require "test_helper" class ApplicationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "test custom initializer with an emulated plist as a hash" do setup do AppStore::Application.send(:public, *AppStore::Application.protected_instance_methods) @plist = { 'type' => 'software', 'store-offers' => { 'STDQ' => { 'price' => 42, 'size' => 101010 } }, 'artwork-urls' => [ { "box-height" => 57, "url" => "", "box-width" => 57, "needs-shine" => false }, { "box-height" => 460, "url" => "", "box-width" => 320 }, { "default" => { "box-height" => 57, "url" => "", "box-width" => 57, "needs-shine" => false }, "image-type" => "software-icon", "url" => "" }, { "thumbnail" => { "box-height" => 99, "url" => "", "box-width" => 148, "needs-shine" => false }, "default" => { "box-height" => 460, "url" => "", "box-width" => 320 }, "image-type" => "screenshot", "url" => "" }, { "thumbnail" => { "box-height" => 99, "url" => "", "box-width" => 148, "needs-shine" => false }, "default" => { "box-height" => 460, "url" => "", "box-width" => 320 }, "image-type" => "screenshot", "url" => "" }, { "thumbnail" => { "box-height" => 99, "url" => "", "box-width" => 148, "needs-shine" => false }, "default" => { "box-height" => 460, "url" => "", "box-width" => 320 }, "image-type" => "screenshot", "url" => "" }, { "thumbnail" => { "box-height" => 99, "url" => "", "box-width" => 148, "needs-shine" => false }, "default" => { "box-height" => 480, "url" => "", "box-width" => 320 }, "image-type" => "screenshot", "url" => "" } ], 'company' => { 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Google' } } @app = => @plist) end should "set price correctly on initialization from plist" do assert_equal 42, @app.price end should "set size correctly on initialization from plist" do assert_equal 101010, @app.size end should "set company correctly on initialization from plist" do assert_equal '', assert_equal 'Google', end should "have 5 artworks" do assert_equal 5, @app.artworks.count end should "have a software icon" do assert_not_nil @app.icon assert_kind_of AppStore::Image, @app.icon end should "have 4 screenshots" do assert_equal 4, @app.screenshots.count end end context "fake calls to real AppStore using FakeMechanize for offline tests" do setup do @http_agent = do |mock| # Search for term "remote" mock.get :uri => AppStore::Caller::SearchURL, :parameters => {:media => 'software', :term => 'remote'}, :body =>"test/raw_answers/search_remote.txt").read [284417350, 289616509, 316771002, 300719251].each do |app_id| # Load all applications mock.get :uri => AppStore::Caller::ApplicationURL, :parameters => {:id => app_id}, :body =>"test/raw_answers/application_#{app_id}.txt").read # Add an error catch for all non existing applications mock.error :uri => AppStore::Caller::ApplicationURL, :params_not_equal => {:id => app_id}, :body =>"test/raw_answers/application_not_found.txt").read end end # Place the fake agent in the caller AppStore::Caller.instance_variable_set "@agent", @http_agent end teardown do # Remove fake agent AppStore::Caller.instance_variable_set "@agent", nil end context "search for 'remote'" do setup do @list ='remote') end should "call search url with search term in the http query" do assert @http_agent.was_get?(AppStore::Caller::SearchURL, :parameters => {:media => 'software', :term => 'remote'}) end should "find 4 applications" do assert_equal 4, @list.length end end context "load application 316771002" do setup do @app = AppStore::Application.find_by_id(316771002) end should "should have 4 artworks" do assert_equal 4, @app.artworks.count end end end end