# encoding: UTF-8 # # This file is part of CPEE. # # Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013 Juergen Mangler # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/structures') require 'rubygems' require 'xml/smart' require 'highline' module CPEE module ProcessTransformation module Source class BPMN2 attr_reader :dataelements, :endpoints, :start, :graph def initialize(xml) #{{{ @tree = Tree.new @hl = HighLine.new @start = nil doc = XML::Smart.string(xml) doc.register_namespace 'bm', "http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL" @dataelements = {} @endpoints = {} @graph = Graph.new extract_dataelements(doc) extract_endpoints(doc) extract_nodelink(doc) @traces = Traces.new [[@start]] end #}}} def extract_dataelements(doc) doc.find("/bm:definitions/bm:process/bm:property[bm:dataState/@name='cpee:dataelement']").each do |ref| if ref.attributes['itemSubjectRef'] doc.find("/bm:definitions/bm:itemDefinition[@id=\"" + ref.attributes['itemSubjectRef'] + "\"]").each do |sref| @dataelements[ref.attributes['name']] = sref.attributes['structureRef'].to_s end else @dataelements[ref.attributes['name']] = '' end end end def extract_endpoints(doc) doc.find("/bm:definitions/bm:process/bm:property[bm:dataState/@name='cpee:endpoint']/@itemSubjectRef").each do |ref| doc.find("/bm:definitions/bm:itemDefinition[@id=\"" + ref.value + "\"]/@structureRef").each do |sref| @endpoints[ref.value] = sref.value end end end def extract_nodelink(doc) doc.find("/bm:definitions/bm:process/bm:*[@id and @name and not(@itemSubjectRef) and not(name()='sequenceFlow')]").each do |e| n = Node.new(self.object_id,e.attributes['id'],e.qname.name.to_sym,e.attributes['name'].strip,e.find('count(bm:incoming)'),e.find('count(bm:outgoing)')) if e.attributes['scriptFormat'] != '' n.script_type = e.attributes['scriptFormat'] end e.find("bm:property[@name='cpee:endpoint']/@itemSubjectRef").each do |ep| n.endpoints << ep.value end e.find("bm:property[@name='cpee:method']/@itemSubjectRef").each do |m| n.methods << m.value end e.find("bm:script").each do |s| n.script ||= '' n.script << s.text.strip end e.find("bm:ioSpecification/bm:dataInput").each do |a| name = a.attributes['name'] value = a.attributes['itemSubjectRef'] if @dataelements.keys.include?(value) n.parameters[name] = 'data.' + value else n.parameters[name] = value end end e.find("bm:ioSpecification/bm:dataOutput").each do |a| ref = a.attributes['id'] e.find("bm:dataOutputAssociation[bm:sourceRef=\"#{ref}\"]").each do |d| n.script_var = ref n.script_id = d.find("string(bm:targetRef)") end end @graph.add_node n @start = n if n.type == :startEvent && @start == nil end # extract all sequences to a links doc.find("/bm:definitions/bm:process/bm:sequenceFlow").each do |e| source = e.attributes['sourceRef'] target = e.attributes['targetRef'] cond = e.find('bm:conditionExpression') @graph.add_link Link.new(source, target, cond.empty? ? nil : cond.first.text.strip) end @graph.clean_up do |node| if node.type == :scriptTask && (x = @graph.find_script_id(node.id)).any? x.each do |k,n| n.script = node.script n.script_type = node.script_type end true else false end end end def build_traces #{{{ build_extraces @traces, @start @traces end #}}} def build_tree(debug=false) #{{{ build_ttree @tree, @traces.dup, nil, debug debug_print debug, 'Tree finished' @tree end #}}} def build_extraces(traces, node) #{{{ dupt = traces.last.dup @graph.next_nodes(node).each_with_index do |n,i| traces << dupt.dup if i > 0 if traces.last.include?(n) traces.last << n else traces.last << n build_extraces(traces,n) end end end #}}} private :build_extraces def map_node(node,flat) #{{{ case node.type when :parallelGateway flat ? nil : Parallel.new(node.id,node.type) when :exclusiveGateway flat ? nil : Conditional.new(node.id,:exclusive,node.type) when :eventBasedGateway flat ? nil : Parallel.new(node.id,node.type,1) when :inclusiveGateway flat ? nil : Conditional.new(node.id,:inclusive,node.type) when :endEvent, :startEvent, nil nil else node end end #}}} private :map_node def print_node(niceid) @graph.find_node(niceid) end def build_ttree(branch,traces,enode=nil,debug=false,down=0) while not traces.finished? ### if traces exist more than once, make it so they exist only once ### if somebody creates a modell with an inclusive/exclusive that ### has identical branches with different conditions, we are fucked ### but how are the odds? right? right? traces.uniq! puts '--> now on ' + down.to_s if debug debug_print debug, traces if node = traces.same_first if branch.empty? && branch.respond_to?(:id) li = if (branch.id == traces.first_node.id) ### for tail controlled loops, use the link from this to next ### if a tasks loops to itself, then second_nodes returns the first @graph.link(branch.id,traces.second_nodes.first.id) else @graph.link(branch.id,traces.first_node.id) end unless li.nil? if branch.condition? branch.condition << li.condition unless li.condition.nil? branch.condition_type = "text/javascript" end if branch.respond_to?(:attributes) branch.attributes.merge!(li.attributes) li.attributes.delete_if{true} end end end if node == enode traces.shift_all elsif traces.incoming(node) == 1 traces.shift_all n = map_node(node,traces.same_first) if !n.nil? && !(n.container? && traces.finished?) (branch << n).compact! end else loops = traces.loops if node.type == :exclusiveGateway || traces.all_loops? # or (infinite loop[s]) traces.remove(loops) ### an infinite loop that can only be left by break is created ### at the output time it is decided wether this can be optimized branch << Loop.new(node.id) ### duplicate because we need it later to remove all the shit from traces loops.add_breaks(self.object_id,node.type == :exclusiveGateway) ### remove the exclusive gateway because we no longer need it ### if there is non (tail controlled, remove the loop target (last) if node.type == :exclusiveGateway loops.shift_all traces.shift_all else loops.pop_all end ### add the blank conditional to get a break puts '--> down head_loop to ' + (down + 1).to_s if debug build_ttree branch, loops, nil, debug, down + 1 puts '--> up head_loop from ' + (down + 1).to_s if debug else ### throw away the loop traces, remove loop traces from front of all other traces traces.remove(loops) traces.eliminate(loops) loops.extend puts '--> down tail_loop to ' + (down + 1).to_s if debug build_ttree branch, loops.dup, nil, debug, down + 1 puts '--> up tail_loop from ' + (down + 1).to_s if debug end traces.remove_empty end else endnode = traces.find_endnode || enode puts "--> endnode #{endnode.nil? ? 'nil' : endnode.niceid}" if debug tracesgroup, endnode = traces.segment_by endnode tracesgroup.each do |trcs| nb = branch.last.new_branch unless trcs.finished? puts '--> branch down to ' + (down + 1).to_s if debug build_ttree nb, trcs, endnode, debug, down + 1 puts '--> branch up from ' + (down + 1).to_s if debug end end # remove all traces that don't start with endnode to account for loops if endnode.nil? traces.empty! else traces.remove_by_endnode(endnode) end end end end private :build_ttree def debug_print(debug,traces) #{{{ if debug puts '-' * @hl.output_cols, @tree.to_s puts traces.to_s @hl.ask('Continue ... '){ |q| q.echo = false } end end #}}} private :debug_print def generate_model(formater) #{{{ formater.new(@tree).generate end #}}} end end end end