require 'spec_helper' module Skeptic module Rules describe MaxNestingDepth do describe "structure analysis" do it "counts all conditional forms as a level of nesting" do expect_deepest_nesting :if, 'if condition?; action; end' expect_deepest_nesting :if, 'if condition? then action end' expect_deepest_nesting :if, 'action if condition?' expect_deepest_nesting :unless, 'action unless condition?' expect_deepest_nesting :unless, 'unless condition?; action; end' expect_deepest_nesting :unless, 'unless condition? then action end' expect_deepest_nesting :if, :if, 'a if b? if c?' end it "counts else blocks as a level of nesting" do expect_deepest_nesting :if, :unless, 'if a?; else; foo unless b? end' expect_deepest_nesting :if, :unless, 'if a?; elsif? b?; else; foo unless c? end' expect_deepest_nesting :unless, :if, 'unless a?; else; foo if b? end' end it "counts elsif blocks as a level of nesting" do expect_deepest_nesting :if, :unless, 'if a?; elsif b?; foo unless c?; end' expect_deepest_nesting :if, :unless, 'if a?; elsif b?; foo unless c?; else; end' end it "counts unbound loops as a level of nesting" do expect_deepest_nesting :while, :if, 'while a?; b if c? end' expect_deepest_nesting :while, :if, '(a if b?) while c?' expect_deepest_nesting :until, :if, 'until a?; b if c? end' expect_deepest_nesting :until, :if, '(a if b?) until c?' end it "counts blocks as a level of nesting" do expect_deepest_nesting :iter, :if, 'a { b if c? }' expect_deepest_nesting :iter, :if, 'a(1) { b if c? }' expect_deepest_nesting :iter, :if, 'a do; b if c?; end' expect_deepest_nesting :iter, :if, 'a(1) do; b if c?; end' expect_deepest_nesting :iter, :if, 'loop { a if b }' end it "counts lambdas as a level of nesting" do expect_deepest_nesting :iter, :if, 'lambda { a if b }' expect_deepest_nesting :iter, :if, ' { a if b }' expect_deepest_nesting :lambda, :if, '-> { a if b }' end it "counts for loops as a level of nesting" do expect_deepest_nesting :for, :if, 'for a in b; c if d; end' end it "counts case statements as a level of nesting" do expect_deepest_nesting :case, :if, 'case a; when b; c if d?; end' expect_deepest_nesting :case, :if, 'case a; when b; when c; d if e?; end' expect_deepest_nesting :case, :if, 'case a; when b; else; d if e?; end' end it "counts begin blocks as a level of nesting" do expect_deepest_nesting :begin, :if, 'begin; a if b; end' end it "does not count the method invocation as a block" do expect_a_nesting :if, 'a((b if c)) { d }' expect_a_nesting :iter, :if, 'a.b { c if d? }.e { g }' expect_a_nesting :iter, :unless, 'a.b { c unless d? }.c { }' end it "does not count the if condition as a level of nesting" do expect_a_nesting :iter, 'a if b { c }' end end describe "nesting location" do it "recognizes top-level code" do expect_scope nil, nil, :if, 'a if b' end it "recognizes class definitions" do expect_scope 'A', nil, :if, 'class A; a if b; end' expect_scope 'A::B', nil, :if, 'class A::B; a if b; end' end it "recognizes method definitions" do expect_scope nil, 'a', :if, 'def a; b if c; end' expect_scope 'A', 'b', :if, 'class A; def b; c if d; end; end' end end describe "reporting" do it "can report methods that contain a deep level of nesting" do analyzer = analyze 1, <<-RUBY class Foo def bar while true if false really? end end end end RUBY analyzer.violations.should include 'Foo#bar has 2 levels of nesting: while > if' end it "reports under 'Maximum nesting depth'" do eq 'Maximum nesting depth (2)' end end def nestings(code) analyze(code).nestings end def expect_scope(class_name, method_name, *levels, code) analyze(code).nestings.should include, method_name, levels) end def expect_a_nesting(*levels, code) analyze(code).nestings.should include, nil, levels) end def expect_deepest_nesting(*levels, code) analyze(code).nestings.max_by(&:depth).should eq, nil, levels) end def analyze(limit = nil, code) nil, Ripper.sexp(code) end end end end