Module CrossCase
In: lib/facet/crosscase.rb

A mixin which causes aliases for methods with either under_barred or camelCased naming conventions to be created in the opposing convention. E.g., in a class which mixes in CrossCase, defining a method which is called foo_bar will also create an alias for that method called fooBar.



Version = /([\d\.]+)/.match( %q{$Revision: 1.2 $} )[1]   Versioning constants
Rcsid = %q$Id: crosscase.rb,v 1.2 2003/07/25 17:00:24 deveiant Exp $

External Aliases

singleton_method_added -> __cc_sma
method_added -> __cc_ma

Public Class methods

Object-extension callback — installs aliases for any currently-extant class or instance methods, and installs callbacks that will create aliases for any subsequently-defined methods. Raises an error if any object except a Class or Module is extended.

Find methods in the given methodList which are candidates for aliasing.

The inclusion callback — uses the Ouroboros trick to extend including classes.

Install an alias aliasName for the given instance method meth of the Class or Module mod.

Install an alias aliasName for the given class method meth of the Class or Module mod.

Install method_added and singleton_method_added hooks into the given Module mod which auto-generate aliases for new methods.

Return an alternate name for the given method id mid. If the method id is an under_barred method, returns a camelCased version, and vice-versa. If no alternate is called for, returns nil.

Search for and install aliases for either underbarred or camelCased class methods for mod (a Class or Module).

Search for and install aliases for either underbarred or camelCased instance methods for mod (a Class or Module).
