hmmsearch - search a sequence database with a profile HMM HMMER 2.2g (August 2001) Copyright (C) 1992-2001 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /sw/share/hmmer/demo/7tm_1 [7tm_1] Sequence database: /sw/share/hmmer/demo/P08908.fasta per-sequence score cutoff: [none] per-domain score cutoff: [none] per-sequence Eval cutoff: <= 10 per-domain Eval cutoff: [none] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query HMM: 7tm_1 Accession: PF00001 Description: 7 transmembrane receptor (rhodopsin family) [HMM has been calibrated; E-values are empirical estimates] Scores for complete sequences (score includes all domains): Sequence Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- sp|P08908|5H1A_HUMAN 5-hydroxytryptamine 1A receptor 377.1 5.5e-130 1 Parsed for domains: Sequence Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- sp|P08908|5H1A_HUMAN 1/1 53 400 .. 1 275 [] 377.1 5.5e-130 Alignments of top-scoring domains: sp|P08908|5H1A_HUMAN: domain 1 of 1, from 53 to 400: score 377.1, E = 5.5e-130 *->GNlLVilvilrtkklrtptnifilNLAvADLLflltlppwalyylvg GN+ V+++i+++++l++++n++i++LAv+DL+++++++p+a++y v sp|P08908| 53 GNACVVAAIALERSLQNVANYLIGSLAVTDLMVSVLVLPMAALYQVL 99 gsedWpfGsalCklvtaldvvnmyaSillLtaISiDRYlAIvhPlryrrr + W++G++ C+l++aldv+++++Sil+L+aI++DRY+AI++P+ y ++ sp|P08908| 100 N--KWTLGQVTCDLFIALDVLCCTSSILHLCAIALDRYWAITDPIDYVNK 147 rtsprrAkvvillvWvlalllslPpllfswvktveegngtlnvnvtvCli rt prrA+++i+l+W++++l+s+Pp +++w++++ + +C+i sp|P08908| 148 RT-PRRAAALISLTWLIGFLISIPP-MLGWRTPEDRSD------PDACTI 189 dfpeestasvstwlvsyvllstlvgFllPllvilvcYtrIlrtlrkrark + +++ y+++st+++F++Pll++lv+Y+rI+r++r r rk sp|P08908| 190 SKDHG-----------YTIYSTFGAFYIPLLLMLVLYGRIFRAARFRIRK 228 gas............................................... + + ++++ +++++ ++ ++++++ ++++++++ + + +++ ++ + sp|P08908| 229 TVKkvektgadtrhgaspapqpkksvngesgsrnwrlgveskaggalcan 278 .................................................. + ++++++ + + ++ ++++++ + +++ ++++ + + +++++++ sp|P08908| 279 gavrqgddgaalevievhrvgnskehlplpseagptpcapasferknern 328 .....kkrsskerkaaktllvvvvvFvlCWlPyfivllldtlc.lsiims + ++k+ +erk++ktl++++++F+lCWlP+fiv+l+ ++c++s++m sp|P08908| 329 aeakrKMALARERKTVKTLGIIMGTFILCWLPFFIVALVLPFCeSSCHM- 377 stCelervlptallvtlwLayvNsclNPiIY<-* + + +++wL+y+Ns lNP+IY sp|P08908| 378 --------PTLLGAIINWLGYSNSLLNPVIY 400 Histogram of all scores: score obs exp (one = represents 1 sequences) ----- --- --- 377 1 0|= % Statistical details of theoretical EVD fit: mu = -10.6639 lambda = 0.7676 chi-sq statistic = 0.0000 P(chi-square) = 0 Total sequences searched: 1 Whole sequence top hits: tophits_s report: Total hits: 1 Satisfying E cutoff: 1 Total memory: 16K Domain top hits: tophits_s report: Total hits: 1 Satisfying E cutoff: 1 Total memory: 17K