resque-pool.yml(5) -- resque-pool pool configuration ===================================================== ## SYNOPSIS `resque-pool.yml`
`config/resque-pool.yml` ## DESCRIPTION resque-pool(1) reads pool configuration data from `resque-pool.yml` (or the file specified with `-c` on the command line). The file contains queue-worker-count pairs, one per line. The configuration file supports both using root level defaults as well as environment specific overrides (`RACK_ENV`, `RAILS_ENV`, and `RESQUE_ENV` environment variables can be used to determine environment). An example configuration foo: 1 bar: 2 "foo,bar,baz": 1 production: "foo,bar,baz": 4 will create 7 workers in production and 4 in other environment configurations. The simpler worker definition `foo: 1` will create 1 worker for the `foo` queue, the more complicated `foo,bar,baz: 1` will create 1 worker for the queues `foo`, `bar` and `baz`. ## AUTHOR Nicholas Evans ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2010 by Nicholas Evans , et al. ## SEE ALSO resque-pool(1)