require 'aws-sdk-dynamodb' require 'geohash' require 'store' class DynamodbManager attr_accessor :client, :table_name, :hash_key, :range_key, :geohash_key, :geojson, :geohash_index, :hash_key_length, :local_area_size, :max_item_return def initialize(region:, table_name:, access_key_id: nil, secret_access_key: nil, profile_name: 'default', endpoint: nil) if access_key_id.nil? && secret_access_key.nil? access_key_id = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] secret_access_key = ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] credentials = profile_name).credentials if access_key_id.nil? && secret_access_key.nil? end credentials =, secret_access_key) @table_name = table_name @hash_key = 'hashkey' @range_key = 'rangekey' @geohash_key = 'geohash' @geojson = 'geoJson' @geohash_index = 'geohash-index' @hash_key_length = 4 @local_area_size = 5 @max_item_return = 10 if endpoint @client = region: region, credentials: credentials, endpoint: endpoint ) else @client = region: region, credentials: credentials, ) end end def table create_table unless @client.list_tables.table_names.include?(@table_name) @client.describe_table(table_name: @table_name) end def put_store(store) hash = store.geohash[0..(@local_area_size - 1)] json = { latitude:, longitude: store.long, address: store.address, city:, state: store.state, zip:, area_code: store.area_code, phone:, name:, } put_point(hash, json) end def get_stores(lat, long) geohash = Geohash.encode(lat, long, @local_area_size) hash = geohash[0..(@hash_key_length - 1)] all_stores = [] neighbours = Geohash.neighbours(hash) neighbours.unshift(hash) neighbours.each do |neighbour| resp = query(neighbour) resp.items.each do |item| latitude = item[@geojson]['latitude'] longitude = item[@geojson]['longitude'] address = item[@geojson]['address'] city = item[@geojson]['city'] state = item[@geojson]['state'] zip = item[@geojson]['zip'] area_code = item[@geojson]['area_code'] phone = item[@geojson]['phone'] name = item[@geojson]['name'] geohash = item[@geohash_key] all_stores << latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude, address: address, city: city, state: state, zip: zip, area_code: area_code, phone: phone, name: name, geohash: geohash ) end break if all_stores.length >= max_item_return end # We got all the stores in the biggest possible area, we increase the hash by one and search around now neighbours = Geohash.neighbours(geohash) closest_stores = { |store| store.geohash == geohash } surrounding_stores = (all_stores - closest_stores).select { |store| neighbours.include?(store.geohash) } remaining_stores = all_stores - (closest_stores + surrounding_stores) return closest_stores + surrounding_stores + remaining_stores end private def query(hash) client.query({ table_name: @table_name, index_name: @geohash_index, expression_attribute_values: { ':hash' => hash, }, key_condition_expression: "#{@hash_key} = :hash", }) end def put_point(hash, json) uuid = SecureRandom.uuid @client.put_item({ table_name: @table_name, item: { @hash_key => hash[0..(@hash_key_length - 1)], @range_key => uuid, @geohash_key => hash, @geojson => json } }) end def create_table @client.create_table({ attribute_definitions: [ { attribute_name: @hash_key, attribute_type: 'S' }, { attribute_name: @range_key, attribute_type: 'S' }, { attribute_name: @geohash_key, attribute_type: 'S' } ], key_schema: [ { attribute_name: @hash_key, key_type: 'HASH' }, { attribute_name: @range_key, key_type: 'RANGE' } ], local_secondary_indexes: [ { index_name: @geohash_index, key_schema: [ { attribute_name: @hash_key, key_type: 'HASH' }, { attribute_name: @geohash_key, key_type: 'RANGE' } ], projection: { projection_type: "ALL" } } ], provisioned_throughput: { read_capacity_units: 10, write_capacity_units: 5, }, table_name: @table_name }) end end