require "method_found" module MethodFound =begin Class defining prefix, suffix and affix methods to a class for a given attribute name or set of attribute names. @example class Person < include include '=') include '_contrived?') include 'clear_') include 'reset_', suffix: '_to_default!') def initialize(attributes = {}) super(attributes) end private def attribute_contrived?(attr) true end def clear_attribute(attr) send("#{attr}=", nil) end def reset_attribute_to_default!(attr) send("#{attr}=", 'Default Name') end def attribute(attr) attributes[attr] end def attribute=(attr, value) attributes[attr] = value end end =end class AttributeInterceptor < Interceptor def initialize(prefix: '', suffix: '') @regex = /\A(?:#{Regexp.escape(prefix)})(.*)(?:#{Regexp.escape(suffix)})\z/ @method_missing_target = method_missing_target = "#{prefix}attribute#{suffix}" @method_name = "#{prefix}%s#{suffix}" super to_proc do |_, attr_name, *args, &block| send(method_missing_target, attr_name, *args, &block) end end def define_attribute_methods(*attr_names) handler = @method_missing_target attr_names.each do |attr_name| define_method method_name(attr_name) do |*arguments, &block| send(handler, attr_name, *arguments, &block) end end end def alias_attribute(new_name, old_name) handler = method_name(old_name) define_method method_name(new_name) do |*arguments, &block| send(handler, *arguments, &block) end end def to_proc regex = @regex proc do |method_name| (matches = regex.match(method_name)) && (method_name != :attributes) && respond_to?(:attributes) && (attributes.keys & matches.captures).first end end def inspect "<#{}: #{@regex.inspect}>" end private def method_name(attr_name) @method_name % attr_name end end end