#!/usr/bin/env ruby ## Development ENV only $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) ### require 'rubygems' require 'history_commander' require 'trollop' require 'tmpdir' command = ARGV[0] unless ["start", "stop", "configure"].include?(command) puts "Syntax: hc [args] [--help]" puts " command can be 'start', 'stop', or 'configure'" end @@options = Trollop::options do opt :config, "configuration file to use", :default => File.join(File.expand_path("~"), ".history_commander"), :type => :string opt :foreground, "run in foreground (daemonize is the default)", :default => false opt :amqp_host, "hostname of AMQP server", :type => :string opt :mode, "operate in 'full' read/write (sync) mode -or in 'writeonly' (no sync) mode. This requires the proper AMQP permissions.", :type => :string opt :user, "AMQP username", :type => :string opt :pass, "AMQP pass", :type => :string opt :vhost, "AMQP vhost", :type => :string opt :amqp_log, "AMQP verbose logging", :default => false, :short => "-l" end def check_options [:user, :pass, :vhost, :amqp_host, :mode].each do |req| unless @@options[req] puts "FATAL: you must specify --#{req} in your history_commander config file or on the command line, see --help" exit 1 end end end if command == "configure" check_options config_file = @@options[:config] @@options.reject! { |k, v| k.to_s.include?("given") || k == :help || k == :save || k == :config } writeme = @@options.dup File.open(config_file, "w") {|f| f.write(writeme.to_json(:indent => " ", :object_nl => "\n"))} File.chmod 0600, config_file puts "wrote config to #{config_file}" exit end if File.exists?(@@options[:config]) @@options.reject! { |k, v| v == nil } saved_opts = JSON::parse(IO.read(@@options[:config])).to_mash passed_in_opts = @@options.to_mash @@options = saved_opts.merge passed_in_opts end check_options if @@options[:foreground] puts "History Commander running in foreground mode. CTRL-C to interrupt" EM.run do AMQP.start(:host => @@options[:amqp_host], :user => @@options[:user], :pass => @@options[:pass], :vhost => @@options[:vhost], :logging => @@options[:amqp_log]) do HistWatch.start(@@options[:mode]) end end else puts "Logging to #{Dir.tmpdir}/HistoryCommanderDaemon.log" require 'simple-daemon' class HistoryCommanderDaemon < SimpleDaemon::Base SimpleDaemon::WORKING_DIRECTORY = Dir.tmpdir def self.start EM.run do AMQP.start(:host => @@options[:amqp_host], :user => @@options[:user], :pass => @@options[:pass], :vhost => @@options[:vhost], :logging => @@options[:amqp_log]) do HistWatch.start(@@options[:mode]) end end end def self.stop EM.stop puts "Stopping History Commander" end end HistoryCommanderDaemon.daemonize end