require 'selenium-webdriver' Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/application/*.rb')).sort.each { |lib| load lib } class TravianBot class Application class << self include Connection include Queue include Display include Buildings include Hero # Is executed by the travinbot shell script. def run!(*arguments) h1('Welcome to your TravianBot') @game = login current_building_queue current_troop_movements current_avaible_buildings h2('Custom actions actions') text 'closest_adventure' command = gets start_closest_adventure @game if command == 'closest_adventure' @game.quit return 1 end def current_avaible_buildings @game ||= login h2 'Avaible buildings' buildings = avaible_buildings(@game) buildings.each do |building| text building.to_s end new_line end def current_building_queue @game ||= login h2('Current building queue') buildings = building_queue(@game) if buildings.empty? warning 'nothing building' else buildings.each do |building| text building.to_s end end new_line end def current_troop_movements @game ||= login h2('Current troop movement') troops = troop_movement(@game) if troops.empty? warning 'No troops movement' else troops.each do |troop| text troop.to_s end end new_line end end end end