module ZendeskAPI # @internal The following are redefined later, but needed by some circular resources (e.g. Ticket -> User, User -> Ticket) class Ticket < Resource; end class Forum < Resource; end class User < Resource; end class Category < Resource; end # @internal Begin actual Resource definitions class Locale < ReadResource; end class CustomRole < DataResource; end class Role < DataResource def to_param name end end class Topic < Resource; end class Bookmark < Resource; end class Ability < DataResource; end class Group < Resource; end class SharingAgreement < ReadResource; end class JobStatus < ReadResource; end class Session < ReadResource include Destroy end class Tag < DataResource include Update include Destroy alias :name :id alias :to_param :id def path(opts = {}) raise "tags must have parent resource" unless association.options.parent super(opts.merge(:with_parent => true, :with_id => false)) end def changed? true end def destroy! super do |req| req.body = attributes_for_save end end module Update def _save(method = :save) return self unless @resources do |req| req.body = { :tags => @resources.reject(&:destroyed?).map(&:id) } end true rescue Faraday::Error::ClientError => e if method == :save false else raise e end end end def attributes_for_save { self.class.resource_name => [id] } end end class Attachment < Data def initialize(client, attributes) attributes[:file] ||= attributes.delete(:id) super end def save upload = Upload.create!(@client, attributes) self.token = upload.token end def to_param token end end class Upload < Data include Create include Destroy def id; token; end has_many Attachment private def attributes_for_save attributes.changes end end class MobileDevice < Resource # Clears this devices' badge put :clear_badge end class Organization < Resource has Ability, :inline => true has Group has_many Ticket has_many User has_many Tag, :extend => Tag::Update, :inline => :create # Gets a incremental export of organizations from the start_time until now. # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Integer] start_time The start_time parameter # @return [Collection] Collection of {Ticket} def self.incremental_export(client, start_time), self, :path => "incremental/organizations?start_time=#{start_time.to_i}") end end class Brand < Resource def destroy! = false save! super end end class ForumSubscription < Resource has Forum has User end class Forum < Resource has Category has Organization has Locale has_many Topic has_many :subscriptions, :class => ForumSubscription end class Category < Resource has_many Forum end class TopicSubscription < Resource has Topic has User end class TopicComment < Data has Topic has User has_many Attachment end class Topic < Resource class TopicComment < TopicComment extend Read include Create include Update include Destroy has_many :uploads, :class => Attachment, :inline => true def self.import!(client, attributes) new(client, attributes).tap do |comment|!(:path => 'import/' + comment.path) end end def self.import(client, attributes) comment = new(client, attributes) return unless => 'import/' + comment.path) comment end end class TopicVote < SingularResource has Topic has User private def attributes_for_save attributes.changes end end has Forum has_many :comments, :class => TopicComment has_many :subscriptions, :class => TopicSubscription has :vote, :class => TopicVote has_many Tag, :extend => Tag::Update, :inline => :create has_many Attachment has_many :uploads, :class => Attachment, :inline => true def votes(opts = {}) return @votes if @votes && !opts[:reload] association = => TopicVote, :parent => self, :path => 'votes') @votes =, TopicVote, opts.merge(:association => association)) end def self.import!(client, attributes) new(client, attributes).tap do |topic|!(:path => "import/topics") end end def self.import(client, attributes) topic = new(client, attributes) return unless => "import/topics") topic end end class Activity < Resource has User has :actor, :class => User end class Setting < UpdateResource attr_reader :on def initialize(client, attributes = {}) # Try and find the root key @on = ( - %w{association options}).first # Make what's inside that key the root attributes attributes.merge!(attributes.delete(@on)) super end def new_record? false end def path(options = {}) super(options.merge(:with_parent => true)) end def attributes_for_save { self.class.resource_name => { @on => attributes.changes } } end end class SatisfactionRating < ReadResource has :assignee, :class => User has :requester, :class => User has Ticket has Group end class Search class Result < Data; end # Creates a search collection def, options = {}) unless (%w{query external_id} & warn "you have not specified a query for this search" end, self, options) end # Quack like a Resource # Creates the correct resource class from the result_type passed in def, attributes) result_type = attributes["result_type"] if result_type result_type = ZendeskAPI::Helpers.modulize_string(result_type) klass = ZendeskAPI.const_get(result_type) rescue nil end (klass || Result).new(client, attributes) end class << self def resource_name "search" end alias :resource_path :resource_name def model_key "results" end end end class Request < Resource class Comment < DataResource include Save has_many :uploads, :class => Attachment, :inline => true has :author, :class => User def save save_associations true end alias :save! :save end has Comment, :inline => true has_many Comment has Organization has Group has :requester, :class => User end class AnonymousRequest < CreateResource def self.singular_resource_name 'request' end namespace 'portal' end class TicketField < Resource; end class TicketMetric < DataResource extend Read end class TicketRelated < DataResource; end class TicketEvent < DataResource class Event < Data; end has_many :child_events, :class => Event has Ticket has :updater, :class => User # Gets a incremental export of ticket events from the start_time until now. # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Integer] start_time The start_time parameter # @return [Collection] Collection of {Ticket} def self.incremental_export(client, start_time), self, :path => "incremental/ticket_events?start_time=#{start_time.to_i}") end end class Ticket < Resource class Audit < DataResource class Event < Data has :author, :class => User end put :trust # need this to support SideLoading has :author, :class => User has_many Event end class Comment < DataResource include Save has_many :uploads, :class => Attachment, :inline => true has :author, :class => User def save save_associations true end alias :save! :save end class SatisfactionRating < CreateResource class << self alias :resource_name :singular_resource_name end end put :mark_as_spam post :merge has :requester, :class => User, :inline => :create has :submitter, :class => User has :assignee, :class => User has_many :collaborators, :class => User, :inline => true, :extend => ( do def to_param map(&:id) end end) has_many Audit has :metrics, :class => TicketMetric has Group has :forum_topic, :class => Topic has Organization has Brand has :related, :class => TicketRelated has Comment, :inline => true has_many Comment has :last_comment, :class => Comment, :inline => true has_many :last_comments, :class => Comment, :inline => true has_many Tag, :extend => Tag::Update, :inline => :create has_many :incidents, :class => Ticket # Gets a incremental export of tickets from the start_time until now. # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Integer] start_time The start_time parameter # @return [Collection] Collection of {Ticket} def self.incremental_export(client, start_time), self, :path => "exports/tickets?start_time=#{start_time.to_i}") end # Imports a ticket through the imports/tickets endpoint using save! # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Hash] attributes The attributes to create. # @return [Ticket] Created object or nil def self.import!(client, attributes) new(client, attributes).tap do |ticket|!(:path => "imports/tickets") end end # Imports a ticket through the imports/tickets endpoint # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Hash] attributes The attributes to create. # @return [Ticket] Created object or nil def self.import(client, attributes) ticket = new(client, attributes) return unless => "imports/tickets") ticket end end class SuspendedTicket < ReadResource include Destroy # Recovers this suspended ticket to an actual ticket put :recover end class UserViewRow < DataResource has User def self.model_key "rows" end end class ViewRow < DataResource has Ticket # @internal Optional columns has Group has :assignee, :class => User has :requester, :class => User has :submitter, :class => User has Organization def self.model_key "rows" end end class RuleExecution < Data has_many :custom_fields, :class => TicketField end class ViewCount < DataResource; end class Rule < Resource private def attributes_for_save to_save = [:conditions, :actions, :output].inject({}) {|h,k| h.merge(k => send(k))} { self.class.singular_resource_name.to_sym => attributes.changes.merge(to_save) } end end module Conditions def all_conditions=(all_conditions) self.conditions ||= {} self.conditions[:all] = all_conditions end def any_conditions=(any_conditions) self.conditions ||= {} self.conditions[:any] = any_conditions end def add_all_condition(field, operator, value) self.conditions ||= {} self.conditions[:all] ||= [] self.conditions[:all] << { :field => field, :operator => operator, :value => value } end def add_any_condition(field, operator, value) self.conditions ||= {} self.conditions[:any] ||= [] self.conditions[:any] << { :field => field, :operator => operator, :value => value } end end module Actions def add_action(field, value) self.actions ||= [] self.actions << { :field => field, :value => value } end end class View < Rule include Conditions has_many :tickets, :class => Ticket has_many :feed, :class => Ticket, :path => "feed" has_many :rows, :class => ViewRow, :path => "execute" has :execution, :class => RuleExecution has ViewCount, :path => "count" def add_column(column) columns = columns << column self.columns = columns end def columns=(columns) self.output ||= {} self.output[:columns] = columns end def self.preview(client, options = {}), ViewRow, options.merge(:path => "views/preview", :verb => :post)) end end class Trigger < Rule include Conditions include Actions has :execution, :class => RuleExecution end class Automation < Rule include Conditions include Actions has :execution, :class => RuleExecution end class Macro < Rule include Actions has :execution, :class => RuleExecution # Returns the update to a ticket that happens when a macro will be applied. # @param [Ticket] ticket Optional {Ticket} to apply this macro to. # @raise [Faraday::Error::ClientError] Raised for any non-200 response. def apply!(ticket = nil) path = "#{self.path}/apply" if ticket path = "#{ticket.path}/#{path}" end response = @client.connection.get(path)"result", {})) end # Returns the update to a ticket that happens when a macro will be applied. # @param [Ticket] ticket Optional {Ticket} to apply this macro to def apply(ticket = nil) apply!(ticket) rescue Faraday::Error::ClientError => e end end class UserView < Rule def self.preview(client, options = {}), UserViewRow, options.merge!(:path => "user_views/preview", :verb => :post)) end end class GroupMembership < Resource has User has Group end class User < Resource class TopicComment < TopicComment extend Read end class Identity < Resource # Makes this identity the primary one bumping all other identities down one put :make_primary # Verifies this identity put :verify # Requests verification for this identity put :request_verification end any :password # Set a user's password def set_password(opts = {}) password(opts.merge(:verb => :post)) end # Change a user's password def change_password(opts = {}) password(opts.merge(:verb => :put)) end # Set a user's password def set_password!(opts = {}) password!(opts.merge(:verb => :post)) end # Change a user's password def change_password!(opts = {}) password!(opts.merge(:verb => :put)) end # Gets a incremental export of users from the start_time until now. # @param [Client] client The {Client} object to be used # @param [Integer] start_time The start_time parameter # @return [Collection] Collection of {Ticket} def self.incremental_export(client, start_time), self, :path => "incremental/users?start_time=#{start_time.to_i}") end has Organization class Session < Resource end class CurrentSession < SingularResource class << self def singular_resource_name 'session' end alias :resource_name :singular_resource_name end end has_many Session def current_session ZendeskAPI::User::CurrentSession.find(@client, :user_id => 'me') end delete :logout def clear_sessions! @client.connection.delete(path + '/sessions') end def clear_sessions clear_sessions! rescue ZendeskAPI::Error::ClientError false end has CustomRole, :inline => true, :include => :roles has Role, :inline => true, :include_key => :name has Ability, :inline => true has_many Identity has_many Request has_many :requested_tickets, :class => Ticket, :path => 'tickets/requested' has_many :ccd_tickets, :class => Ticket, :path => 'tickets/ccd' has_many Group has_many GroupMembership has_many Topic has_many ForumSubscription has_many TopicSubscription has_many :topic_comments, :class => TopicComment has_many :topic_votes, :class => Topic::TopicVote has_many Setting def attributes_for_save # Don't send role_id, it's necessary # for side-loading, but causes problems on save # see #initialize attrs = attributes.changes.delete_if do |k, _| k == "role_id" end { self.class.singular_resource_name => attrs } end def handle_response(*) super # Needed for proper Role sideloading self.role_id = if key?(:role) end end class UserField < Resource; end class OrganizationField < Resource; end class OauthClient < Resource namespace "oauth" def self.singular_resource_name "client" end end class OauthToken < ReadResource include Destroy namespace "oauth" def self.singular_resource_name "token" end end class Target < Resource; end module Voice include DataNamespace class PhoneNumber < Resource namespace "channels/voice" end class Address < Resource namespace "channels/voice" end class Greeting < Resource namespace "channels/voice" end class GreetingCategory < Resource namespace "channels/voice" end end class TicketForm < Resource # TODO # post :clone end class AppInstallation < Resource namespace "apps" def self.singular_resource_name "installation" end # Don't nest attributes def attributes_for_save attributes.changes end def handle_response(response) @attributes.replace(response.body) if response.body end end class AppNotification < CreateResource class << self def resource_path "apps/notify" end end # Don't nest attributes def attributes_for_save attributes.changes end def handle_response(response) @attributes.replace(response.body) if response.body end end class App < Resource def initialize(client, attributes = {}) attributes[:upload_id] ||= nil super end def self.create!(client, attributes = {}, &block) if file_path = attributes.delete(:upload) attributes[:upload_id] = client.apps.uploads.create!(:file => file_path).id end super end class Plan < Resource end class Upload < Data class << self def resource_path "uploads" end end include Create def initialize(client, attributes) attributes[:file] ||= attributes.delete(:id) super end # Not nested under :upload, just returns :id def save!(*) super.tap do = @response.body["id"] end end # Always save def changed? true end # Don't nest attributes def attributes_for_save attributes end end def self.uploads(client, *args, &block), Upload, *args, &block) end def self.installations(client, *args, &block), AppInstallation, *args, &block) end has Upload, :path => "uploads" has_many Plan # Don't nest attributes def attributes_for_save attributes.changes end def handle_response(response) @attributes.replace(response.body) if response.body end end module DynamicContent include DataNamespace class Item < ZendeskAPI::Resource namespace 'dynamic_content' class Variant < ZendeskAPI::Resource end has_many Variant end end class PushNotificationDevice < DataResource def self.destroy_many(client, tokens) client, self,"push_notification_devices" => tokens, :path => "push_notification_devices/destroy_many", :verb => :post ) end end end