Module | CrossCase |
In: |
A mixin which causes aliases for methods with either under_barred or camelCased naming conventions to be created in the opposing convention. E.g., in a class which mixes in CrossCase, defining a method which is called foo_bar will also create an alias for that method called fooBar.
Version | = | /([\d\.]+)/.match( %q{$Revision: 1.2 $} )[1] | Versioning constants | |
Rcsid | = | %q$Id: crosscase.rb,v 1.2 2003/07/25 17:00:24 deveiant Exp $ |
singleton_method_added | -> | __cc_sma |
method_added | -> | __cc_ma |
Install method_added and singleton_method_added hooks into the given Module mod which auto-generate aliases for new methods.
Return an alternate name for the given method id mid. If the method id is an under_barred method, returns a camelCased version, and vice-versa. If no alternate is called for, returns nil.