module Watir class Alert include EventuallyPresent include Waitable def initialize(browser) @browser = browser @alert = nil end # # Returns text of alert. # # @example # browser.alert.text # #=> "ok" # # @return [String] # def text wait_for_exists @alert.text end # # Closes alert or accepts prompts/confirms. # # @example # browser.alert.ok # browser.alert.exists? # #=> false # def ok wait_for_exists @alert.accept end # # Closes alert or cancels prompts/confirms. # # @example # browser.alert.close # browser.alert.exists? # #=> false # def close wait_for_exists @alert.dismiss end # # Enters text to prompt. # # @example # browser.alert.set "Text for prompt" # browser.alert.ok # # @param [String] value # def set(value) wait_for_exists @alert.send_keys(value) end # # Returns true if alert, confirm or prompt is present and false otherwise. # # @example # browser.alert.exists? # #=> true # def exists? assert_exists true rescue Exception::UnknownObjectException false end alias_method :present?, :exists? # # @api private # def selector_string 'alert' end private def assert_exists @alert = @browser.driver.switch_to.alert rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoAlertPresentError raise Exception::UnknownObjectException, 'unable to locate alert' end def wait_for_exists return assert_exists unless Watir.relaxed_locate? begin wait_until(message: "waiting for alert", &:exists?) rescue Wait::TimeoutError unless Watir.default_timeout == 0 message = "This code has slept for the duration of the default timeout " message << "waiting for an Alert to exist. If the test is still passing, " message << "consider using Alert#exists? instead of rescuing UnknownObjectException" Watir.logger.warn message end raise Exception::UnknownObjectException, 'unable to locate alert' end end end # Alert end # Watir