- in_section :imports
- content_for :header do
  %h1 Import Donations

      %span.badge.badge-big.badge-info 1
    #{link_to 'Download an empty CSV file', template_imports_path(:type => "donations")} with these headers already filled in.
      %span.badge.badge-big.badge-info 2
    %h3 Required Fields
    .bottom-room= render :partial => "imports/shared/knowledge_base"
        %td.field-slim Date
          &nbsp Show date must be in one of the following formats
          =render :partial => "imports/shared/date_format"
          Time of day is not required.
        %td.field-slim Donation Type
          &nbsp Valid options are:
          %b Monetary, In-Kind
        %td.field-slim Payment Method
          &nbsp Valid options are:
          %b Cash, Credit card, Check, Other, Unknown.
        %td.field-slim Amount
          &nbsp The total amount of the donation.  Don't include a '$' or other currency symbols.  The tax-deductible amount of the donation (usually the total amount received, unless the donor <a href='http://www.irs.gov/publications/p526/ar02.html#en_US_2011_publink1000229650' target=_blank>received something in return</a>).
    %h3 Please include one of the following
        %td.field-slim First 
        %td The first name of the person
        %td.field-slim Last
        %td The last name of the person
        %td.field-slim Email
        %td The email address of the person  
        %td.field-slim Company Name
          If this is a company record, the name of the company. Otherwise,
          it's the name of the company that the person works for.
    %h3 Optional Fields
        %td.field-slim Deductible Amount
          &nbsp The tax-deductible amount of the donation (usually the total amount received, unless the donor <a href='http://www.irs.gov/publications/p526/ar02.html#en_US_2011_publink1000229650' target=_blank>received something in return</a>).  If this is not included, the deductible amount will be equal to the value in Amount minus any value in Non-Deductible.  Don't include a '$' or other currency symbols.  
        %td.field-slim Non-Deductible Amount
          &nbsp This is the non-deductible portion of the donation (i.e. the fair market value of <a href='http://www.irs.gov/publications/p526/ar02.html#en_US_2011_publink1000229650' target=_blank>something the donor received in return</a>).  If this is not included, the non-deductible amount will be equal to the value in Amount minus any value in Deductible.  Don't include a '$' or other currency symbols.   
    %p You can also use all of the field names in People imports.
      %span.badge.badge-big.badge-info 3
      Please only upload
      %b Comma Separated Values (CSV)
      files.  We cannot process 
      %b XLS
      %b XLSX
      = render :partial => "shared/error_messages", :locals => { :target => @import }
      = raw s3_http_upload_tag :key => "imports/#{UUID.new.generate}",
          :content_type => "text/csv",
          :redirect => new_import_url,
          :acl => "public-read",
          :max_filesize => 50.megabytes,
          :submit_button => '<input type="hidden" name="type" value="donations"/><div class="cancel-submit"><input id="import_submit" class="btn" name="commit" type="submit" value="Import"></div>'