import Immutable from 'seamless-immutable'; import { testReducerSnapshotWithFixtures } from '@theforeman/test'; import { TASKS_TABLE_ID, TASKS_TABLE_SET_SORT, TASKS_TABLE_SET_PAGINATION, SELECT_ROWS, UNSELECT_ROWS, UNSELECT_ALL_ROWS, UPDATE_CLICKED, SELECT_ALL_ROWS, OPEN_SELECT_ALL, } from '../TasksTableConstants'; import reducer from '../TasksTableReducer'; const fixtures = { 'should return the initial state': {}, 'should handle TASKS_TABLE_SUCCESS': { action: { type: `${TASKS_TABLE_ID}_SUCCESS`, response: { subtotal: 120, page: 3, per_page: 12, }, }, }, 'should handle TASKS_TABLE_SET_SORT': { action: { type: TASKS_TABLE_SET_SORT, payload: { by: 'a', order: 'b' }, }, }, 'should handle TASKS_TABLE_SET_PAGINATION': { action: { type: TASKS_TABLE_SET_PAGINATION, payload: { page: 4, perPage: 7 }, }, }, 'should handle SELECT_ROWS': { action: { type: SELECT_ROWS, payload: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], }, }, 'should handle UNSELECT_ROWS': { action: { type: UNSELECT_ROWS, payload: [{ id: 4 }], }, }, 'should handle UNSELECT_ALL_ROWS': { action: { type: UNSELECT_ALL_ROWS, }, }, 'should handle UPDATE_CLICKED': { action: { type: UPDATE_CLICKED, payload: { clicked: 'task' }, }, }, 'should handle SELECT_ALL_ROWS': { action: { type: SELECT_ALL_ROWS, payload: { clicked: 'task' }, }, }, 'should handle OPEN_SELECT_ALL': { action: { type: OPEN_SELECT_ALL, }, }, 'should handle UNSELECT_ROWS with all rows selected': { state: Immutable({ tasksTableQuery: { allRowsSelected: true, selectedRows: [3, 4, 5] }, }), action: { type: UNSELECT_ROWS, payload: { id: [4], results: [{ id: 3 }, { id: 4 }, { id: 5 }] }, }, }, }; describe('TasksTableReducer reducer', () => testReducerSnapshotWithFixtures(reducer, fixtures));