'").html_safe end def effective_asset_link_to(asset, version = nil, options = {}) options_title = options.delete(:title) public_url = options.delete(:public) || options.delete(:public_url) link_title = options_title || asset.title || asset.file_name || "Asset ##{}" if asset.image? link_to(link_title, _effective_asset_image_url(asset, version, public_url), options) else link_to(link_title, (public_url ? asset.public_url : asset.url), options) end.gsub('"', "'").html_safe # we need all ' quotes or it breaks Insert as functionality end def effective_asset_video_tag(asset, version = nil, options = {}) render(:partial => 'effective/assets/video', :locals => { :asset => asset }).gsub('"', "'").html_safe # we need all ' quotes or it breaks Insert as functionality end def effective_asset_title(asset) [ asset.title, "Size: #{number_to_human_size(asset.data_size)}", "Content Type: #{asset.content_type}" ].compact.join("\n") end def _effective_asset_image_url(asset, version = nil, public_url = nil) # asset_url and image_url will work in Rails4 return image_path('mime-types/file.png') if !asset.content_type.present? or asset.content_type == 'unknown' if asset.icon? (public_url ? asset.public_url : asset.url) elsif asset.image? (public_url ? asset.public_url(version) : asset.url(version)) elsif image_path('mime-types/mp3.png') elsif image_path('mime-types/video.png') elsif asset.content_type.include? 'msword' image_path('mime-types/word.jpg') elsif asset.content_type.include? 'excel' image_path('mime-types/excel.jpg') elsif asset.content_type.include? 'application/pdf' image_path('mime-types/pdf.png') elsif asset.content_type.include? 'application/zip' image_path('mime-types/zip.png') else image_path('mime-types/file.png') end end end