#encoding: utf-8 grammar N3Grammer # Entry point to grammar rule document statements end rule alpha [A-Z_a-z\p{Alpha}] end rule alphanumeric alpha / [0-9] end rule barename_csl space+ barename barename_csl_tail / "" end rule barename_csl_tail space* "," space* barename space* barename_csl_tail / "" end rule boolean "@"* ("true" / "false") end rule comment '#' (![\n\r] .)* end rule declaration "@"? 'keywords' barename_csl { def declaration; true; end def keywords; true;end } / "@"? 'base' space+ explicituri:explicituri { def declaration; true; end def base; true; end } / "@"? 'prefix' space+ nprefix:nprefix? ':' space* explicituri:explicituri { def declaration; true; end } end rule decimal integer '.' [0-9]+ end rule double decimal [eE] integer end rule existential "@"? "forSome" space+ symbol_csl end rule explicituri "<" uri:URI_Reference ">" end rule expression pathitem space* '.' expression / pathitem space* "!" space* expression / pathitem space* "^" space* expression { def reverse; true; end } / pathitem end rule barename alpha (alphanumeric / '-')* end rule hexdigit [0-9a-fA-F] end rule integer [+-]? [0-9]+ end rule language [a-zA-Z]+ ( "-" [a-zA-Z0-9]+ )* end rule literal (string_single / string_multi) ("^^" symbol / "@" language )? end rule localname alpha (alphanumeric / '-')* end rule nprefix alpha (alphanumeric / '-')* end rule numericliteral double { def numericliteral; "double"; end} / decimal { def numericliteral; "decimal"; end} / integer { def numericliteral; "integer"; end} end rule object expression end rule object_list object space* "," space* object_list / object end rule pathitem boolean { def boolean; true; end } / literal { def literal; true; end } / numericliteral #/ quickvariable / symbol / "[" space* "]" { def anonnode; true; end } / "[" space* property_list space* "]" { def anonnode; true; end } / "{" space* statements space* "}" { def anonnode; true; end } / "(" space* path_list space* ")" { def anonnode; true; end } end rule path_list expression space* path_list / "" end rule prop expression end rule property_list verb space* object_list space* ";"+ space* property_list / verb space* object_list space* ";"* / verb space* ";"* {def object_missing; true; end} / "" end rule qname nprefix ":" localname / nprefix ':' { def text_value; ""; end } / ':' localname* / localname { def barename; true; end } end rule simpleStatement subject space+ property_list / subject # For [] and a.b end rule space [ \t\n\r]+ / comment end rule statement declaration / existential / simpleStatement / universal end rule statements (space / statement space* ('.' space*)? )* end # " constant-value-with-escaping " rule string_single '""' !["] / '"' string_single_char+ '"' end rule string_single_char !["\n\r] ( ("\\" [\\\"bfnrt] / ( "u" hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit ) / ( "U" "00" hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit) ) / .) end # """ constant value with escaping including single or double occurrences of quotes and/or newlines """ rule string_multi '"""' string_multi_single_char* '"""' end rule string_multi_single_char "\\\"" / !('"""') . end rule subject expression end rule symbol qname / explicituri end rule symbol_csl symbol space* "," space* symbol_csl / symbol end rule verb "@"? "has" space+ prop # has xxx / "@"? "is" space+ prop space+ "@"? "of" { # is xxx of def invert; true; end } / "@"? "a" !":" # has rdf:type / "=>" # has log:implies / "<=" { def invert; true; end } # is log:implies of / "=" # has owl:sameAs / prop # has xxx of -- shorthand end rule universal "@"? "forAll" space+ symbol_csl end rule URI_Reference [^{}<>]* end end