--- en: activemodel: attributes: answer: description: Description image: Image proposals: Related proposals title: Title election: description: Description end_time: Voting ends at start_time: Voting start at title: Title question: description: Description max_selections: Maximum number of selections min_selections: None of the above option title: Title errors: models: answer: attributes: attachment: needs_to_be_reattached: Needs to be reattached election: attributes: attachment: needs_to_be_reattached: Needs to be reattached activerecord: models: decidim/elections/answer: one: Answer other: Answers decidim/elections/election: one: Election other: Elections decidim/elections/question: one: Question other: Questions decidim: components: elections: actions: vote: Vote name: Elections settings: global: announcement: Announcement step: announcement: Announcement elections: actions: confirm_destroy: Are you sure? destroy: Destroy edit: Edit edit_answers: Edit answers edit_questions: Edit questions import: Import proposals to answers new: New %{name} preview: Preview publish: Publish title: Actions unpublish: Unpublish admin: answers: create: invalid: There was a problem creating this answer success: Answer successfully created destroy: invalid: There was a problem deleting this answer success: Answer successfully deleted edit: title: Edit answer update: Update answer index: invalid_max_selections: You need %{missing_answers} more answer/s to match max selections title: Answers new: create: Create answer title: New answer update: invalid: There was a problem updating this answer success: Answer successfully updated elections: create: invalid: There was a problem creating this election success: Election successfully created destroy: invalid: There was a problem deleting this election success: Election successfully deleted edit: title: Edit election update: Update election index: no_bulletin_board: There is no <a href="https://github.com/decidim/decidim-bulletin-board">Bulletin Board server</a> configured, which is needed to use this module. This task should be done by the System Administrator. title: Elections new: create: Create election title: New election publish: success: The election has been successfully published. unpublish: success: The election has been successfully unpublished. update: invalid: There was a problem updating this election success: Election successfully updated models: answer: name: Answer election: name: Election question: name: Question proposals_imports: create: invalid: There was a problem importing the proposals into answers success: "%{number} proposals successfully imported into answers" new: create: Import proposals to answers no_components: There are no other proposal components in this participatory space to import the proposals into answers. select_component: Please select a component questions: create: invalid: There was a problem creating this question success: Question successfully created destroy: invalid: There was a problem deleting this question success: Question successfully deleted edit: title: Edit question update: Update question index: title: Questions new: create: Create question title: New question update: invalid: There was a problem updating this question success: Question successfully updated admin_log: election: publish: "%{user_name} published the %{resource_name} election" unpublish: "%{user_name} unpublished the %{resource_name} election" election_m: badge_name: finished: Finished ongoing: Active upcoming: Upcoming end_date: Ends footer: view: View vote: Vote label: date: Dates questions: Questions %{count} start_date: Starts unspecified: Not specified elections: count: elections_count: one: "%{count} election" other: "%{count} elections" filters: active: Active all: All finished: Finished search: Search state: Status upcoming: Upcoming filters_small_view: close_modal: Close modal filter: Filter filter_by: Filter by unfold: Unfold show: back: All elections preview: Preview vote: Vote voting_period_status: finished: Voting began on %{start_time} and ended on %{end_time} ongoing: Voting ends on %{end_time} upcoming: Voting begins on %{start_time} models: answer: fields: proposals: Proposals title: Title election: fields: end_time: End at start_time: Starts at title: Title question: fields: answers: Answers max_selections: Max. selections title: Title orders: label: Order elections by older: Older recent: Recent votes: confirm: answer: Answer answer_number: answer %{number} confirm: Confirm edit: edit header: Confirm your vote intro: Here is a summary of the vote you are about to cast. <br> Please confirm your vote or edit your answers. nota_option: Blank question: Question %{count} confirmed: back: Back to elections experience: How was your experience? feedback: Give us some feedback header: Vote confirmed lead: Your vote has already been cast! text: 'You can check that your vote has been successfully added to the ballot box with the following identifier: <strong class="evote__poll-id">%{e_vote_poll_id}</strong>' verify_text: To check it, copy the identifier and paste it on the <a href="evote-verify">vote verification page</a> encrypting: header: Encoding vote... text: Your vote is being encrypted to ensure you can cast it anonymously. header: confirm: Confirm your vote confirmed: Vote confirmed encrypting: Confirming vote messages: not_allowed: You are not allowed to vote on this election at this moment. modal: close: Close proposal_header: 'Proposals:' new: answer_choices: You can select up to %{choices} answers more_information: More information nota_option: Blank/ None of the above preview_alert: This is a preview of the voting booth. question_steps: Question %{current_step} of %{total_steps} selections: "%{selected} of %{max_selections}<br> selections" voting_step: back: Back continue: Next warnings: no_elections_warning: No elections match your search criteria or there isn't any election scheduled. no_scheduled_elections_warning: Currently, there are no scheduled elections, but here you can find all the past elections listed. events: elections: election_published: email_intro: 'The %{resource_title} election is now active for %{participatory_space_title}. You can see it from this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{participatory_space_title}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: The %{resource_title} election is now active for %{participatory_space_title}. notification_title: The <a href="%{resource_path}">%{resource_title}</a> election is now active for %{participatory_space_title}. pages: home: statistics: elections_count: Elections participatory_processes: statistics: elections_count: Elections layouts: decidim: election_votes_header: exit: Exit