# # Group Puppet provider for AIX. It uses standard commands to manage groups: # mkgroup, rmgroup, lsgroup, chgroup # # Author:: Hector Rivas Gandara # require 'puppet/provider/aixobject' Puppet::Type.type(:group).provide :aix, :parent => Puppet::Provider::AixObject do desc "Group management for AIX." # This will the the default provider for this platform defaultfor :operatingsystem => :aix confine :operatingsystem => :aix # Provider features has_features :manages_aix_lam has_features :manages_members # Commands that manage the element commands :list => "/usr/sbin/lsgroup" commands :add => "/usr/bin/mkgroup" commands :delete => "/usr/sbin/rmgroup" commands :modify => "/usr/bin/chgroup" # Group attributes to ignore def self.attribute_ignore [] end # AIX attributes to properties mapping. # # Valid attributes to be managed by this provider. # It is a list with of hash # :aix_attr AIX command attribute name # :puppet_prop Puppet propertie name # :to Method to adapt puppet property to aix command value. Optional. # :from Method to adapt aix command value to puppet property. Optional self.attribute_mapping = [ #:name => :name, {:aix_attr => :id, :puppet_prop => :gid }, {:aix_attr => :users, :puppet_prop => :members, :from => :users_from_attr}, {:aix_attr => :attributes, :puppet_prop => :attributes}, ] #-------------- # Command definition # Return the IA module arguments based on the resource param ia_load_module def get_ia_module_args if @resource[:ia_load_module] ["-R", @resource[:ia_load_module].to_s] else [] end end def lscmd(value=@resource[:name]) [self.class.command(:list)] + self.get_ia_module_args + [ value] end def lsallcmd() lscmd("ALL") end def addcmd(extra_attrs = []) # Here we use the @resource.to_hash to get the list of provided parameters # Puppet does not call to self.= method if it does not exists. # # It gets an extra list of arguments to add to the user. [self.class.command(:add) ] + self.get_ia_module_args + self.hash2args(@resource.to_hash) + extra_attrs + [@resource[:name]] end def modifycmd(hash = property_hash) args = self.hash2args(hash) return nil if args.empty? [self.class.command(:modify)] + self.get_ia_module_args + args + [@resource[:name]] end def deletecmd [self.class.command(:delete)] + self.get_ia_module_args + [@resource[:name]] end #-------------- # Overwrite get_arguments to add the attributes arguments def get_arguments(key, value, mapping, objectinfo) # In the case of attributes, return a list of key=vlaue if key == :attributes raise Puppet::Error, "Attributes must be a list of pairs key=value on #{@resource.class.name}[#{@resource.name}]" \ unless value and value.is_a? Hash return value.select { |k,v| true }.map { |pair| pair.join("=") } end super(key, value, mapping, objectinfo) end def filter_attributes(hash) # Return only not managed attributtes. hash.select { |k,v| !self.class.attribute_mapping_from.include?(k) and !self.class.attribute_ignore.include?(k) }.inject({}) { |hash, array| hash[array[0]] = array[1]; hash } end def attributes filter_attributes(getosinfo(false)) end def attributes=(attr_hash) #self.class.validate(param, value) param = :attributes cmd = modifycmd({param => filter_attributes(attr_hash)}) if cmd begin execute(cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not set #{param} on #{@resource.class.name}[#{@resource.name}]: #{detail}" end end end # Force convert users it a list. def users_from_attr(value) (value.is_a? String) ? value.split(',') : value end end