module GeoblacklightHelper def sms_helper() content_tag(:i, '', :class => 'fa fa-mobile fa-fw') + ' ' + t('') end def email_helper content_tag(:i, '', :class => 'fa fa-envelope fa-fw') + ' ' + t('') end def document_available? @document.public? || (@document.same_institution? && user_signed_in?) end def document_downloadable? document_available? && @document.downloadable? end def snippit(text) if (text) if (text.length > 150) text.slice(0,150) + '...' else text end else '' end end def render_facet_tags(facet) render_facet_limit(facets_from_request(facet).first, partial: 'facet_tag_item', layout: 'facet_tag_layout') end def geoblacklight_icon(name) content_tag :span, '', class: "geoblacklight-icon geoblacklight-#{name.downcase.gsub(' ', '-')}", title: name end def render_search_form_no_navbar render partial: 'catalog/search_form_no_navbar' end ## # Renders an unique array of search links based off of terms # passed in using the facet parameter # def render_facet_links(facet, items) { |item| link_to item, catalog_index_path(f: { "#{facet}" => [item] }) }.join(', ').html_safe end ## # Looks up properly formatted names for formats # def proper_case_format(format) t "geoblacklight.formats.#{format.downcase}" end ## # Looks up formatted names for references # @param (String, Symbol) reference # @return (String) def formatted_name_reference(reference) t "geoblacklight.references.#{reference}" end ## # Wraps download text with proper_case_format # def download_text(format) "#{t ''} #{proper_case_format(format)}".html_safe end def show_attribute_table? return true if document_available? && @document.viewer_protocol == 'wms' end ## # Render value for a document's field as a truncate abstract # div. Arguments come from Blacklight::DocumentPresenter's # get_field_values method # @param [Hash] args from get_field_values def render_value_as_truncate_abstract(args) content_tag :div, class: 'truncate-abstract' do args[:value] end end ## # Selects the basemap used for map displays # @return [String] def geoblacklight_basemap blacklight_config.basemap_provider || 'mapquest' end ## # Creates a CartoDB OneClick link link, using the configuration link # @param [String] file_link # @return [String] def cartodb_link(file_link) params = URI.encode_www_form( file: file_link, provider: application_name, logo: Settings.APPLICATION_LOGO_URL ) Settings.CARTODB_ONECLICK_LINK + '?' + params end end